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Topic: equivalence relation on wrong type

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 09 2018 at 23:22):

Luca defined an equivalence relation (homotopy equivalence) on path x y, the paths from x to y in a topological space. He defined loop x to be path x x and then wanted to define pi_1 to be the equivalence classes. Lean seemed to obstinately refuse to put the equivalence relation on loop x, insisting it was on path x x. Here's some code that doesn't run, plus some commented out code which fixes the problem.

variable {α  : Type*}

def path : α  α  Type := sorry
def comp_of_path {x y z : α} : path x y  path y z  path x z := sorry
def is_homotopic_to (x y : α) : path x y  path x y  Prop := sorry
definition is_equivalence (x y : α) : equivalence (is_homotopic_to x y) := sorry
definition loop (x : α) := path x x

-- This fixes the problem below -- is it safe to have both instances floating around?

instance setoid_hom_path (x : α)  :
setoid (path x x) := setoid.mk (is_homotopic_to x x) (is_equivalence x x)

instance setoid_hom_loop (x : α) :
setoid (loop x) := by unfold loop; apply_instance

instance setoid_hom_loop (x : α)  :
setoid (loop x) := setoid.mk (is_homotopic_to x x : loop x  loop x  Prop)
  (is_equivalence x x : equivalence (is_homotopic_to x x : loop x  loop x  Prop))

def space_π_1 (x : α) :=
quotient (setoid_hom_loop x : setoid (loop x))

-- error here
def mul {x : α}  :
space_π_1 x  space_π_1 x  space_π_1 x :=
quotient.lift₂ (λ f g : loop x, ((comp_of_path (f : loop x) (g : loop x)) : loop x)) sorry
-- error is on ⟦ and it's

failed to synthesize type class instance for
α : Type u_1,
x : α,
f g : loop x
⊢ setoid (path x x)

I tell Lean so many times that we're talking about loop x but the error seems to indicate that whilst I beg Lean to believe that comp_of_path f g has type loop x, it complains that path x x is not a setoid.

So I found a fix -- instead of making one instance I make two -- I make an instance on path x x and then deduce one on loop x. I am not sure what's going on here and in some sense I'm now not even sure which of the equivalence relations I'm even using. Does it matter that I now have two instances? Why can't I just get away with my uncommented approach?

Simon Hudon (Aug 09 2018 at 23:41):

I think the problem is that ((comp_of_path (f : loop x) (g : loop x)) : loop x) does not have type loop x because comp_of_path does not have type loop x. The (_ : _) notation does not change the type of the expression, it only provides hints to fill in gaps in the type information.

Simon Hudon (Aug 09 2018 at 23:43):

The only alternative I can see to the two instances solution is to create a coercion function. I think I like your solution better. You could make it only one instance (on path x x if you made loop reducible.

Chris Hughes (Aug 09 2018 at 23:46):

This also works

def mul {x : α} : space_π_1 x  space_π_1 x  space_π_1 x :=
quotient.lift₂ (λ f g, show space_π_1 x, from comp_of_path f g)

Simon Hudon (Aug 09 2018 at 23:49):

Ah! That's true! So this probably works as well:

((comp_of_path (f : loop x) (g : loop x)) : space_π_1 x)

Chris Hughes (Aug 09 2018 at 23:50):

yes it does, much more sensible

Kevin Buzzard (Aug 10 2018 at 10:44):

But Luca would then have to write that all through his code, which kind of stinks -- I wanted him to use type class inference precisely because it was supposed to be making his life easier.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC