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Topic: Tactic to prove function is polynomial time

Praneeth Kolichala (Aug 10 2022 at 01:08):

OK I tried to make a #mwe of what I currently have, but it mostly involved copying and pasting the code I already have for the tactic, and it is quite long.

Someone who knows more than me about the instance search could explain whether what I have really is bad performance-wise. I think I'm currently redoing the instance search every time I apply polytime_fun.comp, but honestly, I just fiddled with the tactics until it seemed to work, so I'm not quite sure what exactly the code is doing in terms of the fine details.

import tactic.core
import tactic.tidy
import tactic.show_term

def ptree : Type := sorry

class pencodable (α : Type*) :=
(encode : α  ptree)
(decode : ptree  α)
/- (other prop's omitted) -/

variables {α β γ δ ε : Type*} [pencodable α] [pencodable β] [pencodable γ] [pencodable δ] [pencodable ε]

instance : pencodable (α × β) := sorry

def polytime_fun (f : α  β) : Prop := sorry

lemma polytime_fun.id : polytime_fun (@id α) := sorry
lemma polytime_fun.const (y : β) : polytime_fun (λ (_ : α), y) := sorry
lemma polytime_fun.comp {f : β  γ} {g : α  β} : polytime_fun f  polytime_fun g  polytime_fun (f  g) := sorry
lemma polytime_fun.pair {f : α  β} {g : α  γ} : polytime_fun f  polytime_fun g  polytime_fun (λ x, (f x, g x)) := sorry
lemma polytime_fun.fst : polytime_fun (@prod.fst α β) := sorry
lemma polytime_fun.snd : polytime_fun (@prod.snd α β) := sorry

def polytime_fun₂ (f : α  β  γ) : Prop := polytime_fun (function.uncurry f)

def polytime_fun₃ (f : α  β  γ  δ) : Prop :=
polytime_fun (λ x : α × β × γ, f x.1 x.2.1 x.2.2)

lemma polytime_fun.comp₂ {f : α  β  γ} {g : δ  α} {h : δ  β}
  (hf : polytime_fun₂ f) (hg : polytime_fun g) (hh : polytime_fun h) :
  polytime_fun (λ x, f (g x) (h x)) :=
polytime_fun.comp hf (polytime_fun.pair hg hh)

lemma polytime_fun.comp₃ {f : α  β  γ  δ} {g₁ : ε  α} {g₂ : ε  β} {g₃ : ε -> γ}
  (hf : polytime_fun₃ f) (hg₁ : polytime_fun g₁) (hg₂ : polytime_fun g₂) (hg₃ : polytime_fun g₃) :
  polytime_fun (λ x, f (g₁ x) (g₂ x) (g₃ x)) :=
polytime_fun.comp hf (polytime_fun.pair hg₁ (polytime_fun.pair hg₂ hg₃))



meta def polyfun : user_attribute :=
{ name := `polyfun,
  descr := "lemmas usable to prove polynomial time" }

attribute [polyfun]

lemma polytime_fun.id' {α} [pencodable α] : polytime_fun (λ x : α, x) := polytime_fun.id

namespace tactic

meta def polytime_fun_lemmas : list name :=
[``polytime_fun, ``polytime_fun₂, ``polytime_fun₃]

meta def polytime_fun_comp_lemmas : list name :=
[``polytime_fun.comp, ``polytime_fun.comp₂, ``polytime_fun.comp₃]

meta def unfold_polytime (md : transparency) : tactic unit :=
do dunfold_target (``function.uncurry :: polytime_fun_lemmas.tail),
   try dsimp_target

-- In order to help resolve polytime_fun of propositions (which are converted to bool's)
meta def simp_to_bool : tactic unit :=
`[simp only [bool.to_bool_not, bool.to_bool_and, bool.to_bool_or, bool.to_bool_coe]]

 Tries to infer if the given expression is a real argument by testing
 if it has a `pencodable` instance on it. TODO: make faster. Does this need
 to do a full instance search?
meta def is_polycodable (e : expr) : tactic bool :=
   e'  infer_type e,
   cache  mk_instance_cache e',
   (cache', s)  instance_cache.get cache ``pencodable,
   return tt) <|> (return ff)

/-- Given an expression of the form `polytime_fun (f x₁ x₂ ... xₙ)`, tries to infer `n`,
   the number of arguments. -/
meta def get_num_params : tactic  :=
do `(polytime_fun %%s)  target,
    guard s.is_lambda,
    mv  mk_meta_var s.binding_domain,
    e   instantiate_mvars (s.instantiate_lambdas [mv]),
    f  mfilter is_polycodable e.get_app_args,
    return f.length

  Given a goal of the form `⊢ polytime_fun (λ x, f (g₁ x) (g₂ x) ... (gₙ x))`
  tries to apply the corresponding composition rule to produce
  `⊢ polytime_funₙ f`, `⊢ polytime_fun g₁`, ..., `⊢ polytime_fun gₙ`
meta def apply_polyfun.comp (md : transparency) : tactic  :=
do fail_if_success `[exact polytime_fun.const _],
   fail_if_success (to_expr ``(polytime_fun.pair) >>= λ e, apply e {md := md}),
   old_goal  target,
   n  get_num_params, guard (0 < n  n  polytime_fun_lemmas.length),
   s  resolve_name (polytime_fun_comp_lemmas.inth (n-1)),
   s'  to_expr s,
   apply s' {md := md},
   try `[ any_goals { apply_instance, } ], -- why is this necessary??
    - If the target is md-definitionally equal to what it used to be, up to
    - unfolding of polytime_fun₂, polytime_fun₃ etc., then no real progress has been made
    - EXCEPT if the goal can be immediately solved by apply_rules.
    - This last check is important because if we have something like
    - `⊢ polytime_fun (λ x : α × β, f x.1 x.2)`, and `polytime_fun₂ f` is a `polyfun` lemma,
    - even though this goal is definitionally equal to `polytime_fun₂ f`, `apply_rules` would not
    - find it at the `reducible` setting. Therefore, this will get reduced to
    - `⊢ polytime_fun₂ f`, `⊢ polytime_fun (λ x : α × β, x.1)`, and `⊢ polytime_fun (λ x : α × β, x.2)`.
    - It looks like no progress has been made, but because we can immediately solve `polytime_fun₂ f`, we continue to advance.

    - We need to check for definitional equality up to `unfold_polytime` because otherwise we get caught in a loop
    - where it looks like we make progress even though we don't. If we have the goal `⊢ polytime_fun (λ x, f x.1 x.2)`,
    - this gets reduced to `⊢ polytime_fun₂ f`, ... as before. If `f` is not actually polytime, it seems like we make progress
    - if we do not unfold `polytime_fun₂`, but `polytime_fun₂` will just be unfolded back to `polytime_fun (λ x, f x.1 x.2)` before
    - `apply_polyfun.comp` is called, causing a loop.

    - This check replaces the check to exclude `id` of the `continuity` tactic.
   (fail_if_success (unfold_polytime md >> target >>= λ t, unify t old_goal md)) <|>
    focus1 (apply_rules [] [``polyfun] 50 { md := md } >> done),
  return (n-1)

meta def polyfun_tactics (md : transparency := reducible) : list (tactic string) :=
  apply_rules [] [``polyfun] 50 { md := md }
                        >> pure "apply_rules with polyfun",
  unfold_polytime md >> pure "dunfold_target polytime_fun_lemmas.tail",
  simp_to_bool >> pure "simp only [bool.to_bool_not, bool.to_bool_and, bool.to_bool_or]",
  apply_polyfun.comp md >>= λ n, pure ("apply " ++ (to_string $ polytime_fun_comp_lemmas.inth (n-1)))

namespace interactive

meta def polyfun
  (bang : parse $ optional (tk "!")) (trace : parse $ optional (tk "?")) (cfg : tidy.cfg := {}) :
  tactic unit :=
let md              := if bang.is_some then semireducible else reducible,
    polyfun_core := tactic.tidy { tactics := polyfun_tactics md, ..cfg },
    trace_fn        := if trace.is_some then show_term else id in
trace_fn polyfun_core

end interactive

end tactic


instance : pencodable  := sorry

lemma polytime_fun.nat_add : polytime_fun₂ ((+) :     ) := sorry

example : polytime_fun₃ (λ (a b c : ), a + b + c) := by polyfun
example : polytime_fun (λ (n : ), (n, n + n, n + n + n)) := by polyfun


@Anand Rao I agree with Eric Wieser that it seems a bit dangerous and unpredictable to put comp in the instance search.

Also, what is your interpretation of e.g. polytime nat.add, since nat.add has signature ℕ → ℕ → ℕ? Keep in mind, the function which takes in a natural number and outputs a function ℕ → ℕ, to be considered to be "polynomial time," needs to have an encoding for functions ℕ → ℕ. For example, the encoding could be to encode (polynomial-time) functions as programs themselves. But this presents its own complications, because you need to already know that adding a constant is polynomial time, and "uniformly" polynomial time in the argument (i.e. you can create in polynomial time a program to add any particular constant in polynomial time). Moreover, you don't get an encoding for all functions ℕ → ℕ, just the polytime ones, so this couldn't be stated as polytime nat.add in any case, it seems.

Anand Rao (Aug 10 2022 at 05:15):

Maybe we could encode functions of the type ℕ → ℕ through their corresponding expressions. So we could say that a function f : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ is polynomial time in its first input if the expr for f a can be computed in polynomial time in a, and the resulting function f a is also a polynomial-time function (in the usual sense).
(The interpretation I had in mind while writing my code was more in line with your polytime_fun₂ function, but I am not confident about the correctness of that interpretation in the context of my code anymore.)

Yakov Pechersky (Aug 10 2022 at 11:27):

Proving qualities about parsers was done using the TC system, and it seems to have worked in figuring out that the map of a parser or the bind of two parsers is X when both are X. It used the derive handler

Eric Wieser (Aug 10 2022 at 11:40):

The key difference here is that docs#parser is not a raw function composed with function.comp, so there is no danger of higher order unification breaking things.

Violeta Hernández (Aug 11 2022 at 02:34):

Would an approach based on typeclass inference work here?

Maybe, but it's definitely not a proper approach. This is a job for a tactic.

Violeta Hernández (Aug 11 2022 at 02:35):

We've previously discussed how in most cases, you probably shouldn't be using classes on terms. I forget what the reasoning was, but I do remember some high-profile people pitching in on this discussion

Violeta Hernández (Aug 11 2022 at 02:37):

Ah, here goes: https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/116395-maths/topic/Well-founded.20recursion.20for.20pgames/near/286467225

Violeta Hernández (Aug 11 2022 at 02:38):

On this same topic, I think we should set in stone what exactly we want the job of typeclass inference to be. I think most of us already have the mental model of classes as a hierarchy, e.g. the order hierarchy or algebraic hierarchy in mathlib, and this more clever use of typeclasses just doesn't fit in that model.

Anand Rao (Aug 11 2022 at 05:22):

Thanks. From the discussion in the thread and Eric Wieser's message above, it seems like inferring that composition of polynomial-time functions is polynomial-time might be problematic.

Anand Rao (Aug 11 2022 at 05:24):

One crude workaround is to use show ... to bring the expression to an appropriate form before using typeclass inference.

Anand Rao (Aug 11 2022 at 05:49):

The role of typeclasses in keeping track of order or algebraic hierarchies is similar to the role of "classes" in imperative languages.
As mentioned in TPiL, the additional ability of Lean's typeclass mechanism to chain various instances can be quite powerful, and I think the full-blown logical language that arises from recursive chaining can be very useful (like in the present case).

Of course, I speak only as a user of the language, and I don't know what conventions will be more suitable for mathlib taking into consideration aspects like efficiency and readability.

Yaël Dillies (Aug 11 2022 at 10:48):

Actually, this could very well be the job of the typeclass inference because a function is polynomial-time structurally. Namely, a function is polynomial-time because it's built out of polynomial-time functions, and recursively... The only thing that goes against that is indeed that one of the "constructors" for polynomial-time functions is docs#function.comp, which is reducible. And that seems to screw everything up.

Eric Wieser (Aug 11 2022 at 18:24):

But note the same remark about structure could be said about the problems solved by the continuity tactic, where we don't use a typeclass

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC