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Topic: equation compiler fails for inductive predicate

Kenny Lau (Apr 01 2018 at 22:07):

since they do not have a size

Huỳnh Trần Khanh (Jul 20 2021 at 09:20):

hmm i'm trying to prove a lemma and i'm pretty sure that my proof strategy is sound... but the equation compiler isn't convinced...

import tactic.slim_check

structure triple_t := (a b c cost : )
inductive reachable : triple_t  triple_t  Prop
| refl (x : triple_t) : reachable x x
| increment_a (a b c cost : ) : reachable a, b, c, cost a + 1, b, c, cost + 1
| increment_b (a b c cost : ) : reachable a, b, c, cost a, b + 1, c, cost + 1
| increment_c (a b c cost : ) : reachable a, b, c, cost a, b, c + 1, cost + 1
| trans (x y z : triple_t) : reachable x y  reachable y z  reachable x z

lemma real_meaning_of_reachable :  a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 : , reachable a, b, c, cost a1, b1, c1, cost1  a  a1  b  b1  c  c1  cost  cost1  (a1 - a) + (b1 - b) + (c1 - c) = cost1 - cost
| a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 (reachable.refl x) := begin
  repeat {
| a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 (reachable.increment_a a' b' c' cost') := begin
  repeat {
| a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 (reachable.increment_b a' b' c' cost') := begin
  repeat {
| a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 (reachable.increment_c a' b' c' cost') := begin
  repeat {
| a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 (reachable.trans a', b', c', cost' a'', b'', c'', cost'' a''', b''', c''', cost''' h1 h2) := begin
  -- failed to prove recursive application is decreasing, well founded relation
  have := real_meaning_of_reachable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h1,
  have := real_meaning_of_reachable _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h2,
  repeat {
  have : a''' - a' + (b''' - b') + (c''' - c') = cost''' - cost' := sorry,
  exact this,

how can i resolve this?

Mario Carneiro (Jul 20 2021 at 10:29):

Did you try using induction instead of the equation compiler? That is more reliable for structural inductive proofs over predicates

Mario Carneiro (Jul 20 2021 at 13:03):

@Huỳnh Trần Khanh

lemma real_meaning_of_reachable {a b c a1 b1 c1 cost cost1 : }
  (H : reachable a, b, c, cost a1, b1, c1, cost1⟩) :
  a  a1  b  b1  c  c1  cost  cost1  (a1 - a) + (b1 - b) + (c1 - c) = cost1 - cost :=
  generalize_hyp h₁ : (⟨a, b, c, cost : triple_t) = e₁ at H,
  generalize_hyp h₂ : (⟨a1, b1, c1, cost1 : triple_t) = e₂ at H,
  have succ_sub :  n:, n.succ - n = 1 := λ n, by simp [nat.succ_sub],
  induction H generalizing a b c cost a1 b1 c1 cost1,
  case trans : _ y _ _ _ ih₁ ih₂ {
    cases y with a2 b2 c2 cost2,
    obtain aa₁, bb₁, cc₁, oo₁, ih₁ := ih₁ h₁ rfl,
    obtain aa₂, bb₂, cc₂, oo₂, ih₂ := ih₂ rfl h₂,
    refine aa₁.trans aa₂, bb₁.trans bb₂, cc₁.trans cc₂, oo₁.trans oo₂, _⟩,
    linarith [nat.sub_add_sub_cancel aa₂ aa₁, nat.sub_add_sub_cancel bb₂ bb₁,
      nat.sub_add_sub_cancel cc₂ cc₁, nat.sub_add_sub_cancel oo₂ oo₁] },
  all_goals { cases h₁; cases h₂; simp [nat.le_succ, succ_sub] }

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC