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Topic: Recursive inlining

Jannis Limperg (Aug 15 2020 at 21:20):

If I mark a recursive function @[inline], will it get inlined? I'm asking because afaik some compilers don't support recursive inlining even in relatively straightforward cases. (My use case is meta, in case that affects the answer.)

Jason Rute (Aug 15 2020 at 23:21):

Dumb question. It seems from this stack overflow that recursive inclining is something like hard coding the first few cases up to a fixed depth before calling the recursive function. Is that what you had in mind? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/190232/can-a-recursive-function-be-inline

Jannis Limperg (Aug 15 2020 at 23:35):

No, my use case is much simpler than general recursive inlining (as I realised when considering your question, so thanks for that). I have definitions of the form

@[inline] meta def f (x : X) : Y -> Z := ... (f ...) ...

meta def g : Y -> Z := f x'

and I'd like to be sure that the code generated for g is the same as if I'd replaced f by its definition manually. In GHC Haskell (which doesn't do recursive inlining ever), I think I'd have to write f as a non-recursive function with a recursive where clause, but Lean doesn't have those.

Mario Carneiro (Aug 15 2020 at 23:36):

Why not write

meta def f (x : X) : Y -> Z := ... (f ...) ...
@[inline] meta def f' (x : X) : Y -> Z := ... (f ...) ...

Mario Carneiro (Aug 15 2020 at 23:38):

you could also use a tactic to perform the copy paste job

Jannis Limperg (Aug 16 2020 at 14:25):

Let's get concrete; I'm getting lost in my own abstractions. Here's a simpler version of the code I'm writing:

open expr

@[inline] meta def match_pi : expr  option expr
| (pi _ _ _ body) := some body
| _ := none

-- This is the recursive 'f'.
@[inline] meta def count_binders (match_binder : expr  option expr) : expr   := λ e,
match match_binder e with
| none := 0
| some body := count_binders body + 1

-- This is 'g', where 'f' should get inlined.
meta def count_pis : expr   := count_binders match_pi

This should ideally generate the same code as this hand-inlined version:

meta def count_pis' : expr  
| (pi _ _ _ body) := count_pis' body + 1
| _ := 0

Optimisation steps to get there:

meta def count_pis := count_binders match_pi

==> [inline count_binders]

meta def tmp : expr → ℕ := λ e,
match match_pi e with
| none := 0
| some body := tmp body + 1

==> [inline match_pi and beta-reduce]

meta def tmp : expr → ℕ := λ e,
match (match e with | (pi _ _ _ body) := some body | _ := none end) with
| none := 0
| some body := tmp body + 1

==> [nested matches ("case-of-case")]

meta def tmp : expr → ℕ := λ e,
match e with
| (pi _ _ _ body) := tmp body + 1
| _ := 0

Mario, your suggestion, if I understand it correctly, achieves this goal, but only for the first iteration of the loop:

meta def count_binders' (match_binder : expr  option expr) : expr   := λ e,
match match_binder e with
| none := 0
| some body := count_binders' body + 1

@[inline] meta def count_binders'' (match_binder : expr  option expr) : expr   := λ e,
match match_binder e with
| none := 0
| some body := count_binders' match_binder body + 1

meta def count_pis'' : expr   := count_binders'' match_pi

Optimisation steps for count_pis'':

meta def count_pis'' := count_binders'' match_pi

==> [inline count_binders'']

meta def count_pis'' := λ e,
match match_pi e with
| none := 0
| some body := count_binders' match_binder body + 1

==> [inline match_binder and beta-reduce]

meta def count_pis'' := λ e,
match (match e with | (pi _ _ _ body) := some body | _ := none end) with
| none := 0
| some body := count_binders' match_pi body + 1

==> [nested matches]

meta def count_pis'' := λ e,
match e with
| (pi _ _ _ body) := count_binders' match_pi body + 1
| _ := 0

All iterations except the first will still call count_binders', which in turn calls match_pi, so we've gained little.

Reid Barton (Aug 16 2020 at 14:30):

I'd call this specialization more than inlining

Jannis Limperg (Aug 16 2020 at 14:33):

Fair. But then I'd call specialisation a form of inlining. :P

Reid Barton (Aug 16 2020 at 14:34):

Well, you're specializing count_binders, presumably with the goal of next inlining match_pi (otherwise there's no gain)

Jannis Limperg (Aug 16 2020 at 14:48):

If this is the usual terminology, sure, I'll call it specialisation.

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 17 2020 at 07:14):

The inliner doesn't work across definitions generated by the equation compiler (match, |). Aside from that, the @[inline] does what you want. That is, after preprocessing, all references to definitions with @[inline] should be gone.

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 17 2020 at 07:16):

It should work if you write count_binders using option.elim or option.rec (because then it's a normal definition and can be substituted by the inliner).

Jannis Limperg (Aug 17 2020 at 10:43):

That's very interesting, thanks! Then I should be able to get it to do what I want.

Jannis Limperg (Aug 17 2020 at 12:13):

Followup @Gabriel Ebner: does Lean actually optimise nested matching? Because otherwise the inlining doesn't do too much anyway.

Jannis Limperg (Aug 17 2020 at 12:24):

Or rather, nested eliminator applications. Silly example:

meta def test (x : option ) :  :=
option.cases_on (@option.cases_on _ (λ _, option ) x none some) 0 id

/- Should optimise to: -/

meta def test' (x : option ) :  :=
option.cases_on x 0 id

Gabriel Ebner (Aug 17 2020 at 13:23):

I'm afraid that there enough bugs there that you can't rely on it. set_option trace.compiler.preprocess true and set_option trace.compiler.optimize_bytecode true are your friends.

Jannis Limperg (Aug 18 2020 at 16:36):

Thanks again! When I rewrite everything without the equation compiler, inlining seems to work as intended. Unfortunately, my use case is in the tactic monad and I get a lot of separately-compiled lambdas. This blocks any followup simplification, so the inlining doesn't do much. I think I'll just live with the inefficiency.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC