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Topic: cat is not a valid field of structure cat
Kind Bubble (Jan 15 2023 at 23:11):
Here I've tried to define the category of categories. But I ran into an issue:
Main.lean:25:23: error: 'Cat' is not a field of structure 'Cat'
I guess a structure can't be comprised of itself?
See the last line for where the error occurs.
How might I work around this?
import Init.Data.ToString.Basic
universe u
structure Cat where
Obj : Type u
Hom : ∀(_:Obj),∀(_:Obj), Type u
Idn : ∀(X:Obj),Hom X X
Cmp : ∀(X:Obj),∀(Y:Obj),∀(Z:Obj),∀(_:Hom X Y),∀(_:Hom Y Z),Hom X Z
Id1 : ∀(X:Obj),∀(Y:Obj),∀(f:Hom X Y),(Cmp X Y Y) f (Idn Y) = f
Id2 : ∀(X:Obj),∀(Y:Obj),∀(f:Hom X Y),(Cmp X X Y) (Idn X) f = f
Ass : ∀(W:Obj),∀(X:Obj),∀(Y:Obj),∀(Z:Obj),∀(f:Hom W X),∀(g:Hom X Y),∀(h:Hom Y Z),(Cmp W X Z) f (Cmp X Y Z g h) = Cmp W Y Z (Cmp W X Y f g) h
def Cmp {C : Cat} {X : C.Obj} {Y : C.Obj} {Z : C.Obj} (f : C.Hom X Y) (g : C.Hom Y Z) := C.Cmp X Y Z f g
notation g "∘" f => Cmp f g
structure Fun (C : Cat) (D : Cat) where
Obj : ∀(_ : C.Obj),D.Obj
Mor : ∀(X : C.Obj),∀(Y : C.Obj),∀(_ : C.Hom X Y),D.Hom (Obj X) (Obj Y)
Idn : ∀(X : C.Obj),Mor X X (C.Idn X) = D.Idn (Obj X)
Cmp : ∀(X : C.Obj),∀(Y : C.Obj),∀(Z : C.Obj),∀(f : C.Hom X Y),∀(g : C.Hom Y Z),D.Cmp (Obj X) (Obj Y) (Obj Z) (Mor X Y f) (Mor Y Z g) = Mor X Z (C.Cmp X Y Z (f) (g))
def CatIdn (C : Cat) : Fun C C :=
{Obj := fun(X : C.Obj)=>X, Mor := fun(X : C.Obj)=>fun(Y : C.Obj)=>fun(f : C.Hom X Y)=>f, Idn := fun(X : C.Obj)=>Eq.refl (C.Idn X),Cmp := fun(X : C.Obj)=>fun(Y : C.Obj)=>fun(Z : C.Obj)=>fun(f : C.Hom X Y)=>fun(g : C.Hom Y Z)=>Eq.refl (C.Cmp X Y Z f g)}
def CatCmp (C : Cat) (D : Cat) (E : Cat) (F : Fun C D) (G : Fun D E) : (Fun C E):=
{Obj := fun(X : C.Obj)=>(G.Obj (F.Obj X)),Mor := fun(X : C.Obj)=>fun(Y : C.Obj)=>fun(f : C.Hom X Y)=>(G.Mor) (F.Obj X) (F.Obj Y) ((F.Mor) X Y f),Idn := fun(X : C.Obj)=> ((Eq.trans) (congrArg (G.Mor (F.Obj X) (F.Obj X)) (F.Idn X) ) (G.Idn (F.Obj X))),Cmp := fun(X : C.Obj)=>fun(Y : C.Obj)=>fun(Z : C.Obj)=>fun(f : C.Hom X Y)=>fun(g : C.Hom Y Z)=>((Eq.trans) (G.Cmp (F.Obj X) (F.Obj Y) (F.Obj Z) (F.Mor X Y f) (F.Mor Y Z g)) (congrArg (G.Mor (F.Obj X) (F.Obj Z)) (F.Cmp X Y Z f g)))}
def CatId1 (C : Cat) (D : Cat) (F : Fun C D) : ((CatCmp C D D) F (CatIdn D) = F) := Eq.refl F
def CatId2 (C : Cat) (D : Cat) (F : Fun C D) : ((CatCmp C C D) (CatIdn C) F = F) := Eq.refl F
def CatAss (B : Cat) (C : Cat) (D : Cat) (E : Cat) (F : Fun B C) (G : Fun C D) (H : Fun D E) : (CatCmp B C E F (CatCmp C D E G H) = CatCmp B D E (CatCmp B C D F G) H) := Eq.refl (CatCmp B C E F (CatCmp C D E G H))
def Category : Cat := {Cat,Fun,CatIdn,CatCmp,CatId1,CatId2,CatAss}
Kevin Buzzard (Jan 15 2023 at 23:21):
As far as I know that's not valid syntax to make a structure instance? Oh -- this is lean 4? Then I'm not so sure. But it's still a pretty wacky way to do it. What happens if you try it the normal way? Obj := Cat
Kind Bubble (Jan 15 2023 at 23:27):
Oh! It's just the wrong syntax haha. Ok thanks Professor.
Junyan Xu (Jan 15 2023 at 23:32):
I tried the code with the correct syntax (def Category : Cat where Obj := Cat ...
or { Obj := Cat, ... }
but Lean reports universe error. I realized the problem is that even though Cat
is one universe higher, Fun
is in the original universe, so you either need to allow different universes for Obj
and Hom
, or else need to specify the universe of Fun
to be one higher.
Junyan Xu (Jan 15 2023 at 23:35):
something like
structure Fun (C : Cat.{u}) (D : Cat.{u}) : Type (u+1) where
Kind Bubble (Jan 16 2023 at 01:29):
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC