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Topic: What is the tactic to generate`drec`, `cases_on`, etc?
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 11:24):
In interactive mode, drec
, cases_on
,... are generated at inductive declaration
inductive myeq1 {α : Sort u} : α → α → Prop | refl (a : α) : myeq1 a a #print myeq1.drec #print myeq.cases_on
However in tactic mode, they are not!
import tactic open expr native tactic run_cmd (do l ← mk_fresh_name, let u := level.param l, add_inductive "myeq" [l] 1 (pi "α" binder_info.implicit (sort u) $ pi "a" binder_info.default (var 0) $ pi "a" binder_info.default (var 1) $ sort level.zero) [(("myeq" : name) ++ "refl", pi "α" binder_info.implicit (sort u) $ pi "a" binder_info.default (var 0) $ mk_app (const "myeq" [u]) [var 1, var 0, var 0]) ]) #print myeq #print myeq.drec /- not found -/ #print myeq.cases_on /- not found -/
How to generate them or call a tactic that does?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:07):
There is a community lean tactic for this
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:09):
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 12:38):
There is a community lean tactic for this
should I install lean_community/lean master to access it?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:39):
I think there are nightlies
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:41):
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:43):
The alternative for stock lean is to produce the necessary inductive
command as a text expression and call a parser command to splice it into the file
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 12:51):
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 12:55):
Is mathlib supposed to be built on top of lean 3.4.2 or lean-community/lean master?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:55):
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:56):
we haven't made any backwards incompatible changes yet
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 12:56):
so noone used add_ginductive
so far?
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:57):
not in any mathlib tactics
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 12:57):
Mario Carneiro (Jul 25 2019 at 12:57):
Right now most people still use 3.4.2. We want to make it worth switching
Cyril Cohen (Jul 25 2019 at 14:55):
OK... now this makes my community lean master crash...
import tactic open expr native tactic run_cmd (do l ← mk_fresh_name, let u := level.param l, let params := [(sort u : expr)], let ty : expr := pi "a" binder_info.default (var 0) $ pi "a" binder_info.default (var 1) $ sort level.zero, let ctorty : expr := pi "a" binder_info.default (var 0) $ mk_app (const `myeq [u]) [var 1, var 0, var 0], let inds := [((`myeq, ty), [{environment.intro_rule . constr := `refl, type := ctorty}])], updateex_env $ λe, e.add_ginductive options.mk [l] params inds ff)
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 25 2019 at 16:59):
My debug build says that this assert is failing before it crashes.
Cyril Cohen (Jul 26 2019 at 08:53):
I reduced the crash to this,
import tactic open expr native tactic run_cmd do let ty : expr := sort level.zero, updateex_env $ λe, e.add_ginductive options.mk [] [ty] [(("test", ty), [])] ff
This goes through
import tactic open expr native tactic run_cmd do let ty : expr := sort level.zero, updateex_env $ λe, e.add_ginductive options.mk [] [] [(("test", ty), [])] ff /- removed parameter ty -/
but I have this strange debug/warning/error looping in the output buffer:
cannot parse: foo bar cannot parse: bar foo bar
Mario Carneiro (Jul 26 2019 at 09:03):
lol did someone leave some debug code in the build?
Bryan Gin-ge Chen (Jul 26 2019 at 15:19):
Looks like the foo bar stuff is coming from here.
Mario Carneiro (Jul 26 2019 at 17:08):
oh dear it was me
Mario Carneiro (Jul 26 2019 at 20:16):
there is a new nightly out at https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean-nightly/releases/tag/nightly-2019-07-26 without the foo bar
Wojciech Nawrocki (Jul 26 2019 at 20:19):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC