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Stream: general

Topic: exact?

Bolton Bailey (Jun 30 2023 at 23:31):

I was under the impression that exact? is the lean4 library_search. But the following code doesn't work, even though there is an exact which does work.

import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.Degree.Definitions

open Polynomial

variable {R : Type} [CommRing R] {p : Polynomial R}

theorem foo (hfd : p.natDegree = 0) : p = C (p.coeff 0) :=
  -- exact Polynomial.eq_C_of_natDegree_eq_zero hfd -- works
  exact? -- doesn't work
  -- library_search -- doesn't close goal

Am I doing something wrong?

Scott Morrison (Jun 30 2023 at 23:46):

Have to run now, but:

-- Enable this option for tracing:
-- set_option trace.Tactic.librarySearch true
-- And this option to trace all candidate lemmas before application.
-- set_option trace.Tactic.librarySearch.lemmas true
-- It may also be useful to enable
-- set_option trace.Meta.Tactic.solveByElim true

Scott Morrison (Jun 30 2023 at 23:46):

I'll try to look later today.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC