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Topic: apply def or theorem

Hoang Le Truong (Aug 07 2018 at 21:41):

I have the following definitions

 def index  {s : set( set α)} (n:ℕ)  [fintype s] (H:∀i∈ s, finite i)
    : set(set(set α )) :=  { t| t ⊆ s ∧   fintype.card t=n}

I get a following error

failed to synthesize type class instance for
α : Type,
s : set (set α),
n : ℕ,
_inst_1 : fintype ↥s,
H : ∀ (i : set α), i ∈ s → finite i,
t : set (set α)
⊢ fintype ↥t

I see that the following definition in data.set.finite

def fintype_subset (s : set α) {t : set α} [fintype s] [decidable_pred t] (h : t ⊆ s) : fintype t :=
by rw ← inter_eq_self_of_subset_right h; apply_instance

How can I apply it to my definition?

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2018 at 21:51):

So alpha is a random type, s is a set of subsets of alpha (so s could be empty), _inst_1 is a proof that s is finite (so s could still be empty), H says something about all elements of s (so if s is empty then H is true), but alpha could still be a random type, and now t is some set of subsets of alpha so there's no reason to expect that t is finite, unless I made a slip.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 21:52):

{ t| ∃ h : t ⊆ s, @fintype.card t (fintype_subset s h) =n}

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2018 at 21:52):

Oh, so that type class instance can't be synthesized because Lean hasn't got to the point where t is a subset of s yet.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2018 at 21:53):

So Chris' clever trick is to give a name to the fact that t is a subset of s, and then we can use it later.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 21:53):

The other set is finite too, since it's a subset of the powerset of s, which is finite.

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 07 2018 at 21:55):

Right -- I was just looking at the error, where there were no assumptions on t at all. You managed to insert the subset assumption into the system so Lean could see it.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 21:59):

There is a case for a dependent and. The trouble with the exists trick is there's no exists.left and exists doesn't eliminate into data, but dependent and could.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 22:00):

But I don't think it comes up that often.

Hoang Le Truong (Aug 07 2018 at 22:00):

I try { t| ∃ h : t ⊆ s, @fintype.card t (fintype_subset s h) =n} but I get

failed to synthesize type class instance for
α : Type,
s : set (set α),
n : ℕ,
_inst_1 : fintype ↥s,
H : ∀ (i : set α), i ∈ s → finite i,
t : set (set α),
h : t ⊆ s
⊢ decidable_pred t

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 22:05):

You can use local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable before the statement of the theorem.

Hoang Le Truong (Aug 07 2018 at 22:09):

@Chris Hughes Since s is finite and t ⊆ s then t is finite by def fintype_subset

def index   {s : set( set α)} (n:ℕ)  [fintype s] (H:∀i∈ s, finite i)
    : set(set(set α )) :=  { t| ∃ h : t ⊆ s, @fintype.card t (fintype_subset s h) =n}

where am I use local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 22:11):

On its own line before the definition.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 22:12):

You might be better off using finsets for this actually.

Chris Hughes (Aug 07 2018 at 22:13):

Then you don't have to worry about proving things are finite.

Hoang Le Truong (Aug 07 2018 at 22:14):

Ok I will try it

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC