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Topic: constructing a class for ih

Gavid Liebnich (Nov 17 2018 at 16:12):

Could anyone point me in a right direction in this proof?

import data.vector data.list

variables {α : Type}

def between [decidable_linear_order α] (a b : α) :=
  {x : α // a  x  x < b}

class c_mapper (α : Type*) :=
  (n       : α  )
  (h       : Πm, 0 < n m)
  (data    : Πm, between 0 (n m)  )

structure mapper := (n : ) (h : 0 < n) (data : vector  n)

instance indexed_mapper_is_c_mapper :
  c_mapper mapper := {
    n       := λm, m.n,
    h       := λm, m.h,
    data    := λm x, m.data.nth x.1, x.2.2

variables [c_mapper α]

def yield (m : α) :=
  list.map (
      c_mapper.data m  λn : {x // x  list.range (c_mapper.n m)}, n, sorry
    (list.attach $ list.range $ c_mapper.n m)

lemma yield_len (m : α) : list.length (yield m) = c_mapper.n m :=
  generalize h : yield m = l,
  induction l with x xs ih generalizing m,
      -- yield m = [] is contradictory
      -- How to construct α for ih?

I don't suppose there is at all a way to construct a new α here for the ih in yield_len - it's a class. Do I need to reformulate the entire statement? Or do I need to do induction over something different there?

Kenny Lau (Nov 17 2018 at 16:25):

import data.vector data.list

universe u

variables {α : Type u}

def between [decidable_linear_order α] (a b : α) :=
{x : α // a  x  x < b}

class c_mapper (α : Type u) :=
(n : α  )
(h : Π m, 0 < n m)
(data : Π m, between 0 (n m)  )

structure mapper :=
(n : )
(h : 0 < n)
(data : vector  n)

instance indexed_mapper_is_c_mapper : c_mapper mapper :=
{ n    := λ m, m.n,
  h    := λ m, m.h,
  data := λ m x, m.data.nth x.1, x.2.2 }

variables [c_mapper α]

def yield (m : α) :=
(list.range $ c_mapper.n m).attach.map $ λ n,
c_mapper.data m n, nat.zero_le _, list.mem_range.1 n.2

lemma yield_len (m : α) : list.length (yield m) = c_mapper.n m :=
(list.length_map _ _).trans $ (list.length_attach _).trans $ list.length_range _

Gavid Liebnich (Nov 17 2018 at 17:10):

Alright this works in this particular case, however, what if I actually need to do induction on something that will require a value of some class type - such as occurs in this case if I do happen to do induction and I get to a state with ih ∀ (m : α), yield m = xs → list.length xs = c_mapper.n m. Providing this m doesn't seem possible to me, because it's just some α that's known to be [c_mapper α].

Kenny Lau (Nov 17 2018 at 17:11):

I don't think induction on yield m is a good idea in this case anyway

Gavid Liebnich (Nov 17 2018 at 17:12):

What would one do induction on then?

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC