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Topic: What is docs#euclidean.dist?
Eric Wieser (May 17 2022 at 08:10):
Is this true?
import analysis.inner_product_space.euclidean_dist
example : euclidean.dist (0 : ℝ × ℝ) (3, 4) = 5 :=
My impression is that's it's not necessarily even provable
Floris van Doorn (May 17 2022 at 08:35):
There is no condition that docs#to_euclidean is length-preserving, in general it isn't. In particular euclidean.dist (0 : ℝ) 1
can be any positive real number.
Eric Wieser (May 17 2022 at 08:36):
Should this really be a def and not an existential?
Floris van Doorn (May 17 2022 at 08:37):
I thought I wanted more information, but you should probably just avoid using it on inner product spaces. And use e.g. docs#cont_diff_bump_of_inner instead of docs#cont_diff_bump
Eric Wieser (May 17 2022 at 08:38):
I guess my complaint is that the name suggests that this is going to give some useful euclidean distance, not just a proof that you could have one
Yaël Dillies (May 17 2022 at 08:39):
In particular, people wanted to use it for euclidean geometry.
Floris van Doorn (May 17 2022 at 08:41):
It does something else: define some euclidean distance on finite-dimensional normed vector spaces.
If you want to do euclidean geometry, just use dist
Yaël Dillies (May 17 2022 at 08:45):
Yes of course. My point is that this is a wrongly tentative name.
Floris van Doorn (May 17 2022 at 08:46):
I'm fine with a rename (pinging @Yury G. Kudryashov)
Eric Wieser (May 17 2022 at 08:54):
Here's the "proof" that it's unprovable:
import analysis.inner_product_space.euclidean_dist
example : euclidean.dist (0 : ℝ × ℝ) (3, 4) = 5 :=
have : ((3 : ℝ)^(2 : ℝ) + (4 : ℝ)^(2 : ℝ)) ^ (1/2 : ℝ) = 5,
{ rw [real.rpow_two, real.rpow_two],
have : (0 : ℝ) ≤ 3 ^ 2 + 4 ^ 2 := by norm_num,
apply real.rpow_left_inj_on (two_ne_zero) (real.rpow_nonneg_of_nonneg this _),
{ norm_num },
{ dsimp only,
rw [←real.rpow_mul this, div_mul_cancel (1 : ℝ) (two_ne_zero), real.rpow_one],
norm_num } },
dunfold euclidean.dist,
dsimp only [to_euclidean, continuous_linear_equiv.of_finrank_eq,
linear_equiv.coe_to_continuous_linear_equiv', finite_dimensional.linear_equiv.of_finrank_eq,
simp_rw [←this, map_zero, pi.zero_apply, dist_zero_left, real.norm_eq_abs,
real.rpow_two, sq_abs, ←real.rpow_two],
congr' 1,
have hd : finite_dimensional.finrank ℝ (ℝ × ℝ) = 2 :=
(module.free.finrank_prod _ _ _).trans (by simp),
rw [←(fin.cast hd.symm).to_equiv.sum_comp, fin.sum_univ_succ, fin.sum_univ_succ,
fin.sum_univ_zero, add_zero, fin.succ_zero_eq_one],
-- ⇑(classical.choice _) (3, 4) (⇑(fin.cast _) 0) ^ 2
-- + ⇑(classical.choice _) (3, 4) (⇑(fin.cast _) 1) ^ 2 = 3 ^ 2 + 4 ^ 2
Chris Hughes (May 17 2022 at 09:05):
Just a comment in the docstring explaining that it doesn't necessarily preserve the dist
on spaces that are already euclidean would be useful.
Yury G. Kudryashov (May 17 2022 at 13:05):
Feel free to rename the namespace as you wish.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC