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Topic: This will brick your computer!
Kenny Lau (Sep 14 2018 at 10:33):
import data.int.basic set_option trace.class_instances true #check λ n : ℤ, (n : ℕ)
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 14 2018 at 11:11):
This is well known. Lean will time out trying to coerce an int into a nat rather than give up
Kenny Lau (Sep 14 2018 at 11:12):
remove the first line and it's fine!
Kevin Buzzard (Sep 14 2018 at 11:12):
Hopefully fixed in Lean 4
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:21):
import data.polynomial universe u variables {α : Type u} [comm_semiring α] [decidable_eq α] def derivative (p : polynomial α) : polynomial α := finsupp.sum p $ λ n c, n * polynomial.C c * polynomial.X^(n-1) @[simp] lemma derivative_C_mul_X (x : α) (n : ℕ) : derivative (polynomial.C x * polynomial.X^n) = n * polynomial.C x * polynomial.X^(n-1) := begin unfold derivative, rw [← polynomial.single_eq_C_mul_X, finsupp.sum_single_index], all_goals { rw [polynomial.C_0, mul_zero, zero_mul] } end --timeout @[simp] lemma derivative_C (x : α) : derivative (polynomial.C x) = 0 := derivative_C_mul_X x 0
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:23):
there are some nontrivial defeq simplifications there
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:24):
at least try by simpa using derivative_C_mul_X x 0
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:25):
it's intentionally incorrect
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:25):
then what's the surprise?
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:25):
well Lean should tell me instead of time out
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:25):
you just asked it to reduce some big expression to 0
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:26):
it's got to unfold a bunch of definitions and run the power function, etc
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:26):
it's not obviously not defeq
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:26):
I don't actually know if it's defeq
Mario Carneiro (Sep 17 2018 at 06:26):
neither does lean...
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:33):
oh wow it's already done
Kenny Lau (Sep 17 2018 at 06:33):
i'm lucky i realized so soon
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC