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Stream: general

Topic: frames

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 18:26):

Are frames in mathlib? https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/frame

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 19:02):

I quote:

A frame O is a poset that has
all small coproducts, called joins ⋁
all finite limits, called meets ∧
and which satisfies the infinite distributive law:
for all x,{yi}i in A
(Note that the converse holds in any case, so we have equality.)

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 19:02):

Seems like we have all the ingredients.

Johan Commelin (Oct 10 2018 at 19:04):

Note that the notion dual to a frame is called a locale and these are the gadgets that people use to do topology without points. It seems that mathlib is also fond of doing topology without points, so maybe there is a general interest for these things.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC