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Topic: Structure substitution

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 22:05):

Is there a way to go from this context :

prop: Point  Prop
 prop {x := 0, y := 0}

to this one :

prop: Point  Prop
p: Point := {x := 0, y := 0}
 prop p

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 17 2021 at 22:16):

let p : Point := {x := 0, y := 0}

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 22:27):

Naaah, It's giving me the object in the context but it doesn't replace it in the goal.

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 17 2021 at 22:28):

you can use change ... or set ... with hp, rw ←hp at * to force it to behave

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 17 2021 at 22:28):

and worst case they are defeq so you can mostly just pretend that it's fine

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 22:51):

import tactic.interactive

example {α} (p : α  Prop) (x : α) : p x :=
  set y := x,
  /- State
    α : Sort ?,
    p : α → Prop,
    x : α,
    y : α := x
    ⊢ p y

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 22:53):

@Yakov Pechersky was off by 1 letter :)

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 17 2021 at 22:54):

is there a reason we still have let as opposed to set? because let is in core?

Eric Rodriguez (Aug 17 2021 at 22:54):

set can sometimes still not overwrite though, and let is slightly different with binders iirc

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 22:56):

let seems also useful, if you don't want to change the other hypotheses or the goal. But in cases where they behave differently, you usually want to use set.

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 22:58):

For strange reason, it's not working in my actual proof, but it work with a not-sso-working mwe

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 23:00):


  • Does Eric's suggestion with rw ←hp at * help?
  • Double check that the value of p and the term in the goal are precisely the same, including in implicit arguments etc. (Maybe you can click through them in widgets?).

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 23:02):


example (prop : Point  Prop) : prop (create_point 0 0) :=
  let p : Point := create_point 0 0,
  change create_point 0 0 with p,
  /- State
     prop: Point → Prop
     p: Point := create_point 0 0
     ⊢ prop p

Actual proof :

theorem rename_accept (fsa : FSA S L) (old new : S) (h₁ : new  fsa.states) (w : word L) : accept fsa w  accept (rename_state fsa old new h₁) w :=
  intro h₂,
  let fsa' : FSA S L := rename_state fsa old new h₁,
  change rename_state fsa old new h₁ with fsa',
  /- State
     fsa': FSA S L := fsa.rename_state old new h₁
     ⊢ (fsa.rename_state old new h₁).accept w

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 23:05):

did you try set?
If you replace the let by set fsa' : FSA S L := rename_state fsa old new h₁ with hp
does rw ←hp or simp_rw ←hp do anything?

Floris van Doorn (Aug 17 2021 at 23:07):

Does change fsa'.accept w work after your let?

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 23:07):

Well it's work but i don't understand why change doesn't work in the same way

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 23:07):

(set + rw hp)

Alice Laroche (Aug 17 2021 at 23:08):

And change fsa'.accept w work too
Very strange

Alice Laroche (Aug 18 2021 at 12:56):

In the same topic, is there a way to rewrite the definition of a structure ?
like go from p: Point := {x := 0, y := 1 + 1} to p: Point := {x := 0, y := 2} for example

Yaël Dillies (Aug 18 2021 at 13:08):

You can prove the equality between those two using ext, and then use that to rw. Maybe there's a shortcut, though. Like, in that particular instance, your two points are defeq.

Eric Wieser (Aug 18 2021 at 13:18):

Can you give a #mwe?

Alice Laroche (Aug 18 2021 at 15:00):

Yaël Dillies
If i do :

example : true :=
  let p : Point := { x := 0, y := 1 + 1 },
  have h : {Point . x := 0, y := 1 + 1} = {Point . x := 0, y := 2} := rfl,
  rw h at p,

I obtain

/- State
rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
  {x := 0, y := 1 + 1}
p : Point := {x := 0, y := 1 + 1},
h : {x := 0, y := 1 + 1} = {x := 0, y := 2}

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 18 2021 at 15:04):

p is not a hypothesis at which you can rewrite. Use "set p :=... with hp"

Alice Laroche (Aug 18 2021 at 15:22):

Hmmm, of course it's work but it doesn't help me to do what i hoped to do
I have

example : x, some_prop x :=
  let x : Big_struct := func_which_eval_into_a_really_big_struct,
  use x,

But now to prove the goal i need to access to the value of the fields of the structure, but i can't because i_eval_into_a_really_big_struct is not unfolded
I can use set p :=... with hp and unfold it in hp then rewrite x in the goal , but then i have a big structure in the goal and it's messy and unreadable

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 18 2021 at 15:44):

Very hard to understand your issue without a mwe context. Why not just "use (func_which_eval)"?

Alice Laroche (Aug 18 2021 at 16:10):

I guess this work ? I hope you will understand my mindset

import tactic

structure Big_struct :=
  (a : )
  (b : )
  (c : Prop)
  (d : Prop)
  (e : Prop)
  (f : Prop)
  (g : Prop)
  (h : Prop)
  (i : Prop)
  (j : Prop)
  (k : Prop)
  (l : Prop)
  (m : Prop)

@[simp] def i_eval_to_big_struct (a b : ): Big_struct :=
  a := a,
  b := b,
  c := true,
  d := true,
  e := true,
  f := true,
  g := true,
  h := true,
  i := true,
  j := true,
  k := true,
  l := true,
  m := true,

-- work but ugly
example (f : Big_struct  Big_struct) : x : Big_struct, x.a > (f x).b :=
  use (i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2),
  /- State
     f: Big_struct → Big_struct
     ⊢ (i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2).a > (f (i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2)).b
  /- State
     f: Big_struct → Big_struct
     ⊢ (f {a := 5, b := 2, c := true, d := true, e := true, f := true, g := true, h := true, i := true, j := true, k := true, l := true, m := true}).b < 5

-- what i wish i could do
example (f : Big_struct  Big_struct) : x : Big_struct, x.a > (f x).b :=
    f: Big_struct → Big_struct
    x: Big_struct := {a := 5, b := 2, c := true, d := true, e := true, f := true, g := true, h := true, i := true, j := true, k := true, l := true, m := true}
    ⊢ x.a > (f x).b
  /- State
     f: Big_struct → Big_struct
     x: Big_struct := {a := 5, b := 2, c := true, d := true, e := true, f := true, g := true, h := true, i := true, j := true, k := true, l := true, m := true}
     ⊢ (f x).b < 5

Floris van Doorn (Aug 18 2021 at 17:26):

Here are two options to do roughly want you want

-- to get mostly what you want
example (f : Big_struct  Big_struct) : x : Big_struct, x.a > (f x).b :=
  let x := i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2,
  use x,
    f: Big_struct → Big_struct
    x: Big_struct := i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2
    ⊢ x.a > (f x).b
  revert x, dsimp [i_eval_to_big_struct, gt] {zeta := ff}, intro x,
  /- State
     f: Big_struct → Big_struct
     x: Big_struct := {a := 5, b := 2, c := true, d := true, e := true, f := true, g := true, h := true, i := true, j := true, k := true, l := true, m := true}
     ⊢ (f x).b < 5

-- another option
example (f : Big_struct  Big_struct) : x : Big_struct, x.a > (f x).b :=
  generalize hx : i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2 = x,
  use x,
    f: Big_struct → Big_struct
    x: Big_struct
    hx: i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2 = x
    ⊢ x.a > (f x).b
  conv_lhs { rw [hx] }, simp [i_eval_to_big_struct],
  /- State
    f: Big_struct → Big_struct
    x: Big_struct
    hx: i_eval_to_big_struct 5 2 = x
    ⊢ (f x).b < 5

Kyle Miller (Aug 18 2021 at 17:36):

For others who, like me, aren't familiar with fancy options to dsimp, this is what zeta is for:

(zeta : bool               := tt) -- do zeta-reductions: `let x : a := b in c ↝ c[x/b]`.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC