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Topic: equiv_of_functor
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2019 at 22:51):
What am I rediscovering here:
import data.equiv.basic variables {α β : Type} {P : α → β} {T : α → Type} def f {x y : α} (h : P x = P y) : T x → T y := sorry lemma f.id {x : α} (r : T x) : f (rfl : P x = P x) r = r := sorry lemma f.comp {x y z : α} (hxy : P x = P y) (hyz : P y = P z) (r : T x) : f hyz (f hxy r) = f (hyz ▸ hxy : P x = P z) r := sorry def T.equiv {x y : α} (h : P x = P y) : T x ≃ T y := { to_fun := f h, inv_fun := f h.symm, left_inv := λ r, by rw f.comp h h.symm; exact f.id r, right_inv := λ r, by rw f.comp h.symm h; exact f.id r }
and is T.equiv
in mathlib in some form? Any way of making alpha into a groupoid such that f becomes a functor makes f send isomorphisms to equivs. Or something.
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2019 at 23:56):
Oh I've just found another one, in localization.lean
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2019 at 23:58):
def map (hf : injective f) : fraction_ring A → fraction_ring B := localization.map f $ λ s h, by rw [mem_non_zero_divisors_iff_ne_zero, ← map_zero f, ne.def, hf.eq_iff]; exact mem_non_zero_divisors_iff_ne_zero.1 h
An injective ring map f : A -> B
gives us a map fraction_ring A → fraction_ring B
. I need that if f
is an equiv then so is map f _
. The natural way of proving it is to prove map.id
and map.comp
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 20 2019 at 23:58):
and then invoke some general fact about equivs
Kevin Buzzard (Mar 21 2019 at 00:46):
@[simp] lemma map_id : map id (λ s (hs : s ∈ S), hs) = id := localization.funext _ _ $ map_coe _ _ lemma map_comp_map {γ : Type*} [comm_ring γ] (hf : ∀ s ∈ S, f s ∈ T) (U : set γ) [is_submonoid U] (g : β → γ) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : ∀ t ∈ T, g t ∈ U) : map g hg ∘ map f hf = map (λ x, g (f x)) (λ s hs, hg _ (hf _ hs)) := localization.funext _ _ $ by simp lemma map_map {γ : Type*} [comm_ring γ] (hf : ∀ s ∈ S, f s ∈ T) (U : set γ) [is_submonoid U] (g : β → γ) [is_ring_hom g] (hg : ∀ t ∈ T, g t ∈ U) (x) : map g hg (map f hf x) = map (λ x, g (f x)) (λ s hs, hg _ (hf _ hs)) x := congr_fun (map_comp_map _ _ _ _ _) x def equiv_of_equiv (h₁ : α ≃r β) (h₂ : h₁.to_equiv '' S = T) : localization α S ≃r localization β T := { to_fun := map h₁.to_equiv $ λ s hs, by {rw ← h₂, simp [hs]}, inv_fun := map h₁.symm.to_equiv $ λ t ht, by simp [equiv.image_eq_preimage, set.preimage, set.ext_iff, *] at *, left_inv := λ _, by simp only [map_map, ring_equiv.to_equiv_symm_apply, equiv.symm_apply_apply]; erw map_id; refl, right_inv := λ _, by simp only [map_map, ring_equiv.to_equiv_symm_apply, equiv.apply_symm_apply]; erw map_id; refl, hom := map.is_ring_hom _ _ }
All of that from localization.lean. It's somehow the same argument as mine above.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC