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Topic: Type inference timing out
Devon Tuma (Nov 24 2020 at 03:19):
I've come across an issue where having adding is_prime I
to the context causes lean to timeout. This only became an issue after merging the latest master branch, and used to build just fine. This should be close to a MWE, when I uncomment the is_prime
instance I get a (deterministic) timeout
example {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (I : ideal (polynomial R)) --[is_prime I]
: R :=
let R' : subring I.quotient := ((quotient.mk I).comp C).range,
letI : comm_ring R' := subring.to_comm_ring R',
letI : comm_ring (polynomial R') := polynomial.comm_ring, -- timeout here
exact 0,
Rob Lewis (Nov 24 2020 at 03:28):
What's the full MWE with imports and open namespaces?
Devon Tuma (Nov 24 2020 at 03:43):
Sorry, this should be a full example:
import ring_theory.ideal.over
namespace ideal
open polynomial
example {R : Type*} [comm_ring R] (I : ideal (polynomial R)) --[is_prime I]
: R :=
let R' : subring I.quotient := ((quotient.mk I).comp C).range,
letI : comm_ring R' := subring.to_comm_ring R',
letI : comm_ring (polynomial R') := polynomial.comm_ring, -- timeout here
exact 0,
end ideal
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC