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Topic: another really horrible timeout
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 17:49):
Found by Amelia:
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
variables (K : Type*) [field K] (Γ₀ : Type*)
[linear_ordered_comm_monoid_with_zero Γ₀]
def hmm : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := sorry -- times out
Changing def hmm
to example
makes it work fine, exactly as in https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/crazy.20time-out/near/263470182 . In particular all the typeclasses are fine. Has there been some change recently which is causing these timeouts?
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 17:51):
I thought that def
and example
were indistinguishable!
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:15):
Aah -- the thing they have in common is valuation
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:19):
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
def foo : valuation (algebraic_closure empty) empty := sorry -- times out
Just to be clear, empty
doesn't have any of the relevant typeclasses, so now one gets typeclass errors about failing to find field empty
and linear_ordered_comm_monoid_with_zero empty
but you also get a deterministic timeout.
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:19):
So to be clear, def
fails but lemma
and example
both work? Perhaps it's the generating equation lemmas that times out?
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:20):
Yes, def
fails but lemma
and example
both work (well, in this empty
example nothing works but amongst the errors you have a deterministic timeout with def
and no timeout with the other two)
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:24):
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
variables (K : Type) [field K] (Γ₀ : Type)
[linear_ordered_comm_monoid_with_zero Γ₀]
lemma foo : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := sorry -- works
example : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := sorry -- works
def hmm : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := sorry -- times out
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:26):
All three work fine on mathlib I think vscode tricked me7348f1b7fa7a80ce55b3d4c2dad07da93d7cd353
/ lean 3.35.1 on my machine
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:27):
is your timeoutometer set to further than mine? I tried with various commits from three months ago and could reproduce (the file field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
appeared three months ago)
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:29):
Who knows, my orange bars have now vanished and won't come back...
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:31):
This seems to work fine too:
constant bar : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀
noncomputable def hmm : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := bar _ _ -- works
suggesting the sorry
is to blame
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:33):
As does:
constant sorry_but_works {α : Sort*} : α
noncomputable def hmm : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ := sorry_but_works -- works
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:34):
Great, I'll tell Amelia to use that instead :-/
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:36):
noncomputable def hmm : valuation (algebraic_closure K) Γ₀ :=
{ to_fun := λ x, 0,
map_zero' := sorry,
map_one' := sorry,
map_mul' := sorry,
map_add' := sorry } -- works
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:38):
Yeah, it actually seems like the noncomputable
is what causes the problem
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 18:39):
In fact, maybe it's detecting _whether_ it's noncomputable that causes trouble
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 18:40):
We saw this before in a thread that @Yakov Pechersky was involved in -- Yakov do you remember? There was a term which Lean would complain about whether you made it noncomputable or not, and you had some insights into why this was happening.
Yakov Pechersky (Dec 05 2021 at 18:41):
I think our case was something with the equation compiler not using "noncomputable" until it made the whole function?
Reid Barton (Dec 05 2021 at 19:43):
does noncomputable theory
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 19:53):
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 19:54):
I'm trying to minimise. Does someone have a good tip to make a simple noncomputable function, i.e. some kind of "noncomputable stub"?
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 20:02):
It's not valuations:
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
variables (K : Type) [field K]
structure foo (R : Type) [_inst_2 : ring R] : Type.
def hmm : foo (algebraic_closure K) := sorry -- times out
Reid Barton (Dec 05 2021 at 20:05):
Kevin Buzzard said:
I'm trying to minimise. Does someone have a good tip to make a simple noncomputable function, i.e. some kind of "noncomputable stub"?
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 20:21):
It's more complicated than this. If I use the reals, things work fine.
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
import data.real.basic
variables (K : Type) [field K]
structure val (K : Type) [_inst_2 : field K] : Type.
def real' (K : Type) [field K] := ℝ
def algebraic_closure' (K : Type) [field K] : Type :=
ring.direct_limit (algebraic_closure.step K) (λ i j h, algebraic_closure.to_step_of_le K i j h)
noncomputable instance real'.field : field (real' K) := by unfold real'; apply_instance
noncomputable instance algebraic_closure'.field : field (algebraic_closure' K) := field.direct_limit.field _ _
def this_works : val (real' K) := sorry
def this_times_out : val (algebraic_closure' K) := sorry
Eric Wieser (Dec 05 2021 at 20:26):
(classical.choice ⟨0⟩, x).2
is an easy way to make x
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 21:45):
I think this is the root cause -- like Maria's earlier timeout it's probably something to do with noncomputable. Again it has to be a def -- lemma
and example
work fine.
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
def algebraic_closure'.comm_ring (K : Type) [field K] : comm_ring (algebraic_closure K) :=
exact ideal.quotient.comm_ring _,
-- goals accomplished
recover, -- goals accomplished
-- delete the next line for a timeout
sorry, -- tactic failed, no goals to be solved
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 21:47):
The actual proof of comm_ring (algebraic_closure K)
in mathlib unfolds to ideal.quotient.comm_ring _
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 21:49):
Note also that if you mark the def noncomputable
then Lean complains that it's not noncomputable before the timeout occurs. (My guess is that it's noncomputable...)
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 21:55):
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
noncomputable def foo (K : Type) [field K] : comm_ring (algebraic_closure K) :=
change comm_ring (ideal.quotient _), -- works fine
exact ideal.quotient.comm_ring _, -- times out
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 22:02):
This is the ring we're talking about:
def foo (K : Type) [field K] : comm_ring (algebraic_closure K) :=
change comm_ring (ideal.quotient
(_ : ideal (free_comm_ring (Σ (i : ℕ), algebraic_closure.step K i)))), -- works fine
refine ideal.quotient.comm_ring _, -- times out
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 22:13):
I used pp.all
to figure out what the ideal was (note line numbers). So now we're in the same sort of situation Maria was in, with innocuous working code which Lean can't handle for some reason.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 22:15):
I don't know where to go from here :-(
Adam Topaz (Dec 05 2021 at 22:31):
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 05 2021 at 23:35):
On the other hand, this works fine:
import field_theory.is_alg_closed.algebraic_closure
noncomputable def foo (K : Type) [field K] : comm_ring (algebraic_closure K) :=
change comm_ring (ideal.quotient _), -- works fine
exact ring.direct_limit.comm_ring _ _, -- the definition of this is `ideal.quotient.comm_ring _`
So it looks like the problem is solved, but in fact all that happens is that it blows up in your face later.
Kevin Buzzard (Dec 07 2021 at 15:22):
Current state of things: it's something to do with (a) field (b) noncomputable. I'm posting this here because I want to switch computer and I wondered if people were interested in my progress. It doesn't compile with master mathlib -- for that you have to change J.quotient
to _ \quot J
in a couple of places (it compiles with mathlib from around a week ago). The game is to get the imports down to 0. Right now I've reduced them to just ring and field theory.
import ring_theory.free_comm_ring
import ring_theory.ideal.quotient
variables (K : Type) [field K]
structure foo (R : Type) [_inst_2 : has_add R] : Type :=
(b : bool)
namespace algebraic_closure'
-- important that this takes `[field]`
def monic_irreducible (K : Type) [field K] : Type := bool
noncomputable def max_ideal : ideal (mv_polynomial (monic_irreducible K) K) := 0
instance max_ideal.is_maximal : (max_ideal K).is_maximal := sorry
/-- The first step of constructing `algebraic_closure`: adjoin a root of all monic polynomials -/
def adjoin_monic : Type :=
(max_ideal K).quotient
noncomputable instance adjoin_monic.field : field (adjoin_monic K) :=
ideal.quotient.field _
/-- The canonical ring homomorphism to `adjoin_monic k`. -/
noncomputable def to_adjoin_monic : K →+* adjoin_monic K :=
(ideal.quotient.mk _).comp mv_polynomial.C
/-- The `n`th step of constructing `algebraic_closure`, together with its `field` instance. -/
noncomputable def step_aux (n : ℕ) : Σ α : Type, field α :=
nat.rec_on n ⟨K, infer_instance⟩ $ λ n ih,
⟨@algebraic_closure'.adjoin_monic ih.1 ih.2, @algebraic_closure'.adjoin_monic.field ih.1 ih.2⟩
/-- The `n`th step of constructing `algebraic_closure`. -/
def step (n : ℕ) : Type :=
(step_aux K n).1
noncomputable instance step.field (n : ℕ) : field (step K n) :=
(step_aux K n).2
-- if this is computable it works
noncomputable def to_step_succ (n : ℕ) : step K n → step K (n + 1) :=
@algebraic_closure'.to_adjoin_monic (step K n) (step.field K n)
-- if this is computable it works
noncomputable def to_step_of_le (m n : ℕ) (h : m ≤ n) : step K m → step K n :=
nat.le_rec_on h (λ n, to_step_succ K n)
end algebraic_closure'
def algebraic_closure' : Type :=
let G := algebraic_closure'.step K in
let f := algebraic_closure'.to_step_of_le K in
(ideal.span { a | (∃ i j H x, free_comm_ring.of (⟨j, f i j H x⟩ : Σ i, G i) = a)}).quotient
def foobar : comm_ring (algebraic_closure' K) := ideal.quotient.comm_ring _ -- timeout with def, fine with lemma/example
Gabriel Ebner (Dec 13 2021 at 11:42):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC