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Topic: finite intersection property

Kenny Lau (Nov 27 2018 at 22:23):

Does Lean know that a space is compact iff it has the finite intersection property?

Johannes Hölzl (Nov 27 2018 at 22:34):

No this is missing, but I think it is related to the ultrafilter property?!

Johannes Hölzl (Nov 27 2018 at 22:38):

Sorry it was the other way round. But I guess FIP and compact_iff_finite_subcover are easy to relate

Kenny Lau (Nov 28 2018 at 01:39):

import analysis.topology.topological_space

universe u

variables {α : Type u} [topological_space α] {S : set α}

theorem compact_iff_fip : compact S 
   T, ( t  T, is_closed t) 
    ( s  T, set.finite s   x, x  S  ⋂₀ s) 
     x, x  S  ⋂₀ T :=
  classical, split,
  { intros hcs T ht1 ht2, by_contra ht3,
    simp only [not_exists, set.mem_inter_iff, not_and,
      (set.mem_compl_iff _ _).symm, set.compl_sInter, set.compl_image] at ht3,
    have :  t  set.compl ⁻¹' T, is_open t,
      from λ t ht, set.compl_compl t  ht1 (-t) ht,
    rcases compact_elim_finite_subcover hcs this ht3 with c, hc1, hc2, hc3,
    rcases ht2 (set.compl '' c) (set.image_subset_iff.2 hc1) (set.finite_image _ hc2) with x, hx1, hx2,
    rcases set.mem_sUnion.1 (hc3 hx1) with t, htc, hxt,
    exact hx2 (-t) (set.mem_image_of_mem _ htc) hxt },
  { intro H, rw compact_iff_finite_subcover, intros c hc1 hc2, by_contra hc3,
    simp only [not_exists, not_and, set.not_subset,
      (set.mem_compl_iff _ _).symm, set.compl_sUnion] at hc3,
    have :  t  set.compl ⁻¹' c, is_closed t,
      from λ t ht, hc1 (-t) ht,
    have hc4 :  s, s  set.compl ⁻¹' c  set.finite s   x, x  S  ⋂₀ s,
    { intros s hs1 hs2,
      have := hc3 _ (set.image_subset_iff.2 hs1) (set.finite_image _ hs2),
      rwa set.compl_compl_image at this },
    rcases H (set.compl ⁻¹' c) this hc4 with x, hxs, hx,
    rcases set.mem_sUnion.1 (hc2 hxs) with t, htc, hxt,
    rw  set.compl_image at hx,
    exact hx _ (set.mem_image_of_mem _ htc) hxt }

Kenny Lau (Nov 28 2018 at 01:39):

that was easier than I thought

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC