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Topic: derive decidable_rel
Kevin Buzzard (Oct 03 2020 at 17:45):
import tactic
-- Let X be the set {A,B,C}
@[derive fintype] inductive X
|A : X
|B : X
|C : X
-- Define a relation by R(A,B) and R(A,C) both true, and everything else false.
open X
inductive R : X → X → Prop
| AB : R A B
| AC : R A C
instance : decidable_rel R :=
unfold decidable_rel,
intros a b,
cases a; cases b;
[left, right, right, left, left, left, left, left, left];
exact R.AB <|> exact R.AC <|> rintro (_ | _),
Am I missing a trick here? I couldn't derive decidable rel automatically. Or does my proof have too many ideas in?
Bhavik Mehta (Oct 03 2020 at 17:51):
You could do this
import tactic
-- Let X be the set {A,B,C}
@[derive [fintype, decidable_eq]] inductive X
|A : X
|B : X
|C : X
-- Define a relation by R(A,B) and R(A,C) both true, and everything else false.
open X
@[derive decidable_pred]
def R : X → X → Prop := λ x y, x = A ∧ (y = B ∨ y = C)
example : decidable_rel R := infer_instance
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC