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Topic: Group morphism

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 21:54):


I have a little problem, it's just computation but i can't do !!! Is there a tatict how deal with ring morphism ? At the end of the code ' hom_map_group_comp' !

import algebra.ring
import tactic
##  It's the group functor  Idem,
##  e1 × e2 = e1 e2 + (1-e1)(1-e2)
structure Idem (R : Type ) [comm_ring R] :=
(e  : R)
(certif :  e * e = e)
namespace  Idem
 variables {R : Type }[comm_ring R]                              --   ""
    /- extention lemma : E = E' ↔  E.e = E'.e
    @[ext]lemma ext :  {g1 g2 : Idem R}, g1.e = g2.e  g1 = g2 := λ g1 g2,
            intros h1 ,
            cases g1,
            cases g2,
            congr ; try { assumption },   ---
    -- We start to define one element : neutral element
    def one  : Idem (R) := {e := 1,  certif := mul_one 1}
    instance : has_one (Idem R) := one
    -- lemma !
    lemma one_e : (1 : Idem(R)).e = 1 := rfl
    -- comm ring calculation !
    lemma alg_calc (a b : R) : (a * b + (1 - a) * (1 - b)) * (a * b + (1 - a) * (1 - b)) =(a * a) * (b * b) +
                         ((1 - a) * (1 - a)) * ((1 - b) * (1 - b)) + 2* (a* (1 - a)) * (b*(1 - b)) := by ring

    lemma compl_e (E : Idem R) : (1-E.e) * (1-E.e)  = (1-E.e)  :=
            have H : (1-E.e) * (1-E.e) = 1- 2 * E.e + E.e *E.e,
            rw E.certif at H,
            rw H,
    /-   e → 1-e
    def ortho : Idem R  Idem R := λ E,
            exact {e := 1-E.e, certif := compl_e E}
    lemma ortho_comp (E : Idem R) : (ortho E).e = 1-E.e := rfl
    lemma ortho_is_involution (E : Idem R) : ortho (ortho E) = E :=
        rw ortho_comp,
        rw ortho_comp,

    lemma ortho_e (E : Idem R) : E.e * (1-E.e) = 0 :=
            rw [mul_sub_left_distrib,mul_one,E.certif],
            exact sub_self E.e,
    def mul_map' : Idem (R)   Idem (R)  Idem (R) := λ g1 g2, begin
        exact { e := g1.e * g2.e + ((1 : R) -g1.e) * ((1 : R)-g2.e),certif := begin
            rw [alg_calc g1.e g2.e,ortho_e g1,g1.certif,g2.certif,mul_zero,zero_mul,add_zero,compl_e g1,compl_e g2], end }
    instance : inhabited (Idem R) := 1

    instance : has_mul (Idem R) := Idem.mul_map'

    lemma e_comp (g1 g2 : Idem R) : (g1 * g2).e = g1.e * g2.e+((1 :R)-g1.e) * ((1 : R)-g2.e) :=  rfl

    def mul_inv : Idem R  Idem R := λ g, g

    instance : has_inv (Idem R) := Idem.mul_inv

    lemma e_comp_inv (g : Idem R) : (g⁻¹).e =g.e  :=  rfl
    meta def Idem_ring : tactic unit :=
            `[simp only [one_e, e_comp ,e_comp_inv], ring]

    run_cmd add_interactive [`Idem_ring]

def mul_one'  (g : Idem R) :  g * 1 = g := begin ext; Idem_ring, end
def one_mul' (g : Idem R)  : 1 * g = g := begin ext ;Idem_ring, end
def mul_assoc' (g1 g2 g3 : Idem R) :  (g1 * g2) * g3 = g1 * (g2 * g3) := begin ext; Idem_ring, end

lemma mul_right_inv' (g : Idem R) : g * g⁻¹ = 1 :=
        rw [e_comp,e_comp_inv,g.certif,compl_e,one_e],

 lemma mul_left_inv' (g : Idem R) :  g⁻¹ * g = 1 :=
        rw [e_comp,e_comp_inv,g.certif,compl_e,one_e],
instance : group (Idem R) :=
  { mul             := mul_map',
    one             := 1,
    one_mul         := one_mul',
    mul_one         := mul_one',
    inv             :=  mul_inv,
    mul_assoc       := mul_assoc',
    mul_left_inv    := mul_left_inv',}

open is_ring_hom
variables {R' : Type }[comm_ring R'] (f : R   R')[is_ring_hom f]
def hom_map (f : R   R')[is_ring_hom f] : Idem (R)  Idem (R') := λ g,
        e := f g.e,
        certif := begin rw [ map_mul (f),g.certif], end
lemma e_comp_hom (g : Idem R) : (hom_map (f) (g)).e = f g.e := rfl
meta def Idem_hom : tactic unit :=
`[simp only [one_e, e_comp ,e_comp_inv,e_comp_hom,map_add,map_mul], ring]

run_cmd add_interactive [`Idem_hom]
lemma hom_map_group_comp  (g1 g2 : Idem R) :
     hom_map (f) (g1 * g2) = (hom_map (f) g1) * hom_map (f) g2  := begin
        sorry,   ---------- BRUTAL COMPUTATION ! But i can't !

lemma hom_map_one  (g1 g2 : Idem R) : hom_map f (1) = 1 :=
    exact map_one f,
end Idem

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 22:36):

ouf ! it's ok ! I just change

meta def idem_hom : tactic unit :=
`[simp only [map_add f,map_mul f,map_mul f,map_sub f,map_sub f,map_one f,e_comp_hom,e_comp]]

run_cmd add_interactive [`idem_hom]
lemma hom_map_group_comp  (g1 g2 : Idem R) :
     hom_map (f) (g1 * g2) = (hom_map (f) g1) * hom_map (f) g2  := begin
        -- rw [e_comp_hom,e_comp,map_add f,map_mul f,map_mul f,map_sub f,map_sub f,map_one f],

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 22:49):

This would be better with bundled ring homs. Then you can just do stuff like rw f.map_mul

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:01):

Why mul_one' when it could just be mul_one?

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:03):

mul_one and one_mul and mul_right_inv and mul_left_inv could probably all be simp lemmas. In fact I think that you are making some kind of lattice structure, aren't you? Why don't you show that Idem R is a partial order with ab    ab=aa\leq b\iff ab=a? Is this how it works? Then I think multiplication is some kind of inf operator, and you have a bot and a top.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:04):

In fact I think that you define has_mul on Idem R but I think that this should be has_inf. The symbol for inf is \glb.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:08):

I think you are basically rediscovering some standard lattice structure on the idempotents of a ring. My guess is that you would be better off making an instance of lattice (Idem R) or semilattice_inf_top (Idem R) or whatever it is.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:09):

Then hopefully several of the lemmas you want to prove will already be proved for you because they will be proved for all lattices.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:09):

But you have to use lattice notation and not *

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 23:09):

hum interesting !

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:10):

It was a big shock to me when Kenny defined a lattice structure on the bundled ideals of a ring and then told me I had to use when I meant . But actually now I can see the benefits of using the "correct" lattice notation.

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 23:13):

In fact Idem R, is isomorphic to connected composant of Spec (R), so perhaps, geometricaly, the order is inclusion of component ?

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 23:13):

order i mean the lattice

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:14):

Idem R is not just the connected components, it's all the clopen subspaces

orlando (Mar 26 2020 at 23:14):

Yes true !

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:14):

And the order is inclusion yes

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:15):

You have to decide whether ef=eef=e will be e<=f or f<=e

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:16):

Then one lattice law is just multiplication and the other is 1- then multiply then 1- again

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 26 2020 at 23:30):

It sounds like a lattice to me

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 17:16):

@orlando here is the lattice structure.

import algebra.ring
import tactic
import order.bounded_lattice
##  It's the group functor  idem,
##  e1 × e2 = e1 e2 + (1-e1)(1-e2)
structure idem (R : Type ) [comm_ring R] :=
(e : R)
(certif : e * e = e)

namespace idem

variables {R : Type} [comm_ring R]

/-! extension lemma : E = E' ↔  E.e = E'.e -/
@[ext] lemma ext :  {g1 g2 : idem R}, g1.e = g2.e  g1 = g2
| ⟨_, _⟩ ⟨_, _⟩ := λ h, by congr; exact h

-- add a coercion from `idem R` to `R`
instance : has_coe (idem R) R := e

-- Now if `E : idem R` you can just talk about `E : R` and this is the same as `↑E : R`
-- You don't have to put `E.e` any more

@[simp] theorem certif_def (E : idem R) : (E : R) * E = E := E.certif

def bot : idem R := {e := 0, certif := mul_zero 0}

instance : has_bot (idem R) := bot

def inf (E F : idem R) : idem R :=
{ e := E * F,
  certif := by rw [(show ((E : R) * F) * (E * F) = E * E * (F * F), by ring), E.certif_def, F.certif_def]

-- `\glb` notation ⊓
instance : has_inf (idem R) := inf

lemma inf_comm {E F : idem R} : E  F = F  E := by ext; apply mul_comm

@[simp] lemma inf_def (E F : idem R) : ((E  F) : R) = E * F := rfl

def le (E F : idem R) := E  F = E

-- ≤ notation
instance : has_le (idem R) := le

@[simp] theorem le_def (E F : idem R) : E  F  (E : R) * F = E :=
⟨λ h, begin change E  F = E at h, show (E  F).e = E.e, rw h end, @ext _ _ (E  F) E

instance : partial_order (idem R) :=
{ le := (),
  le_refl := λ E, begin ext, exact E.certif end,
  le_trans := λ E F G hEF hFG, begin
    show (E : R) * G = E,
    rw le_def at hEF hFG,
    suffices : (E : R) * F * G = E,
    { rwa hEF at this},
    rw [mul_assoc, hFG, hEF],
  le_antisymm := λ E F hEF hFE, begin
    change E  F = E at hEF,
    rw [hEF, inf_comm],
    exact hFE
  end }

lemma bot_le {E : idem R} :   E :=
  exact zero_mul _,

lemma inf_le_left {E F : idem R} : E  F  E :=
  suffices : (E : R) * F * E = E * F,
    simpa using this,
  rw [mul_comm, mul_assoc, E.certif_def],

lemma inf_le_right {E F : idem R} : E  F  F := by rw [inf_comm]; apply inf_le_left

lemma le_inf {E F G : idem R} (hEF : E  F) (hEG : E  G) : E  F  G :=
  suffices : (E : R) * (F * G) = E,
    simpa using this,
  rw le_def at hEF hEG,
  rw [mul_assoc, hEF, hEG],

instance : order_bot (idem R) :=
{ bot_le := λ _, bot_le, ..idem.has_bot, ..idem.partial_order}

instance : semilattice_inf_bot (idem R) :=
{ inf_le_left := λ _ _, inf_le_left,
  inf_le_right := λ _ _, inf_le_right,
  le_inf := λ _ _ _, le_inf,
  ..idem.has_inf, ..idem.order_bot

-- Should automation generate semilattice_sup_top instance
-- after this definition of inv,
-- and inv_inv and le_of_inv_le_inv?

def inv (E : idem R) : idem R :=
{ e := 1 - E,
  certif := begin
    rw [(show ((1 : R) - E) * (1 - E) = 1 - 2 * E + E * E, by ring), certif_def],

-- ⁻¹ notation for `inv`
instance : has_inv (idem R) := inv

@[simp] theorem inv_def (E : idem R) : (E⁻¹ : R) = 1 - E := rfl

@[simp] theorem inv_inv (E : idem R) : E⁻¹⁻¹ = E :=
  cases E with e he,
  show 1 - (1 - e) = e,

theorem eq_of_inv_eq (E F : idem R) : E⁻¹ = F⁻¹  E = F :=
  intro h,
  rw inv_inv E,
  rw h,
  exact inv_inv F

theorem le_of_inv_le_inv (E F : idem R) : E⁻¹  F⁻¹  F  E :=
  intro h,
  rw le_def at h ,
  have h2 : ((1 : R) - E) * (1 - F) = 1 - E,
    simpa using h,
  rw [show ((1 : R) - E) * (1 - F) = F * E - (E + F - 1), by ring, sub_eq_iff_eq_add] at h2,
  rw h2,

theorem inv_le_inv_of_le {E F : idem R} : E  F  F⁻¹  E⁻¹ :=
  intro h,
  apply le_of_inv_le_inv,
  simp [h],

-- I want the next part to be automatically generated
def sup (E F : idem R) := (F⁻¹  E⁻¹)⁻¹

-- ⊔ notation (\lub)
instance : has_sup (idem R) := sup

@[simp] theorem sup_def (E F : idem R) : E  F = (F⁻¹  E⁻¹)⁻¹ := rfl

def top : idem R := ⁻¹

-- ⊤ notation (\top)
instance : has_top (idem R) := top

@[simp] theorem top_def : ( : idem R) = ⁻¹ := rfl

@[simp] theorem inv_top : ( : idem R)⁻¹ =  :=
  apply eq_of_inv_eq,

theorem le_top {E : idem R} : E   :=
  apply le_of_inv_le_inv,
  convert bot_le,

instance : order_top (idem R) :=
{ le_top := λ _, le_top, ..idem.has_top, ..idem.partial_order}

-- a machine could write these
instance: semilattice_sup_top (idem R) :=
{ le_sup_left := λ E F, begin
    apply le_of_inv_le_inv,
    rw sup_def,
    rw inv_inv,
    apply inf_le_right,
  le_sup_right := λ E F, begin
    apply le_of_inv_le_inv,
    rw sup_def,
    rw inv_inv,
    apply inf_le_left,
  sup_le := λ E F G hEF hFG, begin
    apply le_of_inv_le_inv,
    rw sup_def,
    rw inv_inv,
    apply le_inf (inv_le_inv_of_le hFG) (inv_le_inv_of_le hEF),
  ..idem.has_sup, ..idem.order_top

instance : bounded_lattice (idem R) :=
  ..idem.semilattice_inf_bot, ..idem.semilattice_sup_top

orlando (Mar 28 2020 at 17:22):

ohhh thx kevin !!!

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 17:22):

I think that this bounded lattice structure is somehow the fundamental structure on idem. I believe that you can make it into a ring as well -- you just made it a group I think.

orlando (Mar 28 2020 at 17:24):

hum i don't know if there is a natural ring structure !

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 17:29):

Lenstra told me about it in 1996 :-) it's a Boolean ring IIRC

orlando (Mar 28 2020 at 17:45):

I try to explain a little the maths ! (in english it's difficult :sweat_smile:) !

I use idempotent, for " sheafifying " finite constant group (for Zariski topology). Here it's just a little example, the good objet is the functor of complete indempotent orthogonal familly i.e ( (ei)i{1,,n}(e_i)_{ i \in \{ 1,\dots,n\}} s.t ei=1\sum e_i = 1 and eiej=0e_i e_j =0 and ei2=eie_i^2 = e_i !

Little exemple with Idem\text{Idem} and the finite constant group generate by the matrix [0110] \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} !

I make 22 objet (= functor),

B:R{(a,b)R2a24b invertible} B: R \mapsto \{ (a,b) \in R^2 \mid a^2-4b \text{ invertible} \}


X:R{(x,y)R2(xy)2 invertible}X : R \mapsto \{ (x,y) \in R^2 \mid (x-y)^2 \text{ invertible} \}

You have a map π:XB\pi : X \to B given by (x,y)(x+y,xy)(x,y) \mapsto (x+y,xy).

The fact is that Idem(R)\text{Idem}(R) act on XX over BB, the action is given by

e[ab]:=[e1e1ee][ab]e \star \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \end{bmatrix} := \begin{bmatrix} e & 1-e\\ 1-e & e \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \end{bmatrix}

For exemple if e=0e=0 the action is (a,b)(b,a)(a,b) \mapsto (b,a) ! (classical one, the system is symmetric) !

And all this stuff are functorial !

The fact is that the action is " simply transitive " (i thinck it's the official terminology) i.e transitive without fixed point ! So the group act simply transitive on fiber like topological cover !

As an example :

sage: R
Ring of integers modulo 2457
sage: G = lambda e : M([R(e),R(1-e),R(1-e),R(e)])  # M
sage: idem
[0, 1, 351, 378, 729, 1729, 2080, 2107]
sage: R(a)
sage: R(b)
sage: S                              #### couple solution x+y = a   &  x*y = b
[[189, 220],
 [220, 189],
 [675, 2191],
 [787, 2079],
 [1242, 1624],
 [1624, 1242],
 [2079, 787],
 [2191, 675]]
sage: v                           #### a particular solution
(220, 189)
sage: [G(e)*v for e in idem]   ####  orbit of v for  Idem action  ---> all the solution !!!
[(189, 220),
 (220, 189),
 (1242, 1624),
 (2079, 787),
 (675, 2191),
 (2191, 675),
 (787, 2079),
 (1624, 1242)]

orlando (Mar 28 2020 at 17:48):

Thanks for the ring structure, I'm going to meditate on it to see if there is anything interesting to say !

orlando (Mar 28 2020 at 18:28):

coersion is good !!!

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 18:53):

If you think about the elements as clopen sets, then addition is symmetric difference and multiplication is intersection.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 18:54):

After I add the coercion, I am careful to never mention .e again. I only talk about (E : R) or \u E, and I train all my simp lemmas using the coercion notation.

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 20:42):

The coercion is the "canonical notation" for the confluent rewriting thingamajig that we are trying to set up with simp

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 28 2020 at 20:42):

Darn it, I am one buzzword short

orlando (Mar 29 2020 at 07:27):

@Kevin Buzzard : For the structure of ring. I'am not good with the prime spectrum and topology but : Idem(R) \text{Idem}(R) "is equivalent" to locally constant fonction Spec(R){0,1} \text{Spec} (R) \to \{ 0,1\} and on {0,1}\{0,1\} there is ring structure.

For the lattice, i don't really use this kind of structure (in maths) ! So i will take some time !

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 29 2020 at 09:17):

Lattice: it is not difficult. It's just a partial order with sup and inf and some axioms. inf is the min of two things, id is the min of one thing, top is the min of 0 things, so now by induction we can take the minimum of any finite set. Same for max

Kevin Buzzard (Mar 29 2020 at 09:18):

Functions to {0,1}: yes that's what's going on

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC