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Topic: HoTT question
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 22:41):
I've been chatting to Martin Escudo, someone who knows a lot more about univalence than me. My understanding of one of his claims was that it was impossible to define (in Lean) a predicate P on types such that P(nat) was provably true and P(int) was provably false. His argument seemed to be that a sufficiently large part of univalence was consistent with Lean. However he said that for functions from Type to Type one could find such functions P in the presence of global choice. My understanding of his claim is that he's saying the following is provable in Lean:
import data.equiv.basic example (c : ∀ (X : Type), (nonempty X) → X) (P : Type → Type) (X Y: Type) (h : P X) (e : X ≃ Y) : P(Y) → false := sorry
In words: in the presence of what he calls "global choice" (c) one can find P : Type -> Type such that P(X) is inhabited but P(Y) isn't, for some isomorphic X and Y. Have I understood him correctly?
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 22:48):
Your formal statement is certainly false, since you are claiming that this property holds of all P
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 22:49):
I don't think the claim you attribute to Martin is true either though; even in the presence of global choice it's still possible that nat
and int
are literally different names for the same underlying type
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 22:51):
it was impossible to define (in Lean) a predicate P on types such that P(nat) was provably true and P(int) was provably false
I agree with this
However he said that for functions from Type to Type one could find such functions P in the presence of global choice.
I disagree with this unless "find" is meant in a sense other than "there is a definable lean term P such that P(X) is provably true and P(Y) is provably false and X ~= Y is provable"
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 22:59):
Aren't I claiming that if univalence holds for all P then we have a contradiction?
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 23:00):
Of course anything Martin said about univalence could well have been mangled as it passed through my brain
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 23:07):
Oh I have made an elementary error, hang on
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 23:11):
import data.equiv.basic example (c : ∀ (X : Type), (nonempty X) → X) (h : ∀ (P : Type → Type) (X Y: Type), P X → X ≃ Y → P(Y)) : false := sorry
This is what I meant to claim that he was saying should be provable. Sorry.
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 23:11):
"global choice is inconsistent with univalence"
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:18):
That's also false
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:19):
It's not the same as "global choice is inconsistent with univalence" which is true
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:19):
The key data point is that "weak univalence", or A ~= B -> A = B
, is consistent with lean
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:19):
which implies that your example statement is not provable
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:22):
example (weak_ua: ∀ {X Y}, X ≃ Y → X = Y) : ∀ (P : Type → Type) (X Y: Type), P X → X ≃ Y → P(Y) := λ P X Y hX e, eq.mp (congr_arg _ (weak_ua e)) hX
Mario Carneiro (Aug 08 2019 at 23:30):
Here is a proof that full univalence is false (using proof irrelevance, not choice)
def transport {X Y} : X = Y → X ≃ Y := λ h, eq.rec (equiv.refl _) h constant ua {X Y} : X ≃ Y → X = Y axiom ua_left_inv {X Y} (e : X ≃ Y) : transport (ua e) = e def bswap : bool ≃ bool := ⟨bnot, bnot, bnot_bnot, bnot_bnot⟩ example : false := begin have h1 : transport (ua bswap) tt = ff := (congr_arg (λ e : bool ≃ bool, e tt) (ua_left_inv bswap):_), have h2 : transport (ua bswap) tt = tt := (congr_arg (λ e : bool ≃ bool, e tt) (ua_left_inv (equiv.refl _)):_), exact bool.ff_ne_tt (h1.symm.trans h2) end
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 08 2019 at 23:33):
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 09 2019 at 06:35):
That was written just as I went to bed but I now realise that it's just the standard bool
thing again. Aut(bool) is not a subsingleton, which is problematic with an impredicative =. But what I'm trying to understand is why global choice contradicts univalence.
Chris Hughes (Aug 09 2019 at 06:54):
I think it's more or less because if I choose from a non subsingleton type, that choice won't be preserved under a non identity permutation of that type.
Chris Hughes (Aug 09 2019 at 07:37):
I had a go in HoTT Lean. There are a couple of sorries. Not sure if this is the right idea. Also HoTT Lean wants me to give explicit motives for every substitution. Thinking about it more, I'm not sure if hb'
is provable.
@[hott] def bool_not : equiv bool bool := equiv.mk bnot $ is_equiv.mk _ bnot (λ b, bool.rec_on b rfl rfl) (λ b, bool.rec_on b rfl rfl) (λ b, bool.rec_on b rfl rfl) axiom choice : Π {α : Sort*}, trunc 0 α → α noncomputable example : empty := let b := choice (trunc.tr tt) in let e : bool = bool := ua bool_not in let b' : bool := eq.cast e b in have hb' : b' = choice (trunc.tr ff), from sorry, have h : b' = bnot b, from cast_ua bool_not b, have h' : b' = b, from @eq.rec_on _ (choice (trunc.tr ff)) (λ c _, b' = c) _ (@eq.rec_on _ (choice (trunc.tr tt)) (λ c _, c = b) _ (@eq.rec_on _ (trunc.tr ff) (λ c _, choice c = choice (trunc.tr ff)) _ sorry rfl) rfl) hb',
Kevin Buzzard (Aug 09 2019 at 07:49):
Martin says that I need to use "full univalence", as other people have pointed out, and because full univalence is just inconsistent with Lean, it's inconsistent with global choice in Lean, as Mario pointed out. I don't think I have a question any more. Thanks Mario and Chris.
Floris van Doorn (Aug 09 2019 at 15:07):
There are two separate claims here, both of which are true:
- Univalence is inconsistent with proof irrelevance;
- Univalence is inconsistent with global choice.
Junyan Xu (Jul 22 2022 at 15:53):
I am able to formalize the proof in Lemma 3.8.5 in the HoTT book; the middle paragraph isn't used.
import hott.hit.trunc
open hott
axiom choice : Π {α : Sort*}, trunc -1 α → α
@[hott] example : empty :=
let X := {A | trunc -1 (bool = A)},
let x₀ : X := ⟨bool, trunc.tr rfl⟩,
let : is_contr X,
{ refine ⟨⟨x₀, λ x, _⟩⟩, cases x with x p,
refine choice (trunc.trunc_functor -1 (λ h, _) p),
exact sigma.subtype_eq h },
let hp : is_prop (x₀ = x₀), { resetI, apply_instance },
let he : (x₀ = x₀) ≃ (bool = bool) := sigma.subtype_eq_equiv x₀ x₀,
exact bool.not_is_prop_bool_eq_bool (is_trunc.is_trunc_equiv_closed _ he hp),
Choice is stated as trunc -1 α → α
as it normally is, not trunc 0 α → α
. I don't know why @Chris Hughes uses trunc 0
and I don't know whether that version is consistent with univalence.
Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jul 24 2022 at 20:50):
Are you sure that with your conventions trunc -1 α → α
is in Prop
Junyan Xu (Jul 24 2022 at 21:35):
I don't think trunc -1 α → α
is in Prop
, but trunc -1 α
is (more precisely, the type trunc -1 α
together with a proof that it is_prop
, is a term of type Prop
). I think trunc -1
is the HoTT analogue of docs#nonempty, so axiom choice
above is the analogue of global choice (docs#classical.choice). trunc 0 α
on the other hand truncates α
to a set.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC