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Topic: Help on metaprogramming
Andrew Yang (Oct 09 2022 at 06:05):
To introduce better notation for restriction of sheaves, I need a tactic that can discharge a goal of type U ≤ V
. I would like to do this via approximating the transitive closure of the lemmas in the local context and also some tagged lemmas. This is what I have now
import topology.sheaves.presheaf
meta def restrict_attr : user_attribute (tactic unit → tactic unit) unit :=
{ name := `sheaf_restrict,
descr := "tag lemmas to use in `presheaf.restrict_tac`",
cache_cfg :=
{ mk_cache := λ ns, pure $ λ t, do
{ ctx <- tactic.local_context,
ctx.any_of (tactic.focus1 ∘ (tactic.apply >=> (λ _, tactic.done)) >=> (λ _, t)) <|>
ns.any_of (tactic.focus1 ∘ (tactic.resolve_name >=> tactic.to_expr >=> tactic.apply >=>
(λ _, tactic.done)) >=> (λ _, t)) },
dependencies := [] } }
meta def restrict_tac : Π (n : ℕ), tactic unit
| 0 := tactic.fail "`restrict_tac` failed"
| (n + 1) := monad.join (restrict_attr.get_cache <*> pure tactic.done) <|>
`[tactic.transitivity, mjoin (restrict_attr.get_cache <*> pure (restrict_tac n))]
attribute [sheaf_restrict] bot_le le_top le_refl inf_le_left inf_le_right le_sup_left le_sup_right
example {α} [complete_lattice α] {v w x y z : α} (h₀ : v ≤ x) (h₁ : x ≤ z ⊓ w) (h₂ : x ≤ y ⊓ z) :
v ≤ y := by restrict_tac 5
Since this is my first time doing metaprogramming in lean, I have some questions:
Does this do what I think it does? Is there a better way to achieve this? Does the exponential behavior make it unusable in the long run?
And also I would expect the orelse
to shortcut when the first argument succeeds, so it shouldn't matter a lot what large number I put, but it seems like that's not the case. What am I missing?
Andrew Yang (Oct 09 2022 at 06:27):
Update: It breaks when the example is changed to
example {X : Top} {v w x y z : opens X} (h₀ : v ≤ x) (h₁ : x ≤ z ⊓ w) (h₂ : x ≤ y ⊓ z) :
v ≤ y := by restrict_tac 5
But I'm not sure why. I changed apply
to apply'
and the error persists.
Andrew Yang (Oct 09 2022 at 06:29):
Ah it seems like
example {X : Top} {v w x y z : opens X} (h₀ : v ≤ x) (h₁ : x ≤ z ⊓ w) (h₂ : x ≤ y ⊓ z) :
v ≤ y := by { transitivity, }
breaks already and it is not my fault.
Notification Bot (Oct 10 2022 at 02:10):
This topic was moved to #metaprogramming / tactics > Help on metaprogramming by Mario Carneiro.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC