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Stream: general
Topic: Typeclass inference cannot find is_scalar_tower.left
Eric Wieser (Dec 16 2020 at 12:39):
import algebra.module.basic
variables {R M : Type*} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [semimodule R M]
instance test1 : is_scalar_tower R R M := mul_action.is_scalar_tower.left _ -- ok
instance test2 : is_scalar_tower R R M := infer_instance -- fails
docs#mul_action.is_scalar_tower.left is an instance, so why can't lean find it for me?
Eric Wieser (Dec 16 2020 at 13:02):
Maybe this is because is_scalar_tower.left
depends on docs#mul_action.regular which isn't registered as an instance by default
Kenny Lau (Dec 16 2020 at 13:36):
What is the error?
Kenny Lau (Dec 16 2020 at 13:37):
Is it because infer_instance
doesn't work for Prop
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 16 2020 at 13:40):
by apply_instance
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 16 2020 at 13:40):
infer_instance : Π {α : Type u} [i : α], α
indeed Type u
not Sort u
, for some reason.
Eric Wieser (Dec 16 2020 at 13:48):
Is docs#infer_instance part of core?
Eric Wieser (Dec 16 2020 at 13:49):
Added in https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean/commit/f487989470d9e0c116a213a11c0f2ccc102c66fc
Eric Wieser (Dec 16 2020 at 13:51):
let's find out if there is a reason: leanprover-community/lean#506
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC