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Topic: equality of functions with bounded finite decideable domains
Gavid Liebnich (Nov 20 2018 at 11:25):
Is eq_of_yield
provable? Do I need to lose computability with functional extensionality?
import data.vector data.list utils variables {α : Type} def between [decidable_linear_order α] (a b : α) := {x : α // a ≤ x ∧ x < b} class c_mapper (α : Type*) := (n : α → ℕ) (h : Πm, 0 < n m) (data : Πm, between 0 (n m) → ℕ) variables [c_mapper α] def yield (m : α) := (list.range $ c_mapper.n m).attach.map $ λn, c_mapper.data m ⟨n, nat.zero_le _, list.mem_range.1 n.2⟩ theorem eq_of_yield {m₁ m₂ : α} (h : yield m₁ = yield m₂) : m₁ = m₂ := sorry
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 11:35):
import data.vector data.list data.set.intervals class c_mapper (α : Type*) := (n : α → ℕ) (h : ∀ m, 0 < n m) (data : Π m, set.Ico 0 (n m) → ℕ) def yield {α : Type*} [c_mapper α] (m : α) := (list.range $ c_mapper.n m).attach.map $ λ n, c_mapper.data m ⟨n, nat.zero_le n, list.mem_range.1 n.2⟩ theorem not_yield_inj : ¬ ∀ (α : Type) [c_mapper α] {m₁ m₂ : α} (h : by resetI; exact yield m₁ = yield m₂), m₁ = m₂ := λ H, absurd (@H bool ⟨λ _, 1, λ _, dec_trivial, λ _ _, 0⟩ ff tt rfl) dec_trivial
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 11:35):
@Gavid Liebnich it's false
Mario Carneiro (Nov 20 2018 at 11:44):
also function extensionality doesn't affect computability because it's a prop
Mario Carneiro (Nov 20 2018 at 11:45):
unlike some other constructive systems we have a proof irrelevant universe of propositions which are not used in computation
Gavid Liebnich (Nov 20 2018 at 12:23):
Oh, thanks! I think It's starting to make sense now - of course it's not an injection, the Πm, between 0 (n m) → ℕ
can be whatever mapping I want.
So, if I were to define one such concrete mapping, for example:
structure mapper := (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n) (data : vector ℕ n) instance indexed_mapper_is_c_mapper : c_mapper mapper := { n := λm, m.n, h := λm, m.h, data := λm x, m.data.nth ⟨x.1, x.2.2⟩ }
I could then prove (somehow)
theorem eq_of_yield {m₁ m₂ : mapper} (h : yield m₁ = yield m₂) : m₁ = m₂
because the data
of c_mapper
would be the function vector.data.nth
Gavid Liebnich (Nov 20 2018 at 12:37):
So the theorem is true if I give it two extensionally equivalent functions as data
? For example, if I were to define a mapper that completely mirrors the class
, that would make the theorem true by virtue of the functions used as data
in m1
and m2
being equivalent? As such:
structure mapper₂ := (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n) (data : between 0 n → ℕ) instance : c_mapper mapper₂ := { n := λm, m.n, h := λm, m.h, data := λm x, x.1 } theorem eq_of_yield {m₁ m₂ : mapper₂} (h : yield m₁ = yield m₂) : m₁ = m₂ := sorry
Now the theorem is true?
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 12:58):
just because it typechecks doesn't mean it's correct... I've corrected your code:
instance c_mapper_mapper₂ : c_mapper mapper₂ := { n := λ m, m.n, h := λ m, m.h, data := λ m x, m.data x }
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 12:59):
it's m.data x
not x.1
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 12:59):
I think we would appreciate it if you check your questions before asking them
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 12:59):
I've proved both theorems:
import data.vector data.list data.set.intervals open set class c_mapper (α : Type*) := (n : α → ℕ) (h : ∀ m, 0 < n m) (data : Π m, Ico 0 (n m) → ℕ) structure mapper := (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n) (data : vector ℕ n) instance c_mapper_mapper : c_mapper mapper := { n := λ m, m.n, h := λ m, m.h, data := λ m x, m.data.nth ⟨x.1, x.2.2⟩ } variables {α : Type*} [c_mapper α] def yield (m : α) : list ℕ := (list.range $ c_mapper.n m).attach.map $ λ n, c_mapper.data m ⟨n, nat.zero_le n, list.mem_range.1 n.2⟩ theorem yield_inj {m₁ m₂ : mapper} (h : yield m₁ = yield m₂) : m₁ = m₂ := begin have hy1 : (yield m₁).length = m₁.n, { rw [yield, list.length_map, list.length_attach, list.length_range]; refl }, have hy2 : (yield m₂).length = m₂.n, { rw [yield, list.length_map, list.length_attach, list.length_range]; refl }, cases m₁ with n1 h1 d1, cases m₂ with n2 h2 d2, have hn : n1 = n2, { convert congr_arg list.length h, exacts [hy1.symm, hy2.symm] }, subst n2, congr' 1, cases d1 with L1 H1, cases d2 with L2 H2, congr' 1, dsimp only at hy1 hy2, refine list.ext_le (H1.trans H2.symm) (λ i hi1 hi2, _), have : ∀ h3, list.nth_le (yield ({n := n1, h := h1, data := ⟨L1, H1⟩} : mapper)) i h3 = list.nth_le (yield ({n := n1, h := h2, data := ⟨L2, H2⟩} : mapper)) i (hy2.symm ▸ H2 ▸ hi2), { rw h, intro, refl }, specialize this (hy1.symm ▸ H1 ▸ hi1), simp only [yield, list.nth_le_map', c_mapper.data, vector.nth] at this, unfold coe lift_t has_lift_t.lift coe_t has_coe_t.coe coe_b has_coe.coe at this, simpa only [list.nth_le_attach, list.nth_le_range] end structure mapper₂ := (n : ℕ) (h : 0 < n) (data : Ico 0 n → ℕ) instance c_mapper_mapper₂ : c_mapper mapper₂ := { n := λ m, m.n, h := λ m, m.h, data := λ m x, m.data x } theorem yield_inj' {m₁ m₂ : mapper₂} (h : yield m₁ = yield m₂) : m₁ = m₂ := begin have hy1 : (yield m₁).length = m₁.n, { rw [yield, list.length_map, list.length_attach, list.length_range]; refl }, have hy2 : (yield m₂).length = m₂.n, { rw [yield, list.length_map, list.length_attach, list.length_range]; refl }, cases m₁ with n1 h1 d1, cases m₂ with n2 h2 d2, have hn : n1 = n2, { convert congr_arg list.length h, exacts [hy1.symm, hy2.symm] }, subst n2, congr' 1, ext i, rcases i with ⟨i, hi1, hi2⟩, dsimp only at hy1 hy2, have : ∀ h3, list.nth_le (yield ({n := n1, h := h1, data := d1} : mapper₂)) i h3 = list.nth_le (yield ({n := n1, h := h2, data := d2} : mapper₂)) i (hy2.symm ▸ hi2), { rw h, intro, refl }, specialize this (hy1.symm ▸ hi2), simp only [yield, list.nth_le_map', c_mapper.data, vector.nth] at this, unfold coe lift_t has_lift_t.lift coe_t has_coe_t.coe coe_b has_coe.coe at this, simpa only [list.nth_le_attach, list.nth_le_range] end
Kenny Lau (Nov 20 2018 at 13:00):
@Gavid Liebnich
Gavid Liebnich (Nov 20 2018 at 13:08):
Thank you, @Kenny Lau . I appreciate your help. The transition from nondependent range
to the bounded mapping is a step I'm having difficulties with. There's a bit of magic in convert
it would appear, I'll have to take a closer look. Thanks again, I'm going to step over the proofs.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC