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Topic: extension and coercion
Patrick Massot (Mar 13 2018 at 16:18):
A long time ago, I wrote:
structure homeo (α β) [topological_space α] [topological_space β] extends equiv α β := (fun_con : continuous to_fun) (inv_con : continuous inv_fun) instance : has_coe_to_fun (homeo α β) := ⟨_, λ f, f.to_fun⟩
But now it seems I have trouble, probably because a homeo f and f.to_equiv don't have defeq coercion to function. I'm especially interested in direct images of subsets under homeomorphisms. For instance, I'd like to prove (f : homeo X X) (s : set X) : f '' closure s = closure (f '' s)
, using image_closure_subset_closure_image
from mathlib
Patrick Massot (Mar 13 2018 at 16:19):
How should I setup this?
Johannes Hölzl (Mar 13 2018 at 16:33):
this works for me
example (h : homeo α β) : (h : α → β) = h.to_equiv := rfl
Patrick Massot (Mar 13 2018 at 16:48):
hum. Maybe the problem is something else. Do you manage to prove my closure lemma using this coercion? In principle this a trivial lemma once you have image_closure_subset_closure_image
(to be applied to both f and its inverse)
Johannes Hölzl (Mar 13 2018 at 16:57):
My solution looks like this now:
import analysis.topology.continuity data.equiv open set variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [topological_space α] [topological_space β] structure homeo (α β) [topological_space α] [topological_space β] extends equiv α β := (fun_con : continuous to_fun) (inv_con : continuous inv_fun) instance : has_coe_to_fun (homeo α β) := ⟨_, λ f, f.to_fun⟩ lemma homeo_coe_to_equiv_coe (h : homeo α β) : (h : α → β) = h.to_equiv := rfl lemma equiv.image_eq_preimage {α β} (e : α ≃ β) (s : set α) : e '' s = e.symm ⁻¹' s := ext $ assume x, mem_image_iff_of_inverse e.left_inv e.right_inv example (f : homeo α α) (s : set α) : f '' closure s = closure (f '' s) := subset.antisymm (image_closure_subset_closure_image f.fun_con) begin rw [homeo_coe_to_equiv_coe, f.to_equiv.image_eq_preimage (closure s), ← image_subset_iff], refine subset.trans (image_closure_subset_closure_image f.inv_con) _, simp [(image_comp _ _ _).symm, f.to_equiv.inverse_apply_apply], show closure (id '' s) ⊆ closure s, by rw [image_id]; exact subset.refl _ end
One problem is that rw
and the simplifier can now see through the coercion. So when you want to apply equiv
lemmas you need to apply homeo_coe_to_equiv_coe
first. Another solution is to make a calc
proof, which might be a little bit nicer and one has the opportunity to state the goal in the required form.
Patrick Massot (Mar 13 2018 at 17:04):
Thanks you very much. I feared needing to invoke something like homeo_coe_to_equiv_coe
but it doesn't seem so bad in the end, especially if a calc proof works (I'll try).
Patrick Massot (Mar 13 2018 at 17:05):
I see this is also a good opportunity for my poor man tactic (as Kevin would put it):
meta def by_double_inclusion : tactic unit := do `[apply set.subset.antisymm_iff.2, split]
Obviously it's a bit ridiculous but the main point is readablity
Johannes Hölzl (Mar 13 2018 at 17:16):
If you add some infrastructure for homeo
it gets also nicer:
import analysis.topology.continuity data.equiv open set variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [topological_space α] [topological_space β] structure homeo (α β) [topological_space α] [topological_space β] extends equiv α β := (fun_con : continuous to_fun) (inv_con : continuous inv_fun) instance : has_coe_to_fun (homeo α β) := ⟨_, λ f, f.to_fun⟩ def homeo.id (α) [topological_space α] : homeo α α := { fun_con := continuous_id, inv_con := continuous_id, .. equiv.refl α } lemma home.id_apply : (homeo.id α : α → α) = id := rfl def homeo.symm (h : homeo α β) : homeo β α := { fun_con := h.inv_con, inv_con := h.fun_con, .. h.to_equiv.symm } lemma homeo.symm_comp (h : homeo α β) : (h.symm) ∘ h = homeo.id α := funext h.left_inv lemma homeo_coe_to_equiv_coe (h : homeo α β) : (h : α → β) = h.to_equiv := rfl lemma equiv.image_eq_preimage {α β} (e : α ≃ β) (s : set α) : e '' s = e.symm ⁻¹' s := ext $ assume x, mem_image_iff_of_inverse e.left_inv e.right_inv lemma equiv.subset_image {α β} (e : α ≃ β) (s : set α) (t : set β) : t ⊆ e '' s ↔ e.symm '' t ⊆ s := by rw [image_subset_iff, e.image_eq_preimage] example (f : homeo α β) (s : set α) : f '' closure s = closure (f '' s) := subset.antisymm (image_closure_subset_closure_image f.fun_con) ((f.to_equiv.subset_image _ _).2 $ calc f.symm '' closure (f '' s) ⊆ closure (f.symm '' (f '' s)) : image_closure_subset_closure_image f.inv_con ... = closure s : by rw [← image_comp, f.symm_comp, home.id_apply, image_id])
I don't see the value in by_double_inclusion
. You could just use apply subset.antisymm
. I would prefer if people wrote term style proofs.
Patrick Massot (Mar 14 2018 at 09:31):
Thank you very much @Johannes Hölzl I'm sorry my Lean time is very fragmented those days, so I suddenly stopped answering. I already had some infrastructure but it is only partially compatible with what you wrote. I'll need time to make the whole story consistent, including probably some more lemmas assuming only injectivity or surjectivity.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC