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Stream: general

Topic: Outdated example in Programming in Lean

Miko de Amsterdamo (May 01 2018 at 10:51):

The example didn't work with my lean 3.3.0. It seems that for has become map

meta def destruct_conjunctions : tactic unit :=
repeat (do
  l  local_context,
  first $ l.map (λ h, do
    ht  infer_type h >>= whnf,
    match ht with
    | `(and %%a %%b) := do
      n  mk_fresh_name,
      mk_mapp ``and.left [none, none, some h] >>= assertv n a,
      n  mk_fresh_name,
      mk_mapp ``and.right [none, none, some h] >>= assertv n b,
      clear h
    | _ := failed

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC