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Topic: Introducing GPT-AF

Jason Rute (Apr 01 2021 at 04:03):

We are excited to announce GPT-AF, a big step forward in auto-formalization. From just the English statement

The natural functorially induced map from the set of isomorphisms between two NFNF-bridges (respectively, two Θ\Theta-bridges, two ΘNF\Theta N F-Hodge theaters) to the set of isomorphisms between the respective associated D\mathcal{D}-NFNF -bridges (respectively, associated D\mathcal{D}-Θ\Theta-bridges; associated D\mathcal{D}-ΘNF\Theta N F-Hodge theaters) is bijective.

GPT-AF is able to formalize that statement into Lean code, supply all the missing definitions (D\mathcal{D}-Θ\Theta-bridges, D\mathcal{D}-ΘNF\Theta N F-Hodge theaters, bijective), and fill in complete Lean proofs broken into useful lemmas. It was trained only on Lean source code and a large body of mathematical literature from the Internet, using a cycle consistent Transformer. We also demonstrate this on other cutting-edge mathematical subjects such as stochastic differential equations, perfectoid spaces, and Inter-universal Teichmüller theory. Find out more here.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC