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Topic: GCC JIT Binding for Lean4
Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Sep 07 2023 at 04:40):
I am working on creating a GCC JIT Binding for Lean: https://github.com/SchrodingerZhu/lean-gccjit. (Named "Jit" as it is, libgccjit
can actually be used as a pretty good AOT backend.)
It is still very very early stage with low-level direct bindings only. However, it gained the ability to emit its first executable just now!
def blockCheck1 (ctx: Context) : IO Unit := do
let location ← ctx.newLocation "test.c" 3 3
let int ← ctx.getType TypeEnum.Int
let code ← ctx.newParam location int "code"
let exit ← ctx.newFunction location FunctionKind.Imported int "exit" #[code] false
let main ← ctx.newFunction location FunctionKind.Exported int "main" #[] false
let entry ← main.newBlock "entry"
let zero ← ctx.zero int
let callExit ← ctx.newCall location exit #[zero]
entry.endWithReturn location callExit
It is very likely that I have made many mistakes in creating the bindings. I am hoping that someone else interested can help audit the code and also help design Monad
flavor higher-level interfaces.
Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Sep 08 2023 at 15:23):
It is now able to compile a brainfuck program!
import «LeanGccJit»
import LeanGccJit.Version
import LeanGccJit.Types
import LeanGccJit.Unsafe
inductive BFItem :=
| Right
| Left
| Inc
| Dec
| PutChar
| GetChar
| Loop (body : Array BFItem)
deriving Repr
partial def compileBF (ctx: Context) (putchar: Func) (getchar: Func) (main: Func)
(block: Block) (gBuffer : LValue) (cursor : LValue) (one: RValue) (prog: Array BFItem)
: IO Block := do
let mut block := block
for i in prog do
match i with
| BFItem.Right =>
block.addAssignmentOp none cursor BinaryOp.Plus one
| BFItem.Left =>
block.addAssignmentOp none cursor BinaryOp.Minus one
| BFItem.Inc =>
let access ← ctx.newArrayAccess none (← gBuffer.asRValue) (← cursor.asRValue)
block.addAssignmentOp none access BinaryOp.Plus one
| BFItem.Dec =>
let access ← ctx.newArrayAccess none (← gBuffer.asRValue) (← cursor.asRValue)
block.addAssignmentOp none access BinaryOp.Minus one
| BFItem.PutChar =>
let access ← ctx.newArrayAccess none (← gBuffer.asRValue) (← cursor.asRValue)
let ch ← ctx.newCall none putchar #[(← access.asRValue)]
block.addEval none ch
| BFItem.GetChar =>
let access ← ctx.newArrayAccess none (← gBuffer.asRValue) (← cursor.asRValue)
let ch ← ctx.newCall none putchar #[(← access.asRValue)]
block.addAssignment none access ch
| BFItem.Loop body =>
let loop ← main.newBlock none
let after ← main.newBlock none
let access ← ctx.newArrayAccess none (← gBuffer.asRValue) (← cursor.asRValue)
let access ← ctx.newCast none (← access.asRValue) (← ctx.getType TypeEnum.Bool)
block.endWithConditional none access loop after
let blk ← compileBF ctx putchar getchar main loop gBuffer cursor one body
blk.endWithConditional none access loop after
block := after
pure block
def splitAtEnd (prog: List Char) : (List Char × List Char) :=
let rec loop (level: Nat) (prog: List Char) (acc: List Char) : (List Char × List Char) :=
match prog, level with
| '[' :: rest, level => loop (level + 1) rest ('[' :: acc)
| ']' :: rest, 0 => (acc.reverse, rest)
| ']' :: rest, level => loop (level - 1) rest (']' :: acc)
| c :: rest, level => loop level rest (c :: acc)
| _ , _ => panic! "unterminated loop"
loop 0 prog []
partial def parseBFProg (prog: List Char) (compiled: Array BFItem) : Array BFItem :=
match prog with
| '>' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.Right)
| '<' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.Left)
| '+' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.Inc)
| '-' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.Dec)
| '.' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.PutChar)
| ',' :: rest => parseBFProg rest (compiled.push BFItem.GetChar)
| '[' :: rest =>
let (body, tail) := splitAtEnd rest
let bodyCompiled := parseBFProg body #[]
parseBFProg tail (compiled.push (BFItem.Loop bodyCompiled))
| _ => compiled
partial def compileBFToFile (path: System.FilePath) (prog: String) : IO Unit := do
let ctx ← Context.acquire
ctx.setIntOption IntOption.OptimizationLevel 3
let int ← ctx.getType TypeEnum.Int
let chParam ← ctx.newParam none int "ch"
let putchar ← ctx.newFunction none FunctionKind.Imported int "putchar" #[chParam] false
let getchar ← ctx.newFunction none FunctionKind.Imported int "getchar" #[] false
let main ← ctx.newFunction none FunctionKind.Exported int "main" #[] false
let buffer ← ctx.newArrayType none int 1024
let gBuffer ← ctx.newGlobal none GlobalKind.Internal buffer "buffer"
let cursor ← main.newLocal none int "cursor"
let mut block ← main.newBlock "entry"
let one ← ctx.one int
block.addAssignment none cursor (← ctx.newRvalueFromUInt32 int 512)
let last ← compileBF ctx putchar getchar main block gBuffer cursor one (parseBFProg prog.toList #[])
let zero ← ctx.zero int
last.endWithReturn none zero
ctx.compileToFile OutputKind.Executable path.toString
IO.println s!"{(← ctx.getFirstError)}"
Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Sep 08 2023 at 15:29):
Say "hello, world" with
compileBFToFile "/tmp/bf" "++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++."
Schrodinger ZHU Yifan (Sep 26 2023 at 19:56):
First release published as https://github.com/SchrodingerZhu/lean-gccjit.
See also the documentation.
Thanks for offering help and suggestions during the progress!
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC