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Stream: general

Topic: doc-string bug?

Manuel Candales (Apr 01 2021 at 15:06):

This is what I see when I clic on "set".
set !? id <error while executing interactive.param_desc: don't know how to pretty print [has_bind.bind monad.to_has_bind] (lean.parser.tk ":") (λ (_x : unit), interactive.types.texpr)> := expr <error while executing interactive.param_desc: don't know how to pretty print [has_bind.bind monad.to_has_bind] (lean.parser.tk "with") (λ (_x : unit), optional (lean.parser.tk "<-") >>= λ (arrow : option unit), lean.parser.ident >>= λ (h : name), return ↑(arrow.is_some, h))>

Eric Wieser (Apr 01 2021 at 15:07):

I assume you mean docs#tactic.interactive.set as opposed to docs#set?

Manuel Candales (Apr 01 2021 at 21:47):

yes, the tactic.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC