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Topic: conflicting imports
Sebastien Gouezel (Feb 21 2019 at 10:01):
When I import two unrelated files (that are not yet in mathlib, so giving a MWE is complicated), I get the error
invalid import: topology.metric_space.closeds invalid object declaration, environment already has an object named 'metric.metric_space._proof_1'
So it seems my two files define an object with the same name, but of course I never gave this name to anything. In the two files, #check metric.metric_space._proof_1
gives respectively
metric.metric_space._proof_1 : ∀ (x y : nonempty_compacts ?M_1), emetric.Hausdorff_edist (x.val) (y.val) ≠ ⊤
metric.metric_space._proof_1 : ∀ (x y : completion ?M_1), ennreal.of_real ((λ (x y : completion ?M_1), completion.extension (λ (p : ?M_1 × ?M_1), dist (p.fst) (p.snd)) (completion.prod (x, y))) x y) = ennreal.of_real ((λ (x y : completion ?M_1), completion.extension (λ (p : ?M_1 × ?M_1), dist (p.fst) (p.snd)) (completion.prod (x, y))) x y)
These two statements come from instance proofs in the two files. For instance, the first one comes from
instance : metric_space (nonempty_compacts α) := emetric_space.to_metric_space $ λx y, Hausdorff_edist_ne_top_of_ne_empty_of_bounded x.2.1 y.2.1 (bounded_of_compact x.2.2) (bounded_of_compact y.2.2)
If I give a name to the instance, then the problem disappears. Does this mean that one should always give a name to instances, or is there a better way to solve the issue?
Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2019 at 10:04):
you should name your instance if it gets a dumb name
Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2019 at 10:05):
you can learn the naming algorithm with some trial and error, and predict the dumb names
Kenny Lau (Feb 21 2019 at 10:05):
like is_ring_hom.is_ring_hom
? :P
Mario Carneiro (Feb 21 2019 at 10:06):
Usually you just notice this stuff when someone (or you) complains about it
Kenny Lau (Feb 21 2019 at 10:25):
import algebra.field_power import algebra.group import category_theory.fully_faithful import category_theory.instances.measurable_space import category_theory.instances.topological_spaces #check int.has_pow #check units.is_group_hom #check units.is_monoid_hom #check category_theory.category_theory.faithful #check category_theory.category_theory.fully_faithful #check category_theory.instances.Meas.category_theory.concrete_category #check category_theory.instances.Top.category_theory.concrete_category
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC