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Topic: Reusing `finset.prod` facts for lists
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 20 2019 at 13:26):
Hi, is there any good way to reuse facts about finset.prod
for lists? E.g., I'd like to have something like ∀ l : list α, (fin_range (length l)).prod (λ i, l.nth_le i.1 i.2) = l.prod
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 20 2019 at 13:27):
My problem is that it's not easy to apply general facts about products/sums over finset
s (e.g., AM-GM inequality) to get a similar inequality for products/sums over lists.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 20 2019 at 13:28):
With lists it's much easier to apply it to specific numbers (e.g., to deduce AM-GM for 2, 3, 4 numbers out of the general case).
Mario Carneiro (Dec 20 2019 at 15:25):
I guess that theorem is possible (assuming the multiplication is commutative and associative), but the LHS looks pretty hard to work with
Mario Carneiro (Dec 20 2019 at 15:26):
You can always coerce a list to a finset and apply the prod operation there
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 20 2019 at 16:08):
Does coercion remove duplicates?
Johan Commelin (Dec 20 2019 at 16:09):
I guess it does.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 20 2019 at 16:42):
You could coerce to a multiset and apply the prod operation there.
Chris Hughes (Dec 20 2019 at 17:20):
For every list A
there's a function fin n - > A
, so you can finset.sum univ
over this function.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 20 2019 at 17:39):
...and that's the reason why nobody bothers to build any more infrastructure for sums over lists and multisets ;-)
Chris Hughes (Dec 20 2019 at 19:06):
That's true for multisets. You still need lists for non commutative products.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 00:06):
@Chris Hughes I wrote one such function above. However I'd like to have a theorem like ∀ l : list α, (fin_range (length l)).prod (λ i, l.nth_le i.1 i.2) = l.prod
or ∀ (l : list α) (f : α → β), (fin_range (length l)).prod (λ i, f(l.nth_le) i.1 i.2) = (l.map f).prod
to be able to transfer facts from sums/prods over a finset to sums/prods of list.map
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 00:15):
Another way to deduce ∀ a b c wa wb wc : nnreal, wa + wb + wc = 1 → a^wa * b^wb * c^wc ≤ wa * a + wb * b + wc * c
from ∀ {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (w z : α → ℝ≥0) (hw' : s.sum w = 1) : (s.prod (λ i, (z i) ^ (w i))) ≤ s.sum (λ i, w i * z i)
is welcome. Here I assume has_pow nnreal nnreal := ⟨λ x r, nnreal.of_real (x:ℝ)^(r:ℝ)⟩
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 00:59):
With lists I can do this:
noncomputable instance nnreal.has_pow_nnreal : has_pow ℝ≥0 ℝ≥0 := ⟨λ p r, nnreal.of_real $ (p:ℝ)^(r:ℝ)⟩ theorem list.am_gm_weighted (l : list (ℝ≥0 × ℝ≥0)) (hw : (l.map prod.fst).sum = 1) : (l.map (λ i, (i.snd) ^ (i.fst) : ℝ≥0 × ℝ≥0 → ℝ≥0)).prod ≤ (l.map (λ i, i.fst * i.snd : ℝ≥0 × ℝ≥0 → ℝ≥0)).sum := sorry theorem am_gm3 (w₁ w₂ w₃ : ℝ≥0) (hw : w₁ + w₂ + w₃ = 1) (x₁ x₂ x₃ : ℝ≥0) : x₁ ^ w₁ * x₂ ^ w₂ * x₃ ^ w₃ ≤ w₁ * x₁ + w₂ * x₂ + w₃ * x₃ := by simpa [mul_assoc] using list.am_gm_weighted [(w₁, x₁), (w₂, x₂), (w₃, x₃)] (by simpa using hw)
However I can't quickly deduce am_gm3
theorem finset.am_gm_weighted {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (w z : α → ℝ≥0) (hw : s.sum w = 1) : s.prod (λ i, (z i) ^ (w i)) ≤ s.sum (λ i, w i * z i) :=
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2019 at 01:01):
∀ l : list α, (fin_range (length l)).prod (λ i, l.nth_le i.1 i.2) = l.prod
doesn't compile -- Lean can't find ⊢ has_one (fin (length l))
. These things should surely be easy to prove by induction on l
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2019 at 01:08):
failed to synthesize type class instance for x r : ℝ≥0 ⊢ has_pow ℝ ℝ
I can't get anything to work
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 21 2019 at 01:10):
But I see your point. A finset is not enough here because of duplicates. You need to use this finset.sum univ
trick of Chris I guess.
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 01:17):
I think we need an ergonomic way to form "fin n -> A" vectors from concrete lists of values, i.e. vector.cons
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 01:17):
that would solve this problem
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 01:25):
I also can't find an instance of has_pow nnreal nnreal
. Was this added at some point?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 01:25):
No, that's why I define it in my code.
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 01:25):
that's not very MWE
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 01:30):
For an MWE, let's one can try to deduce
lemma list.prod_mul {α : Type*} [comm_monoid α] (l : list (α × α)) : (l.map (λ i, i.fst * i.snd : α × α → α)).prod = (l.map prod.fst).prod * (l.map prod.snd).prod := sorry
from the corresponding fact about finset
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 01:31):
Or, say, deduce ∀ a b c x y z, (a * b * c) * (x * y * z) = ((a * x) * (b * y) * (c * z))
from finset.prod_mul_distrib
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 02:06):
actually, I was going to show how to prove your original theorem, the am_gm for 3 things from the general am_gm on finsets
Yury G. Kudryashov (Dec 21 2019 at 02:11):
Here is what I have for a real
- finset
theorem finset.am_gm_weighted {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (w z : α → ℝ) (hw : ∀ i ∈ s, 0 ≤ w i) (hw' : s.sum w = 1) (hz : ∀ i ∈ s, 0 ≤ z i) : s.prod (λ i, (z i) ^ (w i)) ≤ s.sum (λ i, w i * z i) := sorry
Mario Carneiro (Dec 21 2019 at 02:18):
This seems to work well:
import algebra.big_operators algebra.group_power data.real.nnreal data.fin section end open_locale nnreal @[instance] constant nnreal.has_pow_nnreal : has_pow ℝ≥0 ℝ≥0 axiom finset.am_gm_weighted {α : Type*} (s : finset α) (w z : α → ℝ≥0) (hw : s.sum w = 1) : s.prod (λ i, (z i) ^ (w i)) ≤ s.sum (λ i, w i * z i) theorem finset.prod_fin_succ {α} [comm_monoid α] {n} (f : fin (n+1) → α) : finset.univ.prod f = f 0 * finset.univ.prod (λ i:fin n, f i.succ) := sorry theorem finset.sum_fin_succ {α} [add_comm_monoid α] {n} (f : fin (n+1) → α) : finset.univ.sum f = f 0 + finset.univ.sum (λ i:fin n, f i.succ) := sorry theorem am_gm3 {a b c wa wb wc : nnreal} : wa + wb + wc = 1 → a^wa * b^wb * c^wc ≤ wa * a + wb * b + wc * c := begin have := finset.am_gm_weighted (@finset.univ (fin 3) _) (fin.cons wa (fin.cons wb (λ _, wc))) (fin.cons a (fin.cons b (λ _, c))), simpa [finset.prod_fin_succ, finset.sum_fin_succ, mul_assoc] end
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC