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Stream: general
Topic: Failed module instance search
Chris Hughes (May 11 2022 at 11:11):
For some reason this instance search is failing. Does someone know why?
import tactic
import linear_algebra.tensor_algebra.basic
example (R : Type) [comm_ring R] (ι : Type)
(M : ι → Type) [Π (i : ι), add_comm_group (M i)]
[Π (i : ι), module R (M i)]
(N : Type)
[add_comm_group N]
[module R N] : module R (Π i : ι, (M i →ₗ[R] N)) :=
by apply_instance
It can find an instance for both M i →ₗ[R] N
and Π i : ι, N
so I don't understand why it fails
Yaël Dillies (May 11 2022 at 11:12):
Is it not pi types troubles again?
Eric Wieser (May 11 2022 at 11:12):
See docs#pi.matrix_algebra for another example of this problem
Eric Wieser (May 11 2022 at 11:13):
The solution workaround is just to add a duplicate instance
Eric Wieser (May 11 2022 at 11:16):
Perhaps like this:
import tactic
import linear_algebra.tensor_algebra.basic
-- example below fails without this
/-- A special case of `pi.module` for `linear_map.module` when the codomain is not
dependently typed. -/
instance pi.linear_map_module_domain {ι R R₂ S M₂ : Type*} {M : ι → Type*}
[semiring R]
[semiring R₂] [Π i, add_comm_monoid (M i)] [add_comm_monoid M₂] [Π i, module R (M i)]
[module R₂ M₂] {σ₁₂ : R →+* R₂} [semiring S] [module S M₂]
[smul_comm_class R₂ S M₂]:
module S (Π i, M i →ₛₗ[σ₁₂] M₂) :=
by apply_instance
example (R : Type) [comm_ring R] (ι : Type)
(M : ι → Type) [Π (i : ι), add_comm_group (M i)]
[Π (i : ι), module R (M i)]
(N : Type)
[add_comm_group N]
[module R N] : module R (Π i : ι, (M i →ₗ[R] N)) :=
by apply_instance
(edited to be semilinear too)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC