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Topic: Lean puzzle #3
Keeley Hoek (Nov 27 2018 at 08:57):
Next up in my series of lean puzzles, consider the following code snippet:
universe u meta def do_some_nonsense {α : Type u} (t : tactic α) : tactic α := tactic.down (tactic.up (tactic.trace "ELLO1") >> tactic.up t) meta def do_some_nonsense' {α : Type u} (t : tactic α) : tactic α := (tactic.up (tactic.trace "ELLO2") >> t) meta def tactic_bind_override {α β : Type u} (t₁ : tactic α) (t₂ : α → tactic β) : tactic β := -- do_some_nonsense (t₁ >>= (λ a, t₂ a)) do_some_nonsense' (t₁ >>= (λ a, t₂ a)) @[inline, instance, priority 2000] meta def bind_override : has_bind tactic := ⟨@tactic_bind_override⟩ meta def go : tactic unit := tactic.trace "A" run_cmd go
Keeley Hoek (Nov 27 2018 at 08:57):
We are just stealing control of the bind
function associated to the tactic monad, to prepend every single bind with a trace statement by calling do_some_nonesense
(possibly the primed version). If you run the code as I have given it, the expected
will be printed. On the other hand, try uncommenting the commented line and commenting the line below it. This calls a slightly different version of do_some_nonsense
, but no longer prints ELLO1
before the A
. Indeed, if you use set_option trace.compiler.optimize_bytecode true
to inspect the code emitted for the go
function, you will see that no call to tactic_bind_override
is even being made anymore and lean is resorting to the builtin interaction_monad_bind
Keeley Hoek (Nov 27 2018 at 08:58):
The puzzle: determine why this is. (Spoiler, I have no idea)
Keeley Hoek (Nov 27 2018 at 09:01):
Serious hint but still what the: replacing tactic.down
with tactic.down.{0}
makes it work
Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 27 2018 at 09:04):
what the
Gabriel Ebner (Nov 27 2018 at 09:22):
This is interesting! You might want to look at the universe parameters of the declarations:
#eval do env ← get_env, [``tactic_bind_override, ``do_some_nonsense, ``do_some_nonsense'] .for_each $ λ n, do decl ← returnex $ env.get n, trace (n, decl.univ_params) /- scratch20181127.lean:18:0: information trace output (tactic_bind_override, [u]) (do_some_nonsense, [u, u_1]) (do_some_nonsense', [u]) -/
Sebastian Ullrich (Nov 27 2018 at 09:25):
There really should be a linter for non-inferable instances :)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC