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Topic: How to break lines

Miguel Marco (Oct 28 2023 at 13:45):

I am trying to wrote a tactic that behaves like field_simp, but also uses cancelation in denominators (adding the corresponding hypothesis to be proved as new goals). It is basically a sequence of rewrites:

syntax "unify_denoms" (location)? : tactic

| `(tactic | unify_denoms $[at $location]?) => `(tactic |( field_simp $[at $location]?;  repeat (first | rw [ one_div] $[at $location]? | rw [div_add_div] $[at $location]?| rw [div_sub_div] $[at $location]?| rw [add_div'] $[at $location]?| rw [div_add'] $[at $location]?| rw [add_sub'] $[at $location]?| rw [sub_div'] $[at $location]? | rw [mul_div_mul_right] $[at $location]? | rw [mul_div_mul_left] $[at $location]?)))

as you can see, it results in a very long line, but if i try to split it, it gives errors. So I have two questions:

  • Is there a way to break the line so it looks better, but Lean still considers it as a single line in terms of syntax?
  • Is there a more elegant (or better in a general sense) to do this kind of thing?

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:11):

#mwe? I would expect that you could break that in many places without errors

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 28 2023 at 14:11):

Extra brackets

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 28 2023 at 14:11):

You need extra brackets starting after (tactic|

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:12):

One other thing to do is use $loc instead of $location seeing as you have it 5 times

Miguel Marco (Oct 28 2023 at 14:22):

Alex J. Best said:

#mwe? I would expect that you could break that in many places without errors


syntax "unify_denoms" (location)? : tactic

| `(tactic | unify_denoms $[at $loc]?) => `(tactic | ( field_simp $[at $loc]?;  repeat (first | (rw [ one_div] $[at $loc]?) |
 (rw [div_add_div] $[at $loc]?) | (rw [div_sub_div] $[at $loc]? ))))

gives me an error: expected ')'. It highlights the first | in the last line.

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 28 2023 at 14:24):

This is not an mwe since there is no syntax category by the name location in this example

Miguel Marco (Oct 28 2023 at 14:25):

Changing loc to location has the same behaviour.

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:27):

No I just mean that it will make your line shorter and easier to read

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 28 2023 at 14:27):

I disagree with Alex since I am a fan of descriptive names, but it will really help us if you have an example where everything else is in place

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 28 2023 at 14:28):

@Miguel Marco your code gives me unknown parser declaration/category/alias 'location'. Can you post a #mwe ? Click on the link if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:28):

import Mathlib

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Parser Tactic
syntax "unify_denoms" (location)? : tactic

| `(tactic | unify_denoms $[at $loc]?) => `(tacticSeq |
  field_simp $[at $loc]?
  repeat (first
    | (rw [ one_div] $[at $loc]?)
    | (rw [div_add_div] $[at $loc]?)
    | (rw [div_sub_div] $[at $loc]?)))

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:29):

Shreyas Srinivas said:

I disagree with Alex since I am a fan of descriptive names, but it will really help us if you have an example where everything else is in place

In general I agree but $loc is already quite common in the library, so anybody reading it probably knows what it means

Miguel Marco (Oct 28 2023 at 14:29):

Alex J. Best said:

No I just mean that it will make your line shorter and easier to read

Yes, I get that. I just wanted to point that that change is not the culprit. So the mwe would be:

open Lean.Parser.Tactic

syntax "unify_denoms" (location)? : tactic

| `(tactic | unify_denoms $[at $location]?) => `(tactic | (( field_simp $[at $location]?;  repeat (first | (rw [ one_div] $[at $location]? |
 rw [div_add_div] $[at $location]? | rw [div_sub_div] $[at $location]? ))))

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 28 2023 at 14:31):

unknown tactic

Alex J. Best (Oct 28 2023 at 14:31):

I've already worked out and posted the correct opens above.

Shreyas Srinivas (Oct 28 2023 at 14:31):

  1. That is not an #mwe since the syntax line has an unknown syntax category, which leads to it not being registered, ergo unknown tactic error on the macro
  2. The below also works
import Mathlib

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Parser Tactic
syntax "unify_denoms" (location)? : tactic

| `(tactic | unify_denoms $[at $loc]?) => `(tactic |(
  field_simp $[at $loc]?
  repeat (first
    | (rw [ one_div] $[at $loc]?)
    | (rw [div_add_div] $[at $loc]?)
    | (rw [div_sub_div] $[at $loc]?))))

Kevin Buzzard (Oct 28 2023 at 14:31):

Alex has answered your question, but I'm just trying to make the point that you should check your posts by cutting and pasting into a new file. It makes everyone else's life easier.

Miguel Marco (Oct 28 2023 at 14:46):

Thanks everybody. It works.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC