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Topic: crazy time-out

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2021 at 17:13):

Maria found a way of getting subtype.val to time out. The example below isn't very minimal but it is pretty weird. The subtype foo below is defined with an and then bar times out. If you change the to a then the timeout goes away though?!

import algebraic_geometry.prime_spectrum.basic
import ring_theory.dedekind_domain
import topology.algebra.valued_field

open_locale classical

section valuation
variables {S : Type*} [ring S] {Γ₀ : Type*} [linear_ordered_comm_monoid_with_zero Γ₀]
  (v : valuation S Γ₀) {x y z : S}

lemma valuation.def : v x = v.to_fun x := rfl

end valuation

variables (R : Type) {K : Type} [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] [is_dedekind_domain R] [field K]
  [algebra R K] [is_fraction_ring R K]

-- Note : not the maximal spectrum if R is a field
def maximal_spectrum := {v : prime_spectrum R // v.as_ideal  0 }

variable (v : maximal_spectrum R)

variable {R}

noncomputable def ring.adic_valuation.def (v : maximal_spectrum R) (r : R) : with_zero (multiplicative ) :=
dite (r = 0) (λ (h : r = 0), 0) (λ h : ¬ r = 0, (multiplicative.of_add
  (-(associates.mk v.val.as_ideal).count (associates.mk (ideal.span{r} : ideal R)).factors : )))

noncomputable def adic_valuation.def (v : maximal_spectrum R) (x : K) : (with_zero (multiplicative )) :=
let s := classical.some (classical.some_spec (is_localization.mk'_surjective
  (non_zero_divisors R) x)) in (ring.adic_valuation.def v (classical.some
    (is_localization.mk'_surjective (non_zero_divisors R) x)))/(ring.adic_valuation.def v s)

noncomputable def adic_valuation (v : maximal_spectrum R) : valuation K (with_zero (multiplicative )) := {
  to_fun    := adic_valuation.def v,
  map_zero' := sorry,
  map_one'  := sorry,
  map_mul'  := sorry,
  map_add'  := sorry }

noncomputable def v_valued_K (v : maximal_spectrum R) : valued K :=
{ Γ₀  := with_zero (multiplicative ),
  grp := infer_instance,
  -- necessary
  v   := adic_valuation v }

noncomputable def ts' : topological_space K := @valued.topological_space K _ (v_valued_K v)
lemma tdr' : @topological_division_ring K _ (ts' v) := @valued.topological_division_ring K _ (v_valued_K v)
noncomputable def us' : uniform_space K := @topological_add_group.to_uniform_space K _ (ts' v) _
lemma ug' : @uniform_add_group K (us' v) _ := @topological_add_group_is_uniform K _ (ts' v) _

variables (K)
def K_v := @uniform_space.completion K (us' v)

noncomputable instance : field (K_v K v) := @field_completion K _ (us' v) (tdr' v) _ (ug' v) _

variables (R)

def K_hat := (Π (v : maximal_spectrum R), K_v K v)

-- change ∃ to ∀ and the problem goes away!
def foo := { x : (K_hat R K) //  (v : maximal_spectrum R), (x v)⁻¹ = 37 }

-- times out
def bar : foo R K  K_hat R K := λ x, x.1

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 18:55):

this seems to work

-- Change // to | and it works!
def foo := { x : (K_hat R K) |  (v : maximal_spectrum R), (x v)⁻¹ = 37 }

def bar : foo R K  K_hat R K := λ x, x.1

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 18:57):

Also this works:

def foo := { x : K_hat R K // true   (v : maximal_spectrum R), (x v)⁻¹ = 37 }

def bar : foo R K  K_hat R K := λ x, x.1

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 18:58):

And this

def baz (x : K_hat R K) : Prop :=  (v : maximal_spectrum R), (x v)⁻¹ = 37

def foo := { x : K_hat R K //  baz _ _ x }

def bar : foo R K  K_hat R K := λ x, x.1

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 18:59):

So as long as you put the smallest of wrappers around the proposition, it seems to be okay.

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 19:09):

I think it's an issue with 37, or perhaps the inverse.

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 19:09):

E.g. this works:

def foo := { x : K_hat R K //  v : maximal_spectrum R, (x v) = (x v) }

def bar : foo R K  K_hat R K := λ x, x.1

Kevin Buzzard (Dec 02 2021 at 20:31):

Yes -- the inverse is causing the trouble because it uses the field structure. It's the field structure which is causing the kernel to get stuck. I think it must be the kernel because λ x, begin exact x.1, sorry, end gives "goals accomplished" and an error on the sorry. The issue is the field structure on K_v. Maria's fix was simply to define an auxiliary P x := ∃ (v : maximal_spectrum R), (x v)⁻¹ = 37 and then use {x // P x}, which also works. But don't you think it's completely bizarre?

Adam Topaz (Dec 02 2021 at 20:58):

Yeah it's strange.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC