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Topic: Notation for set(like) product

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:00):

I want to introduce

class has_set_prod (α β : Type*) (γ : out_param Type*) :=
(prod : α  β  γ)

infix `×ˢ`:72 := has_set_prod.prod

with instances for sets, finsets, sub* structures.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:01):

For non-sets we'll probably need a class that extends has_set_prod and adds an axiom (x, y) ∈ s ×ˢ t = x ∈ s ∧ y ∈ t.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:02):

Actually, we can add some has_mem arguments to has_set_prod and require (x, y) ∈ s ×ˢ t = x ∈ s ∧ y ∈ t right away.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:03):

What do you think? What precedence should I use (72 is just a number above 70 which is used for intersection)?

Eric Rodriguez (Jan 06 2022 at 04:04):

I'm quite a fan of this. Right now we have to use .prod right?

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:08):


Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:10):

A downside is that Lean can no longer infer the types of s and t in s ×ˢ t from the type of the expression.

Adam Topaz (Jan 06 2022 at 04:14):

This is a good idea! An analogue for pi types would be great too!

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:22):

I don't want to do 2 refactors at once. Every time I tried it, I failed and merged none to the master.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 04:26):

I'll start by migrating set.prod.

Kyle Miller (Jan 06 2022 at 05:21):

Here's another sort of design for this that, while isn't quite so universe polymorphic, is able to say how it's related to the Cartesian product:

universes u

class has_set_prod (S : Type u  Type u) :=
(set_prod : Π {α β : Type u}, S α  S β  S (α × β))

infix `×ˢ`:72 := has_set_prod.set_prod

instance : has_set_prod set := λ α β s t, s.prod t

example (s t u : set ) : s ×ˢ t ×ˢ u = (s.prod t).prod u := rfl

I'm not sure if there's a good way to fix it, except for it taking three functions as arguments. Too bad there's not a way, at the typeclass level, to say "these are all the same function but with different universe variables", since there's not really a good out_param:

class has_set_prod (S : Type*  Type*) (S' : Type*  Type*) (S'' : out_param $ Type*  Type*) :=
(set_prod : Π {α β : Type*}, S α  S' β  S'' (α × β))

infix `×ˢ`:72 := has_set_prod.set_prod

instance : has_set_prod set set set := λ α β s t, s.prod t

example (s t u : set ) : s ×ˢ t ×ˢ u = (s.prod t).prod u := rfl

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 06 2022 at 05:27):

I don't think that your approach will work better with elaborator. And it won't work with submonoids because submonoid takes M : Type* and [monoid M].

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 07 2022 at 18:46):


Floris van Doorn (Jan 12 2022 at 10:47):

In the sphere eversion project I'm getting some unfortunate errors like this:

don't know how to synthesize placeholder
 has_set_prod (set ?m_1) (set (ι  F)) (set (F × (ι  F)))

Is the intended notation now to give the explicit type to univ when using it in a product, like this: @univ A ×ˢ s?

Johan Commelin (Jan 12 2022 at 10:48):

cc @Yury G. Kudryashov

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 11:12):

Probably (univ : set A) is the intended spelling

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 11:13):

I think the problem is that there is no way for ×ˢ to know that its left and right arguments are the same type of container, as set A and set B are not even the same families of type when A and B are in different universes

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 11:36):

Maybe there's some janky same_family typeclass we can use like

/-- A class that finds a version of `f`, a family of types in universe `u`,
that lives in universe `v` -/
class same_family (f : ι  Sort u) (g : out_param (ι  Sort v)).

which would help the elaborator with this kind of thing

Anne Baanen (Jan 12 2022 at 12:21):

Would that work for α and β in different universes? Then we can't use the same ι, right?

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 12:50):

Oh, good point

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 12 2022 at 22:50):

/poll It seems that we have the following options:
continue using set.prod, submonoid.prod etc;
introduce different notations for set.prod, submonoid.prod etc;
have to specify the type of univ in univ ×ˢ t (and similarly for the empty set)

Yaël Dillies (Jan 12 2022 at 22:54):

Given that we can use dot notation, I'm happy to keep the set.prod, submonoid.prod alternative. This also keeps it in line with all the other type-like operations, like docs#finset.sigma, finset.disj_sum (in #11355), docs#finset.pi, docs#finset.dfinsupp, docs#finset.sym, ...

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 23:06):

We can have notation for s.prod t without specifying which prod is meant

Eric Wieser (Jan 12 2022 at 23:06):

Notation supports that

Yaël Dillies (Jan 12 2022 at 23:07):


Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 13 2022 at 00:12):

So, should we revert #11300?

Johan Commelin (Jan 13 2022 at 06:17):

For what it's worth, I really liked what #11300 did.

Yaël Dillies (Jan 13 2022 at 08:05):

I don't care much either way, but I'll probably keep using .prod myself.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 13 2022 at 20:34):

You can't use .prod with #11300

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 13 2022 at 20:34):

(for sets)

Floris van Doorn (Jan 13 2022 at 20:40):

I think that despite this issue of having to provide explicit arguments to univ, I still prefer the new situation over the old one.

Yaël Dillies (Jan 13 2022 at 20:40):


Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 13 2022 at 20:43):

I prefer the new notation (otherwise I wouldn't have introduced it) but this is not a strong preference. If someone will really wants to revert this change, then I'm OK with it (especially if I'm not the one who resolves conflicts after git revert 2865d8c2278c86).

Yaël Dillies (Jan 13 2022 at 21:28):

I genuinely don't mind much either way, so let's keep it like that for now.

Yury G. Kudryashov (Jan 14 2022 at 01:43):

If we decide to leave this notation for set product, then the next question is whether we should migrate submonoid.prod etc to this notation (e.g., by introducing a typeclass set_like.has_prod that extends has_set_prod and adds an assumption (x, y) ∈ s ×ˢ t ↔ x ∈ s ∧ y ∈ t)?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC