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Topic: Graphs, subtypes, sets, fintypes
Pablo Le Hénaff (Jun 15 2018 at 13:56):
Hello hello
I would like to formalize some theorems of graph theory, but before going any further I would like to get the basis of the implementation right.
I did do some work representing the edges as a set, but I didn't feel it was the most natural ways to do it. I tried another approach using the binary edge relation between vertices and lots of coercions from sets to subtypes, but it had me write lots of instances which I don't find particularily aesthetic. Here is a piece of code which is right but doesn't seem to carry the best design choices that could be made. What do you think ? :)
import data.set open set -- so my goal is to define graphs -- I find the best way to implement them is as a structure with a set of vertices and a binary relation on those vertices -- I like the coercion from sets to subtypes, but it looks like it makes things a little complicated with the little experience I have (see below) constants {V : Type} (vertices : set V) (edge : vertices → vertices → Prop) -- this is an extra convenient definition to allow the creation of "set edges" below def edges : set (vertices × vertices) := λ⟨v₁,v₂⟩, edge v₁ v₂ -- I would like to reason on the edge binary relation rather than on the set of edges, that's why I suppose edge is a decidable rel instance [H : decidable_rel edge] : decidable_pred edges := λ⟨v₁,v₂⟩, H v₁ v₂ -- set of edges whose tip is v ∈ vertices -- used to define the "in-degree" of vertex v -- in_edges has type "set edges" because I find it convenient, maybe it's not the best to do (too many coercions ?) def in_edges (v : vertices) : set edges := let ⟨v,hv⟩ := v in λ⟨⟨_,⟨b,hb⟩⟩, _⟩, b = v -- I need to use noncomputable because in_edges is a set whose base type is a subtype and -- I only assume decidable_eq on V -- but there exists subtype.decidable_eq... #check subtype.decidable_eq noncomputable instance [H : decidable_eq V] {v : vertices} : decidable_pred (in_edges v) := let ⟨v,hv⟩ := v in λ⟨⟨⟨a, ha⟩,⟨b,hb⟩⟩, _⟩, H b v noncomputable instance {v : vertices} [fintype vertices] [decidable_rel edge] [decidable_eq V] : fintype (in_edges v) := @set_fintype _ (set_fintype _) _ _ variables [fintype vertices] [decidable_eq V] [decidable_rel edge] -- now I want to define some stuff on finite graphs and prove some lemmas -- for instance, the sum of the in_degrees of all the vertices is equal to fintype.card edges -- which I did prove, but with another unpleasant setup noncomputable def in_degree (v : vertices) := finset.card (in_edges v).to_finset -- this doesn't work without the extra instances above -- I would like instances to be inferred out-of-the-box but I didn't succeed
Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 13:59):
I think you are misusing constants
here - this is equivalent to axiom
in lean, while I think you mean something more like variables
or parameters
Pablo Le Hénaff (Jun 15 2018 at 14:02):
Probably ! My initial script involved the definition of a graph structure and then a graph as a variable. The "constants" part was just to make it shorter, should be "variables" then.
Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 14:02):
For the theory of possibly infinite graphs, I recommend using a type alpha of vertices and a binary relation E for the edges. In this context it does not differ substantially with order theory
Pablo Le Hénaff (Jun 15 2018 at 14:03):
But then, how would you describe a subset of the vertices, for instance a clique ?
Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 14:04):
the subset itself can just be a set A
Mario Carneiro (Jun 15 2018 at 14:04):
but if you want to talk about the induced subgraph you can use subtype
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC