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Topic: Why are these not definitionally equal?

Aaron Anderson (Jul 18 2020 at 23:07):

This project is sorry-free except for one theorem at the end of archive/100-theorems-list/83_friendship/char_poly.lean:https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib/compare/freek_83_friendship_theorem

Aaron Anderson (Jul 18 2020 at 23:08):

The sorries in that theorem seem like they should be solvable by refl, but there's some subtle difference in the definitions.

Aaron Anderson (Jul 18 2020 at 23:09):

Can anybody help figure out how to make lean realize these things are trivially equal, or even better, avoid using transitivity to begin with?

Scott Morrison (Jul 20 2020 at 12:37):

By removing the classical, I managed to prove one of the remaining sorries with refl.

Scott Morrison (Jul 20 2020 at 12:38):

The other one I popped out into a lemma immediately above. It looks completely doable, but when I try to rewrite by matrix.map_sub (which is missing, so I added) something goes wrong...

Scott Morrison (Jul 20 2020 at 12:39):

Even using convert with matrix.map_sub times out, so there is still something definitionally sick hiding in these terms! :-)

Jalex Stark (Jul 20 2020 at 12:46):


Jalex Stark (Jul 20 2020 at 13:04):

hmm I'm not sure how to show that (X • 1)^p = X^p • 1 (I'm working on writing this as a sorry)

Jalex Stark (Jul 20 2020 at 13:21):

I got it with this, which I wasn't able to find in the library

import data.polynomial

universes u v

variables {R : Type v} {A : Type u} [semiring A] [comm_semiring R] [algebra R A]

lemma algebra.smul_pow (a : A) (r : R) (k : ) : (r  a)^k = r^k  a^k :=
  induction k with d hd, simp,
  rw [pow_succ, hd], rw algebra.smul_mul_assoc, simp, rw smul_smul, ring,

Johan Commelin (Jul 20 2020 at 14:09):

Clearly, we need a smul_one simp-lemma

Jalex Stark (Jul 20 2020 at 14:23):

i have these but i'm not sure how they generalize

import linear_algebra.matrix

open finset matrix
noncomputable theory

universes v
variables (R : Type v)

lemma nat.smul_one [semiring R] (d : ) : d  (1 : R) = (d : R) :=
  induction d with k hk, { simp },
  rw nat.succ_eq_add_one, push_cast,
  rw  hk, simp [add_smul],

lemma int.smul_one  [ring R] (d : ) : d  (1 : R) = (d : R) :=
by apply gsmul_one

Jalex Stark (Jul 20 2020 at 23:58):

I think something like mat_poly_equiv_coeff_apply can do a chunk of the work here

Jalex Stark (Jul 21 2020 at 00:02):

yeah, we have to check an equality in matrix n n (polynomial (zmod p)), and it would be "just a computation" if we were thinking of it as matrix n n (zmod p) \otimes polynomial (zmod p)

Jalex Stark (Jul 21 2020 at 00:03):

so I guess i should go study scott's proof of cayley hamilton more closely

Johan Commelin (Jul 21 2020 at 04:35):

@Jalex Stark Hmmm, are you sure that it makes a substantial difference? If p is arbitrary, than it's not like you can ask Lean to do the computation for you.

Jalex Stark (Jul 21 2020 at 10:55):

Sorry, I don't mean that the proof will be dec_trivial, but rather it'll be rwwith several forms of bilinearity of the tensor product

Jalex Stark (Jul 24 2020 at 02:51):

we sorted this out! one of the several issues was that typeclass inference could not find the appropriate char_p instance, hence #3535

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC