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Topic: Normalize tactic in NNG
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 09 2023 at 14:44):
I am thinking about adding some more computation/algorithm stuff to NNG. This won't be needed for my course so there's no urgency, but if it is relatively straightforward to teach people how to write a tactic which turns a NNG 2
into succ (succ 0)
then I might be tempted to teach this; perhaps a more advanced tactic could even change 1 + 1
not into succ 0 + succ 0
but into succ (succ 0)
Anyway, all of this is moot right now because I don't have a clue how to do this myself. Here's some code from NNG:
/-- Our copy of the natural numbers called `MyNat`, with notation `ℕ`. -/
inductive MyNat where
| zero : MyNat
| succ : MyNat → MyNat
-- deriving BEq, DecidableEq, Inhabited
notation (name := MyNatNotation) (priority := 1000000) "ℕ" => MyNat
-- Note: as long as we do not import `Mathlib.Init.Data.Nat.Notation` this is fine.
namespace MyNat
instance : Inhabited MyNat where
default := MyNat.zero
def myNatFromNat (x : Nat) : MyNat :=
match x with
| Nat.zero => MyNat.zero
| Nat.succ b => MyNat.succ (myNatFromNat b)
def natFromMyNat (x : MyNat) : Nat :=
match x with
| MyNat.zero => Nat.zero
| MyNat.succ b => Nat.succ (natFromMyNat b)
instance ofNat {n : Nat} : OfNat MyNat n where
ofNat := myNatFromNat n
instance : ToString MyNat where
toString p := toString (natFromMyNat p)
How do I go from here to a normalize
tactic which turns a goal 2 + 2 \ne 5
into succ succ 0 + succ succ 0 \ne succ succ ... 0
Note that I know how to write an instance of decidable equality so I can prove this by decide
; but I want to play with some other ideas before I introduce this: once we're in this state then we can finish the goal with
rw [add_succ, add_succ, add_zero] at h
repeat apply succ_inj at h
apply zero_ne_succ at h
(at least once you have apply at
, which we have in NNG)
Damiano Testa (Oct 09 2023 at 22:21):
Kevin, I have not yet tried to get this to work with your version of Nat
, but that is probably not too hard. Is what is below close to what you are looking for?
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Basic
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Replace
open Lean Elab Tactic
def norml : Nat → Expr
| 0 => .const ``Nat.zero []
| n + 1 => .app (.const ``Nat.succ []) (norml n)
def litToExpr? : Literal → Option Expr
| .natVal val => some (norml val)
| _ => none
def toNorm (e : Expr) : Expr :=
e.replace fun
| .lit l => litToExpr? l
| _ => none
elab "normalize" : tactic => do
replaceMainGoal [← (← getMainGoal).modifyTarget (return toNorm ·)]
open Nat
example : 2 + 2 ≠ 5 := by
/- Goal is
OfNat.ofNat (succ (succ zero)) + OfNat.ofNat (succ (succ zero)) ≠
OfNat.ofNat (succ (succ (succ (succ (succ zero)))))
If I understand correctly, the OfNat
s may be undesirable, but hopefully everything else is close and might be a starting point!
Damiano Testa (Oct 09 2023 at 22:22):
I now wonder if normalize
is a typo for normalise
Patrick Massot (Oct 09 2023 at 22:24):
Kevin, looking at your code, I see you didn't use my trick of defining MyNat
using only axioms so that you don't have accidental rfl
. Did you end deciding you'll really teach rfl
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 09 2023 at 22:39):
Oh I didn't write any of this stuff, Jon and/or Alex ported the entire game and then I started ripping up the levels but left the underlying infrastructure the same. rfl
doesn't prove stuff like a + 0 = a
because they somehow disabled it in another way. I don't know the details. I would be fine with making things more axiomatic: I have definitely made a conscious decision not to explain that x + 0 = x can be proved by rfl
(and indeed for some reason it can't).
Patrick Massot (Oct 09 2023 at 22:43):
Maybe they changed a transparency setting.
Patrick Massot (Oct 09 2023 at 22:43):
Where is the repo again?
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 09 2023 at 23:06):
Erm...it's called NNG4...I just type that and my computer finds it (I'm in bed now and I can't look)
Damiano Testa (Oct 09 2023 at 23:09):
Alexander Bentkamp (Oct 10 2023 at 07:38):
Yes, Jon changed the transparency setting. And we still redefined Nat
because the transparency setting alone didn't fully do the job. (Maybe some definitions on Nat
are reducible?)
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC