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Stream: general

Topic: Non-structure `class`es

Eric Wieser (Mar 17 2021 at 10:27):

Did we decide that one or both of these was outlawed in mathlib (for lean 4 reasons?)

class inductive has_foo_ind (A : Type*)
| strong_foo (h :  x : , true) : has_foo_ind
| weak_foo (h :  x : , true) : has_foo_ind

def has_foo_def (A : Type*) := ( x : , true)  ( x : , true)

Gabriel Ebner (Mar 17 2021 at 10:30):

The second one is definitely out.

Gabriel Ebner (Mar 17 2021 at 10:31):

Class inductives should be fine though (I hope).

Eric Wieser (Mar 17 2021 at 10:32):

Alright, good; I was thinking of suggesting using class inductive in #6671, as it seems to make the or easier to work with:

import algebra.char_p.basic
import algebra.char_zero
import data.nat.prime

/-- The definition of the exponential characteristic of a semiring. (from the PR) -/
class exp_char (R : Type*) [semiring R] (q : ) : Prop :=
(exp_char_def : (q = 1  char_zero R)  (q.prime  char_p R q))

/-- Easier definition to work with? -/
class inductive exp_char' (R : Type*) [semiring R] (q : ) : Prop
| zero (hq : q = 1) [char_zero R] : exp_char'
| prime (hq : q.prime) [char_p R q] : exp_char'

variables (R : Type*) [integral_domain R]

example [hq : exp_char' R 3] : true := begin
  casesI hq,  -- unpacks all the instances

example [hq : exp_char R 3] : true := begin
  cases hq.exp_char_def,  -- requires unpacking ands
  { haveI := h.2,
  { haveI := h.2,

Eric Wieser (Mar 17 2021 at 10:33):

cc @Jakob Scholbach

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC