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Topic: Unfolding a definition by pattern matching

Paul van Wamelen (Jan 18 2021 at 20:43):

Can someone please enlighten me on how to fill in the sorry here:

import data.matrix.basic

noncomputable theory
open_locale classical

universes u v
variables {n : Type u} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R]

def my_matrix (n : ) : matrix (fin n) (fin n) R
| 0, hn j := 0
| i j := 1

lemma my_matrix_def_not_the_first_row (n : ) (i : fin n) (hn : 0 < n) (h0 : (⟨0, hn : fin n)  i)
  (j : fin n) : (my_matrix n) i j = (1 : R) :=
  -- delta my_matrix,

delta my_matrix makes progress, but I'm still lost.
Is there a better/easier to work with way of defining something like my_matrix?

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 21:53):

import data.matrix.basic

universes u v
variables {n : Type u} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R]

def my_matrix (n : ) : matrix (fin (n + 1)) (fin (n + 1)) R :=
λ i _, if i = 0 then 0 else 1

lemma my_matrix_def_not_the_first_row (n : ) (i j : fin (n + 1)) (ipos : 0  i) :
  (my_matrix n) i j = (1 : R) :=
by simp [my_matrix, ipos.symm]

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 21:54):

A matrix is just a function "of two arguments", which in functional programming is a function that produces another function that produces a value

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 21:55):

You won't be working with matrices of fin 0, so I already defined your my_matrix to work on matrices of dimenions at least 1.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 21:56):

That allows using the 0 that is available for all fin (n + 1). Additionally, it gets rid of the (hn : 0 < n) in your lemma

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 21:59):

Then, in the proof, I can rw my_matrix, which makes it into an ite on some arbitrary i and j. I could have simp only to do beta reduction, then split_ifs to split into the i = 0 and i \ne 0 cases, show a contradiction in the first, etc... Or done rw if_neg ipos.symm to do that in one go... Or just do all of these steps in a single simp call like above.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 18 2021 at 22:48):

Hey what have you got against the 0x0 matrix?

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:01):

You're right Kevin. So here is a formalization following exactly the definition provided by Paul:

import data.matrix.basic

universes u v
variables {n : Type u} [fintype n] {R : Type v} [comm_ring R]

def my_matrix (n : ) : matrix (fin n) (fin n) R
| 0, hn j := 0
| i j := 1

lemma my_matrix_def_not_the_first_row (n : ) (i : fin n) (hn : 0 < n) (h0 : (⟨0, hn : fin n)  i)
  (j : fin n) : (my_matrix n) i j = (1 : R) :=
  cases n,
  { exact fin_zero_elim i },
  { rcases i with _|i,
    { simpa using h0 },
    { rw my_matrix } }

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:01):

Unfolding/rewriting an equation-compiler definition requires getting the expression where the definition is used to be in the same form as how the equation compiler has it.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:02):

So I break down the i into a ⟨0, _⟩ or ⟨i.succ, _⟩ form.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:03):

The first contradictory case can be discharged with either contradiction based on 0 < 0 or that having a term of fin 0 is already contradictory.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:04):

The second contradictory case is based on how inequality of subtypes means inequalities of values, so 0 ≠ 0 will follow from h0 . simpa takes care of discharging the goal with the contradiction.

Yakov Pechersky (Jan 18 2021 at 23:05):

Finally, the main case remains, which requires just the unfolding of the definition.

Paul van Wamelen (Jan 18 2021 at 23:26):

Wow, thanks for the detailed answer Yakov. This certainly taught me quite a few new tricks! I think I'll go with the ite definition, but it is good to know that the other definition is also workable.

Filippo A. E. Nuccio (Jan 19 2021 at 07:43):

Honestly, is the 0x0 matrix useful? Or was it a joke?

Johan Commelin (Jan 19 2021 at 07:48):

It's very useful in edge cases that would otherwise be very annoying.

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2021 at 07:56):

It's not a joke at all. Is the zero-dimensional vector space useful? It's not like it's something which does not exist -- it's something which makes the theory complete. It's the kernel of an injective linear map. An endomorphism of that space is represented by a 0 x 0 matrix. It's an edge case, but it's no more an edge case than the idea that 0 is a natural number. The entire theory works and the proofs are all the same in the 0 x 0 case. It's nothing to be scared of :-) The trace is 0, the det is 1, the char poly is 1, the theorems in your linear algebra book are all true.

Patrick Massot (Jan 19 2021 at 08:02):

What about the zero-dimensional vector space over F1\mathbb{F}_1?

Kevin Buzzard (Jan 19 2021 at 08:02):

That's just Spec(Z) -> Spec(Z) as a toric variety, if my understanding is correct

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC