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Stream: general

Topic: easy decidability q

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:12):

Is this provable:

import data.multiset
example (C : multiset ) : decidable ( a : , a  4  a  C) := sorry

and if so, is there a cheap proof? I tried doing it by hand and ended up with a horrible heq goal :-/

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:12):

yes it is provable

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:13):

might want to destruct C

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 19:15):

Isn't membership in multisets decidable? You combine that fact with decidability of existentials on finite ranges

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:16):

If I use lists I end up with

C1 C2 : list ℕ,
Crel : setoid.r C1 C2
⊢ eq.rec
      (list.rec (is_false _)
         (λ (n : ℕ) (L : list ℕ),
              (λ (D : ¬∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ ↑L),
                 dite (3 < n) (λ (h : 3 < n), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < n), is_false _))
              (λ (D : ∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ ↑L), is_true _))
      _ =
    list.rec (is_false _)
      (λ (n : ℕ) (L : list ℕ),
           (λ (D : ¬∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ ↑L),
              dite (3 < n) (λ (h : 3 < n), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < n), is_false _))
           (λ (D : ∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ ↑L), is_true _))

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:18):

If I use multiset.rec I end up with

a a' : ℕ,
m : multiset ℕ,
b : decidable (∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ m)
⊢ decidable.rec
      (λ (H : ¬∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ a' :: m),
         dite (3 < a) (λ (h : 3 < a), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < a), is_false _))
      (λ (H : ∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ a' :: m), is_true _)
         (λ (H : ¬∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ m),
            dite (3 < a') (λ (h : 3 < a'), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < a'), is_false _))
         (λ (H : ∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ m), is_true _)
         b) ==
      (λ (H : ¬∃ (a_1 : ℕ), a_1 ≥ 4 ∧ a_1 ∈ a :: m),
         dite (3 < a') (λ (h : 3 < a'), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < a'), is_false _))
      (λ (H : ∃ (a_1 : ℕ), a_1 ≥ 4 ∧ a_1 ∈ a :: m), is_true _)
         (λ (H : ¬∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ m),
            dite (3 < a) (λ (h : 3 < a), is_true _) (λ (h : ¬3 < a), is_false _))
         (λ (H : ∃ (a : ℕ), a ≥ 4 ∧ a ∈ m), is_true _)

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:18):

I assume I'm doing something wrong.

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:19):

I think there might be some lemmas that one could use

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:19):

bounded existential

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:24):

Isn't membership in multisets decidable? You combine that fact with decidability of existentials on finite ranges

example (D : multiset ℕ) (d : ℕ) : decidable (d ∈ D) := by apply_instance works

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:24):

@Kevin Buzzard shouldn't you be watching the world cup?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:24):

Oh, has it started?

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:24):


Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:24):

it's already 67 minutes

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 19:30):

You can try this:

instance {α : Sort*} (P : α  Prop) (C : multiset α) : decidable ( a  C, P a) :=

example (C : multiset ) : decidable ( a : , a  4  a  C) :=
suffices this : decidable ( a  C, a  4),
by { resetI, apply @decidable_of_iff _ _ _ this, apply exists_congr, intro, tauto },
by { apply_instance }

Kenny Lau (Jul 11 2018 at 19:31):

well you want P to be decidable

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 19:32):

Yes, that's right

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 19:41):

I don't understand how to use this code. If I comment out the instance then there's an error in the final apply_instance but if I look at what needs to be proved at that point it seems to be decidable (∃ (a : ℕ) (H : a ∈ C), a ≥ 4) which is exactly my question I think?

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 19:53):

Ok, one second I'm filling in that instance

Chris Hughes (Jul 11 2018 at 20:02):

Add this before Simon'd code

instance decidable_exists_multiset {α : Type*} (s : multiset α) (p : α  Prop) [decidable_pred p] :
  decidable ( x  s, p x) := quotient.rec_on s
list.decidable_exists_mem (λ a b h, subsingleton.elim _ _)

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 20:04):

Nice! that's better than what I have

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 20:04):

It would be worth pushing to mathlib I think along with a finset counterpart and decidable universals for both

Chris Hughes (Jul 11 2018 at 20:05):

Will do.

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 20:07):


Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 21:26):

Thanks to both of you! I cannot believe how much trouble Ellen's dots and boxes project is causing me :-)

Simon Hudon (Jul 11 2018 at 21:29):

What's that project?

Kevin Buzzard (Jul 11 2018 at 21:35):

She's formalizing some of the theory of dots and boxes

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC