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Topic: at hyp { tac1, tac2 }

Johan Commelin (Aug 20 2021 at 06:22):

In feat(archive/imo): IMO 2021 Q1 #8432 we have proofs like

lemma lower_bound (n l : ) (hl : 2 + sqrt (4 + 2 * n)  2 * (l : )) :
  (n : ) + 4 * l  2 * l * l :=
  have h₁ : sqrt (4 + 2 * n)  2 * l - 2 := by linarith,
  replace h₁ := (sqrt_le_iff.1 h₁).2,
  ring_exp at h₁,
  norm_num at h₁,
  norm_cast at h₁,

This suggest that we might want a pattern like

  have h₁ : sqrt (4 + 2 * n)  2 * l - 2 := by linarith, := by linarith,
  replace h₁ := (sqrt_le_iff.1 h₁).2,
  at h₁ { ring_exp, norm_num, norm_cast },

Does that make sense? Would this be easy to implement in Lean 4?

Scott Morrison (Aug 20 2021 at 07:06):

Do you just mean "run each of these tactics, with at h₁ shoved on the end"? That might just work!

It feels like cheating to just do this at the syntactic level, however. We might have situations where you need to call a tactic like Foo at X with Y, but a hack like this will produce Foo with Y at X, which would fail, but users would reasonably be surprised.

(I don't see how else to do it.)

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC