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Topic: equiv.pi_congr_left
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 05:31):
Is this even provable?
import data.equiv.basic universes u₁ u₂ u₃ def equiv.pi_congr_left {α : Sort u₁} {β : Sort u₂} (P : α → Sort u₃) (e : α ≃ β) : (Π a, P a) ≃ (Π b, P (e.symm b)) := sorry
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 05:34):
or perhaps since it's not even true in topological spaces, I shouldn't expect to prove it in dependent type theory??
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 05:36):
def equiv.forall_congr_left {α : Sort u₁} {β : Sort u₂} (P : α → Prop) (e : α ≃ β) : (∀ a, P a) ↔ (∀ b, P (e.symm b)) := { mp := λ f b, f (e.symm b), mpr := λ g a, begin convert g _, swap, exact e a, simp, end, }
is perfectly okay.
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 21 2020 at 05:45):
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 21 2020 at 05:47):
def equiv.pi_congr_left {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (P : α → Sort w) (e : α ≃ β) : (Π a, P a) ≃ (Π b, P (e.symm b)) := { to_fun := λ f x, f (e.symm x), inv_fun := λ f x, begin rw [← e.symm_apply_apply x], exact f (e x) end, left_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp only [], apply eq_of_heq, refine heq.trans (eq_rec_heq _ _) _, rw [e.symm_apply_apply] end, right_inv := λ f, begin ext x, simp only [], apply eq_of_heq, refine heq.trans (eq_rec_heq _ _) _, rw e.apply_symm_apply end }
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 21 2020 at 05:48):
(probably needs style tweaks before submitting a PR)
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 05:57):
Slightly golfed:
def equiv.pi_congr_left {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (P : α → Sort w) (e : α ≃ β) : (Π a, P a) ≃ (Π b, P (e.symm b)) := { to_fun := λ f x, f (e.symm x), inv_fun := λ f x, begin rw [← e.symm_apply_apply x], exact f (e x) end, left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, eq_of_heq (heq.trans (eq_rec_heq _ _) (by { dsimp, rw [e.symm_apply_apply] })), right_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, eq_of_heq (heq.trans (eq_rec_heq _ _) (by { rw e.apply_symm_apply })) }
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 06:12):
@Yury G. Kudryashov, do you know how to turn eq.mpr
into eq.rec_on
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 06:12):
Usually my instinct is that this is the bad direction, but to follow your proof in another situation I now want it!
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 06:21):
Think I've got it.
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 06:38):
And here's the "full" version:
universes u₁ u₂ u₃ u₄ def equiv.pi_congr {α : Sort u₁} {β : Sort u₂} (W : α → Sort u₃) (Z : β → Sort u₄) (h₁ : α ≃ β) (h₂ : Π a : α, (W a ≃ Z (h₁ a))) : (Π a, W a) ≃ (Π b, Z b) := { to_fun := λ f b, by { rw ← h₁.apply_symm_apply b, exact h₂ (h₁.symm b) (f (h₁.symm b)), }, inv_fun := λ g a, (h₂ a).symm (g (h₁ a)), left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ a, begin rw ←(h₂ a).symm_apply_apply (f a), dsimp, exact congr_arg _ (eq_of_heq ((eq_rec_heq _ _).trans (by rw h₁.symm_apply_apply))), end, right_inv := λ g, funext $ λ b, eq_of_heq ((eq_rec_heq _ _).trans (by { rw (h₂ (h₁.symm b)).apply_symm_apply, congr, simp, })), }
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 07:49):
here's a heq
-less proof:
def equiv.pi_congr_left {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (P : β → Sort w) (e : α ≃ β) : (Π a, P (e a)) ≃ (Π b, P b) := { to_fun := λ f x, (e.apply_symm_apply x).rec_on (f (e.symm x)), inv_fun := λ f x, f (e x), left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, (by rintro _ rfl; refl : ∀ {y} h, (congr_arg e h).rec_on (f y) = f x) (e.symm_apply_apply x), right_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, (by rintro _ rfl; refl : ∀ {y} (h : y = x), h.rec_on (f y) = f x) (e.apply_symm_apply x) }
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 07:55):
or with match:
def equiv.pi_congr_left {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} (P : β → Sort w) (e : α ≃ β) : (Π a, P (e a)) ≃ (Π b, P b) := { to_fun := λ f x, (e.apply_symm_apply x).rec_on (f (e.symm x)), inv_fun := λ f x, f (e x), left_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, match _, e.symm_apply_apply x : ∀ {y} (h : y = x), (congr_arg e h).rec_on (f y) = f x with rfl := rfl end, right_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, match _, e.apply_symm_apply x : ∀ {y} (h : y = x), h.rec_on (f y) = f x with rfl := rfl end }
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:03):
However, pi_congr
is easy given these two lemmas:
def equiv.pi_congr {α β} (W : α → Sort*) (Z : β → Sort*) (e₁ : α ≃ β) (e₂ : Π a : α, W a ≃ Z (e₁ a)) : (Π a, W a) ≃ (Π b, Z b) := (equiv.Pi_congr_right e₂).trans (equiv.pi_congr_left _ e₁)
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 08:04):
If it's any consolation, it was already trivial in maths ;-)
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:05):
the reason I didn't prove this in the first place is because the statement looks too difficult to use well
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:06):
The capitalization on Pi
is inconsistent here
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:12):
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:19):
oh, actually... I don't like the statement of pi_congr_left
as much as the previous ones. That is, I think (Π a, P a) ≃ (Π b, P (e.symm b))
is the more natural conclusion.
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:20):
do you have a strong opinion about what should be in the library?
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:22):
I just want to think of it as: given an equivalence that turns α into β, what does Π a, P a
turn into? And so I want the equivalence showing up only on the right hand side.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:41):
It is very important that the statement of the theorem use e
and not e.symm
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:41):
why is that?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:41):
because an arbitrary equivalence is not always defeq to some e.symm
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:42):
this is why you can prove pi_congr
using my version of pi_congr_left
but not yours
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 08:42):
Really? Is e.symm.symm not defeq to e?
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:42):
no, that is impossible to arrange
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:43):
it is possible to make it defeq up to eta expanding e
, meaning that it will be defeq for any concrete function, but not given a variable
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:43):
def Pi_congr_left : (Π a, P a) ≃ (Π b, P (e.symm b)) := ... def Pi_congr : (Π a, W a) ≃ (Π b, Z b) := (equiv.Pi_congr_right h₂).trans (equiv.Pi_congr_left _ h₁.symm).symm
seems to work fine.
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:44):
Then again, e.symm.symm.to_fun
is defeq to e.to_fun
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 08:44):
oh, eta expansion. I never understand why this is not rfl
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:44):
which I think is why the proof scott just gave works
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:45):
still, it's a tricky reduction that I don't want to have to rely on in a more involved context
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:45):
so... can I have primed versions of Pi_congr_left
and sigma_congr_left
that go the direction I want? :-)
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:46):
I also think that order is appropriate given the way we usually write simp rules
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:46):
I really can't get by with your ones, it seems...
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:46):
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:47):
it's a bit complicated... see the equiv_rw
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:47):
I really really need to sleep now
Mario Carneiro (Mar 21 2020 at 08:47):
If you need that particular form, a primed version is fine
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:47):
so maybe we can work this out later
Scott Morrison (Mar 21 2020 at 08:51):
okay #2204 and #2205 hopefully do the right things
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 21 2020 at 08:59):
You can always rewrite right to left.
Johan Commelin (Mar 21 2020 at 09:46):
Kevin Buzzard said:
oh, eta expansion. I never understand why this is not
It isn't because it's one of the rules of the game called Lean. In principle, you can change this rule. But that would cause other headaches.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 10:24):
Do we know it would? It would make Lean equality closer to what equality actually means...
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 10:24):
is an axiom, right?
Yury G. Kudryashov (Mar 21 2020 at 10:38):
is a theorem proved in stdlib using existence of quotients.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2020 at 15:54):
Right. But it "feels" to me like a lot of the ext
theorems should be true by definition. A whole is nothing more than the sum of its parts.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC