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Topic: continuous maps vanishing at infinity
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 14:59):
I'm looking to define the type of continuous maps vanishing at infinity. Does this seem like a reasonable start? I don't want to get too deep if I'm heading in the wrong direction somehow.
import topology.continuous_function.bounded
# Continuous functions vanishing at infinity
The type of continuous functions vanishing at infinity. When the domain is a locally compact space,
this type has nice properties. When the domain is compact `C₀(α, β) ≃ C(α, β)` via the identity map.
universes u v
variables {F : Type*} {α : Type u} {β : Type v}
open_locale bounded_continuous_function
/-- `C₀(α, β)` is the type of continuous functions `α → β` which vanish at infinity from a
topological space to a metric space with a zero element. -/
structure zero_at_infty_continuous_map (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
[topological_space α] [has_zero β] [metric_space β] extends continuous_map α β :
Type (max u v) :=
(zero_at_infty' : ∀ ε > 0, ∃ K : set α,
is_compact K ∧ ∀ x ∉ K, to_fun x ∈ metric.closed_ball (0 : β) ε)
localized "notation `C₀(` α `, ` β `)` := zero_at_infty_continuous_map α β" in zero_at_infty
/-- `zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class F α β` states that `F` is a type of continuous maps which
vanish at infinity.
You should also extend this typeclass when you extend `zero_at_infty_continuous_map`. -/
class zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class (F α β : Type*) [topological_space α] [has_zero β]
[metric_space β] extends continuous_map_class F α β :=
(zero_at_infty (f : F) : ∀ ε > 0, ∃ K : set α,
is_compact K ∧ ∀ x ∉ K, f x ∈ metric.closed_ball (0 : β) ε)
export zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class (zero_at_infty)
namespace zero_at_infty
section basics
variables [topological_space α] [has_zero β] [metric_space β] [metric_space γ]
instance : zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class C₀(α, β) α β :=
{ coe := λ f, f.to_fun,
coe_injective' := λ f g h, by { obtain ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩ := f, obtain ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩ := g, congr' },
map_continuous := λ f, f.continuous_to_fun,
zero_at_infty := λ f, f.zero_at_infty' }
/-- Helper instance for when there's too many metavariables to apply `fun_like.has_coe_to_fun`
directly. -/
instance : has_coe_to_fun C₀(α, β) (λ _, α → β) := fun_like.has_coe_to_fun
instance [zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class F α β] : has_coe_t F C₀(α, β) :=
⟨λ f, { to_fun := f, continuous_to_fun := map_continuous f, zero_at_infty' := zero_at_infty f }⟩
@[simp] lemma coe_to_continuous_fun (f : C₀(α, β)) : (f.to_continuous_map : α → β) = f := rfl
/-- See Note [custom simps projection]. We need to specify this projection explicitly in this case,
because it is a composition of multiple projections. -/
def simps.apply (h : C₀(α, β)) : α → β := h
initialize_simps_projections zero_at_infty_continuous_map (to_continuous_map_to_fun → apply)
variables [zero_at_infty_continuous_map_class F α β]
protected lemma bounded (f : F) : ∃ C, ∀ x y : α, dist ((f : α → β) x) (f y) ≤ C :=
obtain ⟨K : set α, hK₁, hK₂⟩ := zero_at_infty (f : F) (1 : ℝ) zero_lt_one,
obtain ⟨C, hC⟩ := (hK₁.image (map_continuous f)).bounded.subset_ball (0 : β),
refine ⟨max C 1 + max C 1, (λ x y, _)⟩,
have : ∀ x, f x ∈ metric.closed_ball (0 : β) (max C 1),
{ intro x,
by_cases hx : x ∈ K,
{ exact le_trans (metric.mem_closed_ball.mp $ hC ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩) (le_max_left _ _) },
{ exact le_trans (metric.mem_closed_ball.mp $ hK₂ x hx) (le_max_right _ _) } },
exact (dist_triangle (f x) 0 (f y)).trans
(add_le_add (metric.mem_closed_ball.mp $ this x) (metric.mem_closed_ball'.mp $ this y)),
instance : bounded_continuous_map_class C₀(α, β) α β :=
{ coe := λ f, f.to_fun,
coe_injective' := λ f g h, by { obtain ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩ := f, obtain ⟨⟨_, _⟩, _⟩ := g, congr' },
map_continuous := λ f, f.continuous_to_fun,
map_bounded := λ f, zero_at_infty.bounded f }
Yaël Dillies (Mar 15 2022 at 15:08):
- You should use
. - The final instance should be stated in terms of the
, not the type of morphisms. - You can drop the simps projection stuff as we haven't yet decided on the correct way to use it for homs.
- I know we use the notation
C(\a, \b)
for continuous maps but even though it's standard literature notation I think that's a shame and that we should change it to\a ->C \b
or something more mathlib-like. So here I'd suggest using\a ->C\_0 \b
or similar. - Ideally, we would have a type of bounded maps in which case your
lemma would turn into an instancezero_at..._class -> bounded_map_class
. Leave that for now I'd say.
Yaël Dillies (Mar 15 2022 at 15:09):
This is the first time I see someone \ {Anne, I} following closely the hom refactor so I'm very happy overall :)
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 16:11):
The ⦃⦄
means semi-implicit argument, right? Why do I want that here? I've worked with these very little, and it seems that I can't pass it an explicit value for the argument (but I'm probably doing it wrong). Where is the documentation for these?
Yaël Dillies (Mar 15 2022 at 16:17):
You can find an explanation in #tpil. Have a look at how they're used in docs#set.pairwise and docs#convex
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 16:36):
oh, I see, you want this:
∀ ⦃ε : ℝ⦄, (0 < ε) → ∃ K : set α, is_compact K ∧ ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, (x ∉ K) → to_fun x ∈ metric.closed_ball (0 : β) ε)
not this:
∀ ⦃ε > 0⦄, ∃ K : set α, is_compact K ∧ ∀ ⦃x ∉ K⦄, f x ∈ metric.closed_ball (0 : β) ε)
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 16:37):
That makes way more sense. I was confused trying to figure out how ε
and x
were supposed to be inferred in the second one.
Heather Macbeth (Mar 15 2022 at 16:38):
@Jireh Loreaux What about using docs#filter.cocompact ?
Heather Macbeth (Mar 15 2022 at 16:40):
structure zero_at_infty_continuous_map (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
[topological_space α] [has_zero β] [metric_space β] extends continuous_map α β :
Type (max u v) :=
(zero_at_infty' : tendsto to_fun (cocompact α) (𝓝 0))
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 16:41):
Yes, much nicer. Good point.
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 15 2022 at 17:14):
In that case, I guess I'll just relax [metric_space β]
to [topological_space β]
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 16 2022 at 14:40):
I guess we don't have any non-unital analogue of topological_ring
, do we? I could just have has_continuous_add
and has_continuous_mul
separately I suppose; is that the right approach?
Johan Commelin (Mar 16 2022 at 15:03):
Or generalize the definition of topological_ring
Johan Commelin (Mar 16 2022 at 15:03):
It doesn't need to assume that the underlying type actually has a ring structure, right?
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 16 2022 at 17:48):
Well, for non-unital semirings, sure, it would generalize just fine. But if you just relax semiring
to non_unital_semiring
as is, then the (perhaps minor) problem is that we don't have "has_continuous_neg
" and for a ring (not a semiring), the way we get this right now is by multiplying by -1
and using has_continuous_mul
. All this would still be fine if it weren't for non_unital_ring
, where you still want "has_continuous_neg
" but there's no way to get it for free since you don't have -1
. I don't see an immediately easy way to fix that.
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 16 2022 at 17:52):
I guess maybe the way to deal with this is to have topological_semiring
(which only requires non_unital_semiring
, maybe even non_unital_non_assoc_semiring
) and is just the combination of has_continuous_add
and has_continuous_mul
. Then separately have topological_ring
(which only requires non_unital_ring
or maybe non_unital_non_assoc_ring
) which extends topological_semiring
by adding the currently nonexistent has_continuous_neg
Yaël Dillies (Mar 16 2022 at 17:59):
It looks everything would be solved by having has_continuous_neg
and an instance has_continuous_mul → has_continuous_neg
when working over a group.
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 16 2022 at 18:00):
you mean over a ring?
Yaël Dillies (Mar 16 2022 at 18:00):
Yaël Dillies (Mar 16 2022 at 18:01):
topological_ring := topological_semiring + has_continuous_neg
sounds like a good idea too.
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 18 2022 at 19:31):
So, I am defining topological_semiring
as above along with topological_ring
(with a type class argument of non_unital_non_assoc_ring
). I can write the instance of [non_assoc_ring R] [has_continuous_mul R] → has_continuous_neg R
, but then it would be nice if Lean could automatically infer this when creating instances of topological_ring
when possible. How do I write the definition of topological_ring
to (try to) do this automatically?
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 19 2022 at 01:24):
@Yaël Dillies
Yaël Dillies (Mar 19 2022 at 01:25):
Long story short: Wait for Lean 4
Jireh Loreaux (Mar 19 2022 at 05:04):
:cry: any place I can read the long version of this story?
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC