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Topic: equiv.image_compl
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:23):
Do we have example (f : equiv a b) (s : set a) : f '' -s = - f '' s
hidden somewhere?
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:24):
(or not hidden would also be good)
Mario Carneiro (Apr 01 2018 at 21:32):
Didn't this come up earlier?
Mario Carneiro (Apr 01 2018 at 21:32):
You asked about this identity and we found it wasn't there, then you wrote a proof
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:32):
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:32):
I'm trying to get back to doing Lean, but I forgot where I stopped
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:33):
But I don't see that one in my file
Mario Carneiro (Apr 01 2018 at 21:34):
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:34):
Ok, I can see I already asked the question
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:35):
But I don't see my proof there
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:35):
So presumably I never proved it
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:35):
because real life caught me
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:46):
This is so painful
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 21:50):
I give up for tonight. I'm stuck at proving that if b is not in the image of S then its preimage is not in S
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:11):
I had a new idea while feeding the cat, so now I'm stuck at example (f : equiv α β) (b) : f (f.inv_fun b) = b := sorry
Kenny Lau (Apr 01 2018 at 22:12):
f.right_inv b
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:12):
This so frustrating :ogre:
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:13):
that's funny (and frustrating). I tried a million variations on rw f.right_inv b
in my main proof
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:13):
it always fail
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:13):
but when you extract the statement as a lemma it works
Kenny Lau (Apr 01 2018 at 22:14):
maybe if you stop writing f.to_fun
as f
then rw
will work
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:14):
I did not write this
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:16):
even inside conversion mode it fails
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:18):
I think this is the most ridiculous proof I ever wrote in Lean. The ratio "ugliness of proof"/"triviality of statement" is probably my worse so far
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:19):
lemma fuck (f : equiv α β) (b) : f (f.inv_fun b) = b := f.right_inv b lemma equiv.image_compl (f : equiv α β) (s : set α) : f '' -s = -(f '' s) := begin apply subset.antisymm, { intros b b_in_image_compl, rcases b_in_image_compl with ⟨a, a_compl_s, f_a_b⟩, rw (equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq_inverse_apply f a b).1 f_a_b at a_compl_s, exact (mt (@mem_image_iff_of_inverse α β f.to_fun f.inv_fun b s f.left_inv f.right_inv).1) a_compl_s }, { intros, rw subset_def, intros b b_in_compl_image, apply (@mem_image_iff_of_inverse _ _ _ _ _ _ f.left_inv f.right_inv).2, have b_not_in_image := not_mem_of_mem_compl b_in_compl_image, rw set.mem_compl_eq, by_contra, have := mem_image_of_mem f a, rw fuck at this, finish } end
Patrick Massot (Apr 01 2018 at 22:20):
But at least Lean was defeated
Mario Carneiro (Apr 01 2018 at 22:45):
Actually, I recommend not using f.right_inv
in favor of the coercions
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:57):
Another example of mathematicians getting very frustrated about how sometimes something which is "trivial in maths" can be hard in Lean.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:57):
In the long term these really need to be fixed somehow
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:57):
if CS people want mathematicians to use the software.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:58):
And funnily enough, just the same thing happened to me with rw
Simon Hudon (Apr 01 2018 at 22:58):
I don't think it will ever happen that a mathematician using this or another theorem prover and will, 100% of the time, think "this is trivial" and have the prover confirm that (when the statement is true).
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:58):
no, with exact
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:59):
exact (congr_fun H HUigx)
failed (type mismatch)
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 22:59):
but have H2 := congr_fun H HUigx, exact H2
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 23:14):
@Simon Hudon I definitely think that this should happen in the future.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 23:14):
I am suggesting we meet you somewhere in the middle.
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 23:15):
But if it doesn't happen then what hope is there for people to start adopting this computer viewpoint?
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 23:15):
I think it's a matter of education on our part and adding lemmas on your part
Kevin Buzzard (Apr 01 2018 at 23:16):
We already saw this week how Chris couldn't prove something which was mathematically trivial, and then we found a framework for it and it became straightforward to prove
Simon Hudon (Apr 01 2018 at 23:19):
In that case, I think we're on the same page. In general, we probably need to build packages to better support undergraduate level mathematics and at least the basics of graduate level math.
Simon Hudon (Apr 01 2018 at 23:19):
Improving the automation and the documentation for building your own tactics will probably help you bridge the gap too.
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 01:26):
@Patrick Massot I wrote a proof of this that should appear in mathlib once it finishes checking. It's not nearly as complicated as you made it, and after appropriate sublemmas it's a one-liner:
theorem image_compl_subset {f : α → β} {s : set α} (H : injective f) : f '' -s ⊆ -(f '' s) := subset_compl_iff_disjoint.2 $ by simp [image_inter H] theorem subset_image_compl {f : α → β} {s : set α} (H : surjective f) : -(f '' s) ⊆ f '' -s := compl_subset_iff_union.2 $ by rw ← image_union; simp [image_univ_of_surjective H] theorem image_compl_eq {f : α → β} {s : set α} (H : bijective f) : f '' -s = -(f '' s) := subset.antisymm (image_compl_subset H.1) (subset_image_compl H.2)
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:47):
Thank you very much @Mario Carneiro. I noticed that many support lemmas were missing. I'll use my crappy version in the mean time. But I'm still very much interested in any explanation why I could not avoid having this one lemma in order to rewrite.
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 08:49):
I am not quite sure what you were doing, but I think you wrote things in a non-idiomatic way (which is to say, not the way that mathlib is designed to help with), which made the proof more painful than it should have been
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 08:50):
The idiomatic version of your fuck
lemma is f (f.symm x) = x
(and it's called apply_inverse_apply
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:51):
rw fuck at this
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:51):
i.e. fuck this
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:54):
I'll tell you exactly what I was doing. First my brain absolutely refuses to think in this kind of situation, it's only filled with anger. Then I search for all lemmas in mathlib which seem vaguely related and try to apply them. But I got stuck with sorts of coercions issues, and stuff like rw refuses to rewrite etc, so I'm get even more upset. So of course the proof ends up not looking like what I would write on paper (of course in the beginning I would write nothing but then I'm able to write some proof on paper)
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:55):
But why does rw f.right_inv b
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:55):
matches exactly the expression
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:55):
without any definitorial expansion
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:55):
Something else I notice with your solution is I should have gave up on proving this on equiv
but go back to functions and bijective f
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:56):
At least this removes the coercion hell
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:56):
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:56):
the bijective f
has no data
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:56):
i.e. it is not constructive
Sebastian Ullrich (Apr 02 2018 at 08:57):
matches exactly the expression
This is only correct for the expression _head_
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 08:57):
matches the expression pattern
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:58):
I still fail to see how this explains my situation
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 08:59):
I only copied the hypothesis into the statement of a lemma, and this rw accepts to do its job
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 09:03):
kenny, bijective f
is a precondition to the theorem. Constructively, bijective f
is weaker than equiv
, so the theorem is stronger
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 09:03):
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 09:05):
... but the proof uses excluded middle, although the theorem itself has no data anyway so it doesn't matter computation-wise
Mario Carneiro (Apr 02 2018 at 09:06):
It's not possible to prove the versions I stated without excluded middle
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 09:06):
Needless to say, I'm perfectly happy with excluded middle in this proof
Patrick Massot (Apr 02 2018 at 09:07):
And it's even better if I can get the opportunity to deduce from this the statement for equiv which could be constructive
Kenny Lau (Apr 02 2018 at 09:07):
excluded middle is an overgeneralization of the situation observed from finite situations
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC