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Topic: Not finding typeclass in hypotheses

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 09:59):

What's going on in this gist?


Line 106 fails with:

failed to synthesize type class instance for
A : Type u_1,
_inst_1 : semiring A,
ι : Type u_2,
_inst_2 : add_comm_monoid ι,
_inst_3 : decidable_eq ι,
carriers : ι  add_submonoid A,
_inst_4 : semiring_add_gradation carriers,
x :  (i : ι), (carriers i),
_inst : Π (i : ι) (x : (λ (i : ι), (carriers i)) i), decidable (x  0)
       Π (i : ι) (x : (λ (i : ι), (carriers i)) i), decidable (x  0)

Why is it failing to synthesize an instance that is right there in the context?

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 28 2021 at 10:10):

I got an error with simp in the line before -- invalid simp lemma. My mathlib is a couple of weeks old though. Is it a pp.all thing?

Anne Baanen (Jan 28 2021 at 10:10):

My first thoughts are to diff the pp.all output, or to use letI instead of haveI.

Kyle Miller (Jan 28 2021 at 10:12):

For some reason this rw line works:

rw @add_monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_sum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ i x', _inst i x') x,

Kyle Miller (Jan 28 2021 at 10:13):

but not _inst or (λ i, _inst i)

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 28 2021 at 10:14):

Oh yes, presumably decidable isn't a prop so it's letI

Kyle Miller (Jan 28 2021 at 10:15):

letI doesn't change seem to help here

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:20):

@Kevin Buzzard, docs#add_monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_sum is very new

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:21):

I wonder if changing the lemma to use {} instead of [] for that argument helps

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:21):

Since the instance in question is already in the goal statement anyway

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:24):

@Anne Baanen, pp.all and pp.notation continue to show a hypothesis that matches the goal

Anne Baanen (Jan 28 2021 at 10:26):

Eric Wieser said:

I wonder if changing the lemma to use {} instead of [] for that argument helps

That could be the solution. if there's some synthesised versus unified conflict going on, that decidable is prone to.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 28 2021 at 10:32):

Why have you even got that un-whatever-its-called-reduced (beta-reduced?) lambda-term in inst? Can you dsimp everything away?

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:33):

To try and help it pattern match β. Reducing it to Π (i : ι) (x : carriers i), decidable (x ≠ 0) doesn't help, and it makes the goal and hypothesis mismatch in a visible way.

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:34):

Anne Baanen said:

Eric Wieser said:

I wonder if changing the lemma to use {} instead of [] for that argument helps

That could be the solution. if there's some synthesised versus unified conflict going on, that decidable is prone to.

This fixes the problem

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:35):

But it feels like a bug that I have to do that

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:38):

For the failing version, set_option trace.class_instances true gives

[class_instances]  class-instance resolution trace
[class_instances] (0) ?x_0 i x : decidable (x  0) := _inst (?x_3 i x) (?x_4 i x)
failed is_def_eq

But I don't know how to learn more about the metavariables

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:47):

Eric Wieser said:

Anne Baanen, pp.all and pp.notation continue to show a hypothesis that matches the goal

Wait, this was a lie. I used set_option pp.all without the trailing true. There is a difference.

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 10:52):

For the zero, the goal uses

               ((λ (i : ι),
                     (@add_submonoid A (@add_comm_monoid.to_add_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1)))
                     (@add_submonoid.has_coe_to_sort A
                        (@add_comm_monoid.to_add_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1)))
                     (carriers i))
                  ((λ (i : ι),
                        (@add_submonoid A (@add_comm_monoid.to_add_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1)))
                        (@add_submonoid.has_coe_to_sort A
                           (@add_comm_monoid.to_add_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1)))
                        (carriers i))
                  ((λ (i : ι),
                      @add_submonoid.to_add_comm_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1) (carriers i))

While the hypothesis uses

            (@add_submonoid.has_zero A (@add_comm_monoid.to_add_monoid A (@semiring.to_add_comm_monoid A _inst_1))
               (carriers i))))

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 11:09):

Oh, I screwed up the typeclasses on docs#add_monoid_hom.coe_dfinsupp_sum... Maybe relaxing those will fix it

Eric Wieser (Jan 28 2021 at 11:09):

@Alex J. Best, how far from prime-time is your "typeclass assumptions are too strict" linter?

Alex J. Best (Jan 28 2021 at 21:18):

@Eric Wieser not too far, maybe a week or so from prime time, I have some changes to make but I think I at least know the right algorithm now :smile:

Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2021 at 10:15):

Another "the typeclass is right there" situation:

import algebra.module.pi

example {α ι : Type*} [comm_ring α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
by apply_instance  -- fail

example {α ι : Type*} [comm_ring α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
pi.is_scalar_tower'  -- fail

example {α ι : Type*} [comm_ring α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
let i : ι  is_scalar_tower α α α := λ i, by apply_instance in by exactI
pi.is_scalar_tower'  -- fail, does not find `i` which exactly matches the goal state

example {α ι : Type*} [comm_ring α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
let i : ι  is_scalar_tower α α α := λ i, by apply_instance in by exactI
@pi.is_scalar_tower' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i  -- works

Why can't lean find the i instance?

Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2021 at 11:16):

Adding a non-dependent version of the instance seems to fix it:

instance pi.is_scalar_tower_again {ι α β γ : Type*} [has_scalar α β] [has_scalar β γ] [has_scalar α γ]
  [is_scalar_tower α β γ] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  β) (ι  γ) :=

I wonder if we need to do this for all instance on pi types

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 10 2021 at 11:22):

I have the feeling that we're running into this problem relatively often, and it's freaking me out a bit because the issue seems to be deep in the unifier and I don't really understand. It would really help if we had a small mathlib-free MWE. (We can also post the MWE on the Lean 4 bug tracker...)

Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2021 at 11:43):

Some more data (the missing instance is #8604):

import algebra.module.pi

-- oops, this instance is missing
instance semigroup.to_is_scalar_tower {α} [semigroup α] : is_scalar_tower α α α := mul_assoc

example {α ι : Type*} [monoid α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
by apply_instance  -- fail

example {α ι : Type*} [semigroup α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
by apply_instance  -- ok

Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2021 at 11:55):

Here's the version without mathlib:

set_option old_structure_cmd true

variables {I : Type*} {f  : I  Type*}

section has_scalar

class has_scalar (M : Type*) (α : Type*) := (smul : M  α  α)

infixr `  `:73 := has_scalar.smul

instance has_mul.to_has_scalar (α : Type*) [has_mul α] : has_scalar α α := ⟨(*)⟩

instance pi.has_scalar {α : Type*} [Π i, has_scalar α $ f i] :
  has_scalar α (Π i : I, f i) :=
λ s x, λ i, s  (x i)⟩

instance pi.has_scalar' {g : I  Type*} [Π i, has_scalar (f i) (g i)] :
  has_scalar (Π i, f i) (Π i : I, g i) :=
λ s x, λ i, (s i)  (x i)⟩

end has_scalar

section is_scalar_tower

class is_scalar_tower (M N α : Type*) [has_scalar M N] [has_scalar N α] [has_scalar M α] : Prop :=
(smul_assoc :  (x : M) (y : N) (z : α), (x  y)  z = x  (y  z))

class semigroup (G : Type*) extends has_mul G :=
(mul_assoc :  a b c : G, a * b * c = a * (b * c))

class mul_one_class (M : Type*) extends has_one M, has_mul M :=
(one_mul :  (a : M), 1 * a = a)
(mul_one :  (a : M), a * 1 = a)

class monoid (G : Type*) extends semigroup G, mul_one_class G

end is_scalar_tower

export is_scalar_tower (smul_assoc) semigroup (mul_assoc)

instance semigroup.to_is_scalar_tower {α} [semigroup α] : is_scalar_tower α α α := mul_assoc

instance pi.is_scalar_tower' {g : I  Type*} {α : Type*}
  [Π i, has_scalar α $ f i] [Π i, has_scalar (f i) (g i)] [Π i, has_scalar α $ g i]
  [Π i, is_scalar_tower α (f i) (g i)] : is_scalar_tower α (Π i : I, f i) (Π i : I, g i) :=
λ x y z, funext $ λ i, smul_assoc x (y i) (z i)⟩

-- change `monoid` to `semigroup` and the below work

example {α ι : Type*} [monoid α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
by apply_instance  -- fail

example {α ι : Type*} [monoid α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
pi.is_scalar_tower'  -- fail

example {α ι : Type*} [monoid α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
let i : ι  is_scalar_tower α α α := λ i, by apply_instance in begin
  exact pi.is_scalar_tower'  -- fail, does not find `i` which exactly matches the goal state

example {α ι : Type*} [monoid α] : is_scalar_tower α (ι  α) (ι  α) :=
let i : ι  is_scalar_tower α α α := λ i, by apply_instance in by exact
@pi.is_scalar_tower' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i  -- works

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 10 2021 at 12:23):

Good news: in the straightforward Lean 4 translation of this MWE, all examples work!

Daniel Selsam (Aug 10 2021 at 14:03):

Gabriel Ebner said:

Good news: in the straightforward Lean 4 translation of this MWE, all examples work!

They do now :) Please consider PRing your translation as a "run" test so they always do.

Sebastien Gouezel (Aug 10 2021 at 14:22):

Isn't it https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/issues/509 ? (I think it was said at the time that it was possible to backport this in Lean 3)

Sebastien Gouezel (Aug 10 2021 at 14:24):


Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC