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Topic: How to prove val_succ_eq_succ_val

Johan Commelin (May 15 2018 at 13:24):

This feels almost defeq to me. But I am stumped how to prove this:

lemma val_succ_eq_succ_val (j : fin n) : j.succ.val = j.val.succ := sorry

Sean Leather (May 15 2018 at 13:26):

lemma val_succ_eq_succ_val {n : } (j : fin n) : j.succ.val = j.val.succ :=
by cases j; simp [fin.succ]

Johan Commelin (May 15 2018 at 13:29):


Patrick Massot (May 15 2018 at 13:47):

I think we should add this sentence to our bluff toolbox. Instead of saying "the following is trivial", as we always do, we could say "the following is almost defeq".

Patrick Massot (May 15 2018 at 13:48):

People may think we are a bit weird (at least until proof assistant manage to take over the world).

Patrick Massot (May 15 2018 at 13:49):

But it won't be worse than all those students who took Kevin's exam on Monday and will get as their only explanation for poor grade: this doesn't type check.

Patrick Massot (May 15 2018 at 13:50):

Actually I'm reading this because I procrastinate writing a referee report. I should send "this paper does not type check" and be done with it

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:51):

I have taken off many points for solutions which don't type-check.

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:52):

I ask them what P_4(X) is, and many people tell me that it is 8cos(theta)^4-8cos(theta)^2+1

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:52):

[P_n(X) satisfies P_n(cos(theta))=cos(n.theta)]

Patrick Massot (May 15 2018 at 13:53):

Right now I'm staring at some wlog without filling in the proof obligation in that paper I need to referee

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:53):

One student wrote down the answer and said it was true "by symmetry"

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:54):

and I thought "hmm, I don't think that will work in Lean"

Kevin Buzzard (May 15 2018 at 13:54):

but at least it typechecks

Reid Barton (May 15 2018 at 16:13):

Replying to the original question; alternatively

by cases j; refl

which shows how almost-defeq it really is

Johan Commelin (May 15 2018 at 17:06):

@Mario Carneiro Should this be in mathlib?

Johan Commelin (May 15 2018 at 17:10):

And the analogue for pred.

Johan Commelin (May 15 2018 at 17:12):

More generally: should I just create PR's for such small additions, or is it too trivial for that?

Mario Carneiro (May 15 2018 at 20:16):

Small additions are fine, since they are focused and usually don't have dependency problems they are easy to review. I think it is not a good idea to have a lower bound on "too trivial" because then you have to find other things to do in the PR or forget about your little fix. It's rules like that that make typos like αdditive persist in lean core for so long

Mario Carneiro (May 15 2018 at 20:17):

I would call the theorem succ_val though

Johan Commelin (May 16 2018 at 19:31):

Done: https://github.com/leanprover/mathlib/pull/138

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC