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Topic: decidable_eq makes lemma fail

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 17:38):

import data.mv_polynomial.basic

noncomputable theory

open_locale classical big_operators

open set function finsupp add_monoid_algebra
open_locale big_operators

universes u
variables {R : Type u}

namespace mv_polynomial
variables {σ : Type*} {n m : σ} {s : σ →₀ }

variables [decidable_eq σ] -- if commented works fine

section comm_semiring

variables [comm_semiring R] {p q : mv_polynomial σ R}

section coeff

@[simp] lemma my_coeff_mul_X (m) (s : σ) (p : mv_polynomial σ R) :
  coeff (m + single s 1) (p * X s) = coeff m p :=
  have : (m, single s 1)  (m + single s 1).antidiagonal := mem_antidiagonal.2 rfl,
  rw [coeff_mul,  finset.insert_erase this, finset.sum_insert (finset.not_mem_erase _ _),
      finset.sum_eq_zero, add_zero, coeff_X, mul_one],
  rintros i,j hij,
  rw [finset.mem_erase, mem_antidiagonal] at hij,
  by_cases H : single s 1 = j,
  { subst j, simpa using hij },
  { rw [coeff_X', if_neg H, mul_zero] },

end coeff

end comm_semiring

end mv_polynomial

I am working on a lemma similar to the one above which is a duplicate of coeff_mul_X in data.mv_polynomial.basic. I copied over the proof from coeff_mul_X to get started, and noticed the proof was failing in my file. I isolated the problem to the variables [decidable_eq σ] line, which I have in my file for a different lemma. When this instance is included, I start getting the error

rewrite tactic failed, did not find instance of the pattern in the target expression
  ite (single s 1 = j) ?m_2 ?m_3

Why does the decidable_eq instance cause this?

Yakov Pechersky (May 31 2021 at 17:54):

Because you did open_locale classical, which already provides a decidable_eq instance for all types. And now you gave a second, non defeq one.

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:00):

Well if the problem is that I've defined something twice, why does the error manifest this way, instead of simply telling me that I've made two instances of one class?

Eric Rodriguez (May 31 2021 at 18:03):

Because one of the ites has one instance, and the rw has another, so rw sees two fundamentally different things

Eric Rodriguez (May 31 2021 at 18:03):

Turn on pp.implicit and you'll see

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:04):

Further question - now that I've open_locale classical, I would think by what you are saying that it would be totally unnecessary to have any decidable_eq declarations in the file. But indeed, the other lemma fails if I remove the decidable_eq declaration.

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:06):

Actually never mind, I see the only reason it fails is that the last finishing tactic is no longer needed

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 18:22):

Which lemma introduces the ite into the goal?

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:24):

Seems the coeff_X' lemma introduces ite into the goal

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:25):

I understand that you all are telling me that there are two instances of the decidable_eq \sigma here, what I'm try to ask is why is this allowed at all. In this thread https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113488-general/topic/Type.20class.20resolution.20only.20works.20with.20a.20name I was told that the defining features of a class was that there was a unique one for each type. I'm pretty sure decidable_eq is implemented as a class. So why isn't some sort of error thrown when I write variables [decidable_eq σ]?

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 18:40):


Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 18:41):

That lemma is stated badly

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 18:42):

It's missing a decidable argument

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 18:45):

Uniqueness is a guideline for typeclasses, not something lean enforces.

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:47):

Good to know.

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:48):

There are several lemmas in data/mv_polynomial/basic that introduce ite without a decidable argument. Should all of them be changed?

Yakov Pechersky (May 31 2021 at 18:52):

The whole file where that lemma is defined is classical

Bolton Bailey (May 31 2021 at 18:54):

Yep, so why does @Eric Wieser say it's stated badly?

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 19:07):

That lemma is a lemma about a classical if, not an arbitrary if

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 19:08):

Which makes it difficult to use in exactly the way you were running into

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 19:09):

With a [decidable_eq \sigma], the lemma becomes more general, not less.

Kevin Buzzard (May 31 2021 at 20:14):

I am a bit confused about this. I was expecting Yury's rule of thumb to apply (the statement of coeff_X' would not compile without decidability assumptions) but it does compile:

import data.mv_polynomial.basic

variables {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] {σ : Type*} (i : σ) (m : σ →₀ )

namespace mv_polynomial

lemma coeff_X'' :
  coeff m (X i : mv_polynomial σ R) = ite (finsupp.single i 1 = m) 1 0 :=
sorry -- works fine

#check @decidable_eq_of_decidable_le

end mv_polynomial

noncomputable example : decidable (finsupp.single i 1 = m) :=
by show_term {apply_instance} -- works, uses decidable_eq_of_decidable_le

noncomputable example : decidable_eq (σ →₀ ) := by apply_instance -- fails

#print decidable_eq_of_decidable_le -- an instance

noncomputable example : decidable_eq (σ →₀ ) :=
decidable_eq_of_decidable_le -- works

example : decidable_rel (() : (σ →₀ )  (σ →₀ )  Prop) :=
  by show_term {apply_instance} -- works, uses finsupp.decidable_le

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 20:18):

Maybe I jumped to conclusions here

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 20:18):

Or docs#finsupp.decidable_le is bad

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 20:27):

(where bad = "spoilt by choice")

Kevin Buzzard (May 31 2021 at 20:29):

Heh, I like the name of docs#finsupp.finsupp.decidable_eq

Kevin Buzzard (May 31 2021 at 21:43):

#print axioms finsupp.decidable_le

Kevin Buzzard (May 31 2021 at 21:49):

The classical instance is in the proof of docs#finsupp.le_iff .

Mario Carneiro (May 31 2021 at 21:54):

Kevin Buzzard said:

Heh, I like the name of docs#finsupp.finsupp.decidable_eq

Don't we have a linter for this?

Eric Wieser (May 31 2021 at 22:29):

What we actually care about is whether it's noncomputable, not whether its proof uses choice

Eric Wieser (Jun 04 2021 at 13:08):

#7817 fixes the mv_polynomial lemmas and the double name that Kevin Buzzard spotted.

Eric Wieser (Jun 04 2021 at 13:09):

What's going on with finsupp.decidable_le is a decidable diamond that doesn't involve choice. I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist until we run into a problem where it actually comes up.

Shadman Sakib (Jun 04 2021 at 15:56):

How do I write <- with keyboard shortcuts on lean?

Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2021 at 15:57):

\l -- if you use VScode

Johan Commelin (Jun 04 2021 at 15:58):

Also, this question should probably be put in a new thread

Notification Bot (Jun 04 2021 at 21:54):

This topic was moved by Bryan Gin-ge Chen to #new members > keyboard shortcuts

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC