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Topic: filter map
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 18:38):
Is this already somewhere in core or mathlib?
lemma filter_map_comm {I : Type*} {J : Type*} (f : I → J) (P : J → Prop) (r: list I) [decidable_pred P] : filter P (map f r) = map f (filter (P ∘ f) r) := begin induction r with h _ IH, { simp }, { by_cases H : P (f h) ; simp [filter_cons_of_pos, filter_cons_of_neg, H, IH] } end
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:08):
theorem filter_map_eq_map (f : α → β) : filter_map (some ∘ f) = map f := theorem filter_map_eq_filter (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p] : filter_map (option.guard p) = filter p := theorem filter_map_filter_map (f : α → option β) (g : β → option γ) (l : list α) : filter_map g (filter_map f l) = filter_map (λ x, (f x).bind g) l :=
from data.list.basic
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:10):
What do you mean? The lemma is not there but there may be a shorter proof using those results?
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:11):
Yes exactly. Sorry, I was overly concise
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:12):
It looks at least as complicated as what I already have
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:13):
And I don't want to frustrate Kenny by stealing a golfing challenge from him
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:14):
That's very considerate :)
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:15):
Actually I'd rather use Kenny (or anyone else) to help me fighting nat substraction
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:15):
For instance:
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:15):
I like the resulting proof because it avoids induction
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:15):
example (a b k : ℕ) : b + k - (a + k) = b - a
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:16):
What do you mean avoid induction? map
and filter
are defined inductively
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:16):
You can at best hide induction
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:16):
Note that both sides are zero is b is larger than a
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:17):
So it looks like a "false" result but this one is actually true
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:17):
I think
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:18):
Do you have a solution with filter_map
? Actually it could be useful to learn what filter_map
is good for
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:20):
What do you mean avoid induction?
are defined inductively
They're recursively defined. But yeah, you can never get around using induction / recursion directly or indirectly but I feel hiding induction produces nicer interfaces. The laws about filter_map
seem like you can prove a lot about filter
and map
without induction.
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:21):
It's a generalization of both map
and filter
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:22):
I still don't see how it could help me here
Reid Barton (May 10 2018 at 19:29):
example (a b k : ℕ) : b + k - (a + k) = b - a
example (a b k : ℕ) : b + k - (a + k) = b - a := nat.add_sub_add_right b k a
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:30):
Simon Hudon (May 10 2018 at 19:30):
I think I overlooked a detail. I thought just doing a rw
would work but here is what I get:
rw [← filter_map_eq_map ,← filter_map_eq_filter ,← filter_map_eq_filter ,filter_map_filter_map ,filter_map_filter_map], congr, funext, -- ⊢ option.bind ((some ∘ f) x) (option.guard P) = option.bind (option.guard (P ∘ f) x) (some ∘ f)
That should be hard either, but it makes the proof longer than expected
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:30):
That's crazy
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:30):
That's also crazy
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:31):
Thanks Reid
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:31):
I wasn't hoping for this to be in Lean core...
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:43):
I'm becoming better and better at proof obfuscation. If I ever need to read those proofs, I'll hate myself.
Reid Barton (May 10 2018 at 19:44):
it's too hard to resist the golf
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:46):
Right now I'm staring at line saying congr_n 1 ; funext ; simp only [nat.add_sub_cancel, nat.add_sub_add_right]
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:46):
I wrote two minutes ago
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:46):
And I already have no clue what it does
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:46):
Mario and Johannes will be so proud
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:48):
Because it's half the proof of some trivial statement, and trivial statement must have obfuscated proof according to mathlib style guide
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:48):
lemma big.shift (P : ℕ → Prop) [decidable_pred P] (F : ℕ → R) (a b k : ℕ) : (big[(◆)/nil]_(i=a..b | (P i)) (F i)) = (big[(◆)/nil]_(i=(a+k)..(b+k) | (P (i-k))) (F (i-k))) := begin rw [range'_add_map, big.map], congr_n 1 ; funext ; simp only [nat.add_sub_cancel, nat.add_sub_add_right] end
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:49):
(for instance big[(◆)/nil]
could be a \Sum
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:51):
This is just the sort of stuff which I really needed last November and wasn't there
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:51):
I remember having to give up on a 1st year problem sheet question because I couldn't prove that sum from 1 to n was equal to sum from n to 1 :-)
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:51):
[at the time]
Reid Barton (May 10 2018 at 19:52):
imagine where we'd be if Gauss had had a computer
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:52):
I don't even want to think about that
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:52):
how much time did Gauss and Euler waste working out examples etc
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:52):
They would have had computer aided waste of time instead
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:53):
Maybe they would have just played minecraft all day
Kevin Buzzard (May 10 2018 at 19:53):
and we'd be worse off
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:53):
Patrick Massot (May 10 2018 at 19:53):
or watched lol cats on youtube
Sean Leather (May 11 2018 at 07:07):
If they were functional programmers (esp. in Haskell), I think they would have enjoyed Lambdacats.
Moses Schönfinkel (May 11 2018 at 08:00):
Hehe, we're slowly eroding formality of this forum :).
Patrick Massot (May 11 2018 at 08:05):
I think it was already pretty badly eroded
Moses Schönfinkel (May 11 2018 at 08:06):
I believe cat pictures are new tho.
Moses Schönfinkel (May 11 2018 at 08:06):
Dank memes next.
Sean Leather (May 11 2018 at 08:33):
Hehe, we're slowly eroding formality of this forum :smiley:.
Given that theorem proving is a formal method, what does an eroded formal method look like? :thinking_face:
Ah ha! :light_bulb: This must be why the name “lean” was chosen: the methodological mountain was so eroded, it couldn't stand up straight.
Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC