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Topic: Lean 4: generated .cpp depends on current working directory

Uranus Testing (Jun 04 2020 at 07:46):

Suppose I have ./a/b/c.lean.
I do:

segfault@cirno-6:~/src/lean/cwd-bug$ lean4 -c c.cpp a/b/c.lean

Then there is initialize_a_b_c in c.cpp:

segfault@cirno-6:~/src/lean/cwd-bug$ cat c.cpp | grep initialize_a_b_c
lean_object* initialize_a_b_c(lean_object* w) {

Then I go into a/ and generate new c.cpp inside of a/:

segfault@cirno-6:~/src/lean/cwd-bug/a$ lean4 -c c.cpp b/c.lean

And in new c.cpp there is initialize_b_c instead of initialize_a_b_c:

segfault@cirno-6:~/src/lean/cwd-bug/a$ cat c.cpp | grep initialize_b_c
lean_object* initialize_b_c(lean_object* w) {

Is this a bug or a feature?

Uranus Testing (Jun 04 2020 at 07:48):

Lean 4 version:

segfault@cirno-6:~/src/lean/cwd-bug$ lean4 -v
Lean (version 4.0.0, commit 9aa5a5c29838, Release)

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 04 2020 at 07:55):

This is intentional. We expect multi-file projects with code generation not to be built by hand but with some build tool, e.g. the new leanmake, which should take care of this issue.

Uranus Testing (Jun 04 2020 at 08:02):

Another problem appears here: any other .lean-file will always refer to initialize_a_b_c regardless of cwd. Therefore the generation of .cpp-files outside «.» becomes impossible.

which should take care of this issue

So, should build-system fix this?

Sebastian Ullrich (Jun 04 2020 at 08:17):

There is nothing to fix. Just make sure to always call lean from the package root and everything will work out.

Uranus Testing (Jun 04 2020 at 08:17):

Thanks for the explanation.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC